
Viewing 321 - 340 of 421 results

TheModPony Art Commissions are Open! · 9:55pm Aug 8th, 2018

Simple Backgrounds cost an additional $10

If you're interested in having a wonderful art commission done by this talented artist, you should consider contacting him ASAP due to slots filling up very quickly.

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A Reluctant Request For Help - The Home Stretch · 4:48pm Mar 15th, 2018

I said this before. I’ll say it again. Thank you. Thank you all so much. Painted and I could have never gotten through this nightmare without your generosity and kindness.

And because of that, you deserve to know where things stand.

First and foremost, I’d like you to meet Rarity.

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Supreme Exemplars · 10:38pm Jun 13th, 2019

I'm going to be part of a panel come Bronycon, trying to determine the king of all card games pony fics! But first we need to put the bracket together. Go to this thread on the RCL group forum to nominate and vote for your favorites! Polls close July 13th, so get your picks in early!


Requesting art for my next story · 9:01pm Jun 12th, 2019

I recently posted a request in the Art For Fanfiction group forum. The specific request can be found here. I'm mentioning it here just in case any of my followers are willing, but aren't part of the group.


Hey... · 1:20am Jan 20th, 2021

So...been a short while.

Don't rightly have much or anything to say, but I will start by saying that I do have some bad and potentially worse news.

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FoME Thinks Too Much: Holidays · 10:24pm Nov 11th, 2017

Been a while since one of these, but I had the idea and I plan on running with it, especially since this is one aspect of my headcanon that’s more or less managed to survive both the show and my own failure to write down background ideas outside of story notes. Today I’ll be discussing everything I derived from major pony holidays, leading up to what I feel will be a very interesting question that I don’t think anyone has posed as of yet.

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Feathered Heart v2 - Chapter 5 now available on Google Docs · 4:51pm Mar 14th, 2021

Sorry for the delay, as I made multiple passes over several days and kept coming up with things that needed adding or fixing. But it's finally ready. The content is dramatically expanded over the previous version, now containing over 10,400 words. So it should be plenty juicy; my prereaders said it was very compelling to read. Click the following link, and you'll see the new chapter available at the bottom. No account is needed to view.

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New Story - Editing Request · 6:21am Nov 4th, 2018

Hello Fimfiction!

As some of you may recall, around December last year I put up a rough poll regarding story ideas. I am a bit ashamed it took me almost a year to write even one of the story ideas, but I found myself in a bit of a drought part way through the year. Sometimes it was simply a lack of free time, sometimes it was a lack of creativity.

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REQUESTING: beta readers for unreleased story · 5:15am Aug 17th, 2020

Wouldn't normally ask this, but it's the first draft, so I realise I require some beta readers for a story that's ready for release but needs that extra insight for any issues it might have.

What is this story? It's this one: How to Catch a Pinkie Pie. The longest one in the ''How to Catch'' series. :pinkiegasp: A little over 14k words. Five chapters. I actually was left with little choice but to split it into chapters. That's a rarity.

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An Update on Progress · 8:18pm Nov 14th, 2015

There wasn't any!

Well, no, that's an exaggeration. There was progress, but the next chapter isn't ready to go. It's yet to be finished, and yet to be edited, and the long and short of it is that I'm not sure when it will be done and now I'm scared of making a hard-and-fast deadline because I might not make it.

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Anyone Wanna Play A D&D Style Game? · 7:09pm Nov 20th, 2016

Hello everyone! As the title states im looking for some people to play a D&D style game! Anyone want too?


Battle Rarity? More like Lazy Rarity! · 4:22am May 13th, 2016

It's true, I've been INCREDIBLY lazy on actually finishing anything as of late, as is the common folly of many a writer. However, with college over for the semester and my time remarkably free, I'm starting to run out of excuses; which means it's only a matter of time until something gets done! Probably

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Commissions OPEN: Something you probably thought I'd never do · 5:33pm Oct 12th, 2018

Well guys, it's happening. I'm opening myself up to commissions.


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500 FOLLOWERS! · 4:43pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Wow my dudes, thank you a whole bunch for getting me to five HUNDRED followers. That is a crazy number and I'm super stoked that I could even get there.
There is no end in sight, either. THE RIDE NEVER ENDS!

Let me know if there are any special requests you may have for a 500 follower special :raritywink:


Walking strong and placeing an "open" sign · 7:27am Oct 30th, 2017

There has been a crap ton of things that have been happening as of late.

I mean, most of it real life stuff and I don't think I should really get into that as I'm not really too sure if anyone really minds reading that kind of dramatic blah.

either way though, good stuff to at least note is:

I got a replacement computer, so no more typing from a wireless keyboard connected to my phone. yay!

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Cosi's Scribbler · 12:53am Jul 1st, 2020

That went well! :pinkiehappy: Read on for details and a proposal at the end.

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When muses strike... · 9:22pm Aug 12th, 2019

I'd like to apologize to some friends for disappearing the last few days. But I had my muse strike and strike hard. The subject? Not one of my regular stories, but instead, the second book of my anthro adult novel series which I'd been neglecting for the past two years. After letting it languish so long, I've sudden written two entire chapters on it in the space of a week. Here's the first book:

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AMMA of Blogardan Has Resolved · 11:41am Mar 20th, 2016

Season 6 begins next week, and Friendship is Card Games will resume along with it. However, that leaves one last Sunday blog before then, and I promised it wouldn’t be Magic-related last week. However… well, I’m kind of low on ideas. So, time for that great fallback of the Internet: Ask Me Anything!

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Open Commission Slots! (edit: Closed) · 6:12pm Jun 23rd, 2021

Yo! I'm going to open my commission slots tonight at 11:30pm mst (-7:00).

Ten slots available, first come first serve, only one slot per person.
If you're interested, shoot me a private message after the above mentioned time.

I'll post the updated price list shortly. I've had to change my prices, I'm sorry if this is an inconvenience, but times have forced my hand.
I'll be as fair as I can be, we'll work something out!

Slot 1: Taken
Slot 2: Taken

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The Fate Of Morning Meir · 10:26pm May 17th, 2019

I have been wondering this for a long time now, and I'm sorry to say that I still don't know the answer to this question:

Should I continue making Morning Meir stuff?

Morning was my first original character for a storyline and when I first made her I loved everything about her, and was invested in her story. And I still am! But the question is....well, is anyone else?

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 421 results