
Viewing 301 - 316 of 316 results

Back from the dead! Update talk! · 10:56pm Sep 15th, 2023

Just yesterday, I mentioned a story that I was planning to bring back from the dead. Thanks to a recent burst of productivity and a fast editor, I've been able to do just that. I always go into a story with the intent to finish it, and I'm pleased to bring back another canceled fic. It's a fully-outlined story that I haven't touched since 2017... until yesterday. While the outline for the story already exists (along with the old version of the prelude) in Missing Pages, there will be a

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#1 - One Hour Writing-a-thon · 10:25am Feb 1st, 2016

Write-a-thon is over because I'm super tired now, but I might try this again tomorrow for a bit longer so more people can join in 0: Tomorrow fill in the last prompts I got before closing the event :3

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okay i get it · 1:00am Mar 23rd, 2020


Let's Talk About Inspiration · 2:50pm Jul 20th, 2018

If you've read the latest interview from the Royal Canterlot Library, then you already know a bit about the story I'll be talking about. But what you might not know is that before I had a FimFiction account, I liked to read stories on the site still, and was fairly familiar with a few things and locating the Good Shit. This was a bit before I started writing, and the beginnings of the

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Apologies for Long Delay (Star Trek: Phoenix) · 9:09am Aug 3rd, 2023

Hello, my lovely readers. Just a quick update, yes, I know it's been a while since the last update, it is still being worked on, but there have been some things getting in the way. Nothing I can be specific about, but just please rest assured that more is still coming, it's just going to take a while, and I wanted to let you all know so you had something to go on. That said, there is going to be a special surprise relating to Phoenix that will hopefully show itself relatively

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Blog Where I Admit That I Can Actually Still Write · 5:10pm Jun 10th, 2019

No, really, I can. Even when I haven't had much of anything to show for it lately, I'm writing and that does mean that I haven't quit. I've never been the best at using these blogs to connect to people like other users on the site, but if you had been worried that I had forgotten something, downgraded to a lurker, or something else, then I haven't. What I have been doing is working on packing and everything else that comes with a move, and have been working on various tasks for this over the

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The Comedy (Is Serious Business) Contest Update Re-Release [PLATINUM EDITION] · 8:17pm Jan 31st, 2018

So, Aragón has officially entered the workforce -- kinda!

I mean, technically it's an internship... But let's be honest. I get up at seven every morning, put on a suit [1] and then work at the bank doing market research for eight hours. That counts as a job. Cut me some slack, I'm still a lil' kid.

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New Story! · 10:01pm Nov 23rd, 2018

Hey, I actually put out a new story. Some art tempted me to write a bit and I ended up with a fluffy little one shot. I've tagged So Maybe because the two stories are related. Anyway, the story is embedded below so go check it out while you're not-so-regularly scheduled Enemy of Mine update remains in progress.

ESweet Sleepy Sunshine
Small secretary stumbles across sight of sleeping sun goddess!
Ice Star · 1.3k words  ·  125  5 · 2.1k views

DA ARTS! aaaand some news · 11:27pm Dec 21st, 2015


New chapter of Hell's Belles is out · 4:58pm Sep 23rd, 2020

THell's Belles
Sweetie Belle and Sugar Belle go on a whirlwind heist. It goes exactly as well as you'd expect.
Silent Whisper · 5.9k words  ·  37  1 · 380 views

For all your ridiculous fic needs. Also, have a bonus... something... I found on my drive. I think it was for a "Spontaneous Combustion" panic contest that I entered as a joke. Or something. I think it was a joke contest.

“Pinkie,” said Twilight evenly. “I’m not gonna judge you for your actions, and I know we all need a friend sometimes, but I just gotta know. Why’d you do it?”

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Something big is coming... · 8:54am Sep 5th, 2021


Flutterpriest Writes SS&E a Sissy Fic - A Classic Tale In Three Parts · 6:51am Jul 20th, 2019


If you put an episode spoiler in front of someone's face without giving a warning..... · 1:00am Jun 11th, 2019

I'm sorry if I upset you by unknowingly posting something that could potentially turn out to be a story arc in the future, but it does not give you license to treat me or anyone in such a manner, and it never will. If this is where you draw your line at having mercy on people and their faults, I highly suggest you step back and contemplate your morals, values, and priorities.


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Book Review: Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus · 5:27am Jul 12th, 2020

... yes, I bought it. It was too damn funny not to get. And I'm reviewing it because I might as well, right?

Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus is, first and foremost, a parody work by Chuck Tingle, and it is erotic fiction. Be warned, all ye who go beyond here. Also, minor spoilers ensue.

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An UNNECESSARILY in-depth look at the process of writing The Enchanted Library · 8:29am Sep 19th, 2018


2014-2019 · 1:26am Feb 14th, 2019

RIP My old laptop. My new one isn't completely set up yet and ready for writing, so I've got the old one up one last time. I typed over a million words on this thing, amassed hundreds of memes, bookmarked too many goddamn things, and fumed at poorly written Netflix drivel on this idiot hunk of plastic. I covered it with far too many stickers, let my cats near it far too many times, and dropped it once or twice. The keyboard is pretty funky too, if I do say so myself because everyone who has

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Viewing 301 - 316 of 316 results