
Viewing 21 - 40 of 86 results

Sunny Starscout: Fifth Edition Dungeoneers · 5:50am Oct 4th, 2021

In the interests of WELL THIS IDEA WON'T LEAVE MY HEAD I've decided to whip up D&D character stats for the Gen5 pones! I am using some elements from the Ponyfinder setting crafted by David Silver, because they actually fit pretty well into what we're going for here. That said, since all we've got is a single movie, I'm going to say that they're all only at fourth level. And who better to start us off than...

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RPG Tips With Crimson #5: Guidelines on House Rules. · 6:55pm Jul 20th, 2018

You know what I feel like when someone introduces a new house rule for a game, doesn't tell me about it, and then penalizes me for breaking a rule I didn't know?

Seriously though, it's not a good thing so today I'm going to talk a little bit about guidelines on house rules.

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Baldur's Gate 3 is a joke · 9:52am Oct 9th, 2020

No negative race traits. Like in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, and even Icewind Dale a dwarf for example would have minus 1 dexterity, but plus 1 constitution and get a saving throw bonus. However, they may find Gauntlets of Dexterity to fix such an issue. Or even a tome to increase their ability scores. But not in Baldur's Gate 3. I find this sort of thing cheapens the world. Races have strengths and weaknesses. Dwarf great defense, elf better dexterity but less constitution, half-orcs good strength

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A New Game is starting up soon · 8:14pm Jan 19th, 2017

Which is great for me, since I've been jonesing for a new D&D game. So far, I only have a premise down for my wizard.

A mix of Trixie and Starlight Glimmer. I have to bump them up my pony list after the end of Season six. Quite the team they make, rescuing the Mane Six, the Royalty, and more or less anypony important without the use of magic.

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My Little Review: Dungeons and Discord · 12:40pm Aug 29th, 2016

So I tend to enjoy episodes that feature Discord. He has a flare to his character that's kind of like an twisted version of "Aladdin's Genie". It was also nice to see some insight as to what Big Mac and Spike do when the mane six is out doing some sort of things.

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Dawn of the Fifth Age · 4:44pm Jul 17th, 2016

Hey guys! I'm signal boosting David Silver's latest Kickstarter project to bring ponies to Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition!

If you like tabletop rpgs, please give it a look!


I recently joined a D&D game... · 8:51am Dec 15th, 2014

...and I'm not being subtle about my character inspiration.

Unfortunately, I seem to be the only brony in the group, as nobody's called me out on it yet.


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A request · 2:22pm Jun 11th, 2017

Hey, does anyone have a D20 account? I've been watching some of DrWolf's Brony Dungeons and Dragons videos and have gotten quite interested in playing it. I REALLY want to try it out, along with Pixel Berry. I've already got a character in mind, but I'm not sure if it'll work in the context of your game, oh Dungeon Master(s)


RPG Tips With Crimson #4: Different Game Master Styles. · 4:58pm Jul 10th, 2018

Over the past nine years that I’ve been playing and GMing various games I have noticed that there are various styles of game play. Anything from the power gamer to the method actor, but the one thing that I’ve noticed not very many people discuss is probably the one thing an entire game is built around; styles of Gamer Master. Players come and go, and can usually learn to work within other player styles. Yet we never discuss the different styles of Game Master, nor the types of players that

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RPG Tips With Crimson #2: Make the PC's into Villains. · 8:07pm Jun 28th, 2018

In the beginning there was a Game Master, and over the course of seven days he created a perfect world full of intrigue, villains, heroes, and magic. Then on the seventh day he invited Players to come and create Player Characters to act as their avatars in the Game Master's perfect world. Within three hours the once perfect world was destroyed by these supposed heroes going on a murder hobo rampage. To the NPC's of this world, this was the first sign that the end was to come. To the Game

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Promoting Bards4Bards 2021 · 1:44pm Apr 6th, 2021

Do you like Dungeons and Dragons?
Happen to have some extra money?
Want to help some artist that are struggling (more than usual) due to Covid?
Maybe you are an artist with time and energy, but could use a prompt?
Well, here's a way you might be able to help:

Or maybe you would like to help less directly, or have something to show for helping out.


MLP, D&D, and breath weapons · 3:25am Jan 2nd, 2022

Something I was thinking about the other day.

In the show, we have dragons of numerous colors, but they all breathe fire. Some of them are of different colors, but it is fire all the same.

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Basically Grungs · 8:12am Jul 23rd, 2020


A Happy Holidays to all, and a call to any table-top gamers out there! · 5:15am Dec 25th, 2016

First off, let me send out a big Happy Holidays to everyone! Hope you all get a chance to enjoy it.

Secondly, for any table top gamers that might be following me, allow me to present a little something I've been working on.

Ponyfinder: Finding Your Hooves

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The Bards Potential is Being WASTED · 1:40am Dec 30th, 2022


The Problem with D&D Elves · 6:04pm May 18th, 2022


Character and Story Idea Adoption (Pt. 1) · 1:36pm Apr 25th, 2023

Welp, I promised myself I would do this one day here on this site and so I have. Now to say any of these characters or ideas will ever be used by me or others? No clue and truth be told, I'd just be happy that someone thought one of these was cool, so yeah.

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Basically Tortles · 4:47am Jul 23rd, 2020

"I always homebrew tortles to be allowed a certain ancient-ness to them. 50 years!? Are you kidding me!? Real life ones live over a century at least, so long as they aren't killed! So my Tortle, Cyrus, is on his "See the world before I see the end" pilgrimage and he's nearing 300, instead of nearing 50." - from TheZombunneh


Retrospective: Bards · 6:06pm Feb 13th, 2017


Welcome, everypony to the retrospective of Bards of the Badlands and yet another dose of D&D mixed with MLP!

Today we've got some fun stuff. A bit wonky, but fun.

And a whole lot of epic art.

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DND · 3:17pm Jul 11th, 2017

Damn, who knew Dungeons and Dragons was so fun. I'll probably post some highlights here about every week, but this is more or less the Rundown for each person.

As the Dungeon Master, it's DracoTitan, who's been pretty generous, actually. Nothing truly exciting has happened yet, just our characters meeting and going on the road together.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 86 results