
Viewing 21 - 40 of 151 results

Best Day Ever · 1:52am Oct 13th, 2015

It has finally arrived... What has arrived you ask? MY NEW COMPUTER, NO LONGER WILL I HAVE TO READ FIMFICTIONS ON A PHONE OR IPAD BUT NOW ON A COMPUTER!!! yay... :yay:


My personal computer (laptop) · 4:21am Jul 14th, 2016

My computer cannot function right now thanks to the power port and the charger decided to fry themselves. Right now I'm using my father's laptop. Luckily I like to fix things so I just need a new part for it and a new charger for my obsolete laptop. Its been in use for about 8 years. For its age I had 3 issues for it. First it was the hard drive. FYI the laptop was owned by someone else before they gave it to me when they got a new one. It was 3 when it was mine. Second issue was the processor

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Report kalub092 · 319 views · #computer #personal #repair

Computer’s been nuked! :O · 6:06am Jul 23rd, 2015

Yup, my computer died! Again. And this time I’m not sure if there’s a way of bringing it back, I don’t know where the nearest computer repair shop is that does work on Windows 7 models. I’ve checked a few and they only seem to work on Windows 8. Which is shitty, I really don’t want to update to Windows Shite.

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Report Kirb · 260 views · #computer #problems #shitty #gahhhhh

Good/bad news, because I'm too lazy to write ''and'' · 6:11pm Nov 12th, 2015

I don't want to depress everypony right away, so here are the good news:
I got a graphic tablet which I had already installed on my other laptop. Momentally, I'm working in Paint vulgaris and
Here's my best work from the usual paint:

The bad news? The contact on the motherboard sucks, so I can't turn it on.

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· 10:06pm January 4th

Ah yes, my hundredth blogpost on Fimfiction.

I know I should try to find one single topic to spend it on, but I've got several going through my head and only one milestone to do it in, so. . . what the hell, I'll just talk about all of them.

Buckle up; this is a certified Anthology Blogpost.™

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My PC is Dead - Long Live the PC · 2:05am Jun 17th, 2016

So, my old PC has, after over 6 years of service, finally died. Or at least, I'm 90% certain that it has; I'm pretty sure that the power supply unit on it has burned out, judging by the fact that it won't power on anymore and the little white light on it had been turning on. Apparently, it was trying to warn me it was on its last legs, but I didn't listen.

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I'm a burly dude with a spoon... · 9:58am Nov 14th, 2015

and I just got hit with a shovel. This is more for me than for anyone else, just to remind me about a thought I had.

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Laptop trouble. · 11:02am Nov 14th, 2016

My laptop has gone crazy so it maybe awhile before I can finish my fanfics. I'm using my phone to post this.


Don't think I am going to be writing for a while computer almost broke · 6:49am Jan 8th, 2018

It's probably going to need to be replaced and today it's just been crashing and almost said I couldn't start it up cause an important file was corrupted or something and now it's running super slow and 90 percent of the time is a black screen. Thank goodness I back up my writing in Google or here else I'd want to die cause spending a month on a silly passion project like i have been doing and if I lost that it would completely make a month of work completely meaningless.

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Don't you hate it when failed updates royally screw over your computer? · 11:42pm Apr 6th, 2017

Writing this post from my laptop. My main computer was updating itself, but once it finished and restarted, I noticed that it took a substantially longer time to log me in than before, and once it did, to my utter shock and horror, the desktop, my wallpaper, the settings app, and the taskbar and start menu were all missing.

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Short Delay on Story Releases · 4:26am Sep 28th, 2018

Hello friends, I am writing this on my tablet. My previous computer gave up the ghost. I did manage to get my new PC built, but right now it’s a lovely paperweight because the RAM was bad (my friends helped me get the parts to build it since I am rather poor). So it will be at least a week before I can get the new PC running (I live out in the sticks, which means no local computer shops).

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Of Patrons and Pledges · 4:43pm Jul 22nd, 2015

Well, remember how I said I was having PC Woes way back near the end of February? Welp, they're back again, and this time, it's most likely my hardware.

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And now, I present to you the Happy Dance. · 12:18am Dec 27th, 2016

In number, I didn't get much for Christmas. Which suits me fine, I'm not greedy. Hell, normally I ask for clothes.

This year I got three things. Two 16 gig flash-drives, and a brand new Lenovo computer. I was not expecting this. Needless to say, I am a happy little fox.

The only problem is that the keyboard layout is different, meaning I have to get used to that before I can start working on my writing again. The shift key is a lot small, leading to issues. Oh well.

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Update on Activity · 10:22pm Feb 10th, 2018

Hello, everyone!

I know I've been MIA for a while, and I apologize for that. As some of you may know, my laptop charger exploded, which has halted any progress on the stories I have (including the ones on Hiatus). Because of this, I wanted to let you all know that I am still working on everything (including the stories on Hiatus), I just can't type it up because me and mobile keyboards don't get along (even as I type this on my phone, I hate it).

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Computer problems again?! · 7:07pm Apr 4th, 2016

*sigh* Don't get me wrong, I love this old computer but all these new parts I need to get for it is a bit...exhausting. Good thing, I love working on the insiders of my computer so much. It's also a good thing that I can type so easily on my IPad. :facehoof: Just wish the battery life was longer. I'm giving more thought to actually writing professionally and wondering how good I'd be at it. Meh, enough of me boring you all, just thought you'd like to have an update on my writing. Oh ya, also,

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Why you shouldn't trust Acer with your children · 1:28pm Oct 6th, 2015

So, as many of you have read the last blog, I've been experiencing laptop problems. To the point that I have sent it to Acer, the creators of laptop, after three calls to them pretty much telling them to take them from me. Even added in a factory reset too, just to make them at ease that this isn't the software thing. Eventually, they decided it's best for them to look but only to send the laptop and not the charger. Because when you claim you have charging problems, it's best to focus one only

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Computer Delays · 4:11pm Oct 16th, 2015

Dear Bronies and Pegasisters,

Due to an unforseen circumstance, I have to take in my computer for repairs because I have no access to the internet nor can I click on the icons to acess the internet. Which means that although I can get on FIMFiction by my tablit and/or phone, the story "Lightning Bolt of Rome," will have to be put on hold until then.

Your fellow writer, and closted Brony,



Update · 5:11am Apr 11th, 2020

Alright guys I have to apologize on the long wait since the last chapter of Distant Memories, but things have been a bit crazy recently with both my desktop and laptop breaking within days of each other and me having to take more hours at work since people have quit. But I got a new computer so,

The next chapter will be up within a couple of days.


Death of a computer · 6:02pm Aug 12th, 2017

So my laptop died. Something caused the processor to be fried. So now I am sort of out of a computer. I have a two in one tablety thing but it is in poor condition and as such makes writing on it hard. Thankfully I didn't loose any work for Broken then Healed but I did loose a lot of original works with that. The hard drive is probably still functional I just don't know how to access it at this point. One of my IRL friends is a tech dude (software side though) and he may be able to help.

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In which ya boi Tonkus can't find a tiny enough spring to fix his ebay junk. · 7:56am Apr 30th, 2021

Gotta love it when the retention spring on 40+ year old hardware has been sitting for so long that it's lost its springiness. I tried bending the thing into a shape that'd let it work again, but the wire itself that the spring's made from is so degraded that the whole spring looks like it's a gust of wind away from disintegrating. I can't find any replacement torsion spring small enough to replace it, so I might just go with mutilating a paper clip until it's the right shape. :P

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 151 results