
Viewing 261 - 280 of 282 results

Sparkling Relationship · 9:30pm Aug 20th, 2021

Hey there, Happy Filthy Friday to you all,
Today we have a new story, one with Twilight and booty escapades.
A calm, laid back snuggle, at least for one of the parties involved.

Some things are so big, that they become insignificant. Others are so far away, they do not exist. Some things, take so long, that they never happen. And others seem to happen at a constant basis.

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A Welcome Shade · 10:10pm Oct 11th, 2019

Can we see our footprints when they are swallowed by our shadows? Does it matter, when the road ahead lay clad in mystery? To stop is to sink, contemplate not the step you are on, but the one you will take. Darkness or light, all pass. They affect our stride, as much as our last step did.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Visit From Dringle · 12:36am March 2nd

Quite strange, it feels as if a year had just passed by in an instance... So many voices calling out to be muted by aethereal filaments. Of untapped potential and personality. Wherefore hath this presence made itself manifest?
Will it ever return, or will we then have changed too much to recognize it?

Happy Filthy Leapyear Friday~


Collective Quests · 1:08am Jan 25th, 2020

What is the road? We tread upon it during our journey - the quest of walking, waking, understanding - yet the road itself does not exist, merely a concept brought about underneath us through a collective will to have it there. We see because others see it. Because we need to walk? We need a destination. We have to put one foot after the other. How deep does it go? Will someone who does not believe in the wall have it cease existing for them, or does it run deeper? Is there a collective

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End of Twin Month · 10:14pm Feb 25th, 2022

It is a curse to live during interesting times, despite the ravenous hunger one has for stories.
Interesting times, make for wondrous stories, though a miserable experience. As always, any good story requires conflict.

Happy Filthy Friday~. And Happy Twin Month~.


The many tar pits · 10:26pm Mar 6th, 2020

Slowly does one sink into tar,
it feels like standing still, least not going far.
It feels fine, not a change in their smirk,
Slowly they find themselves, waist deep in murk.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


I dread the Clouds · 2:11am April 13th

As storm clouds loom ahead, I upon my bed, and knit a pouch or sorrows, to carry for tomorrow. I line the piping in dread, and thread the warp with fear, and once the pouch is woven, I wash it out with tears.
Come bright morrow I step outside, bag of mine in hand,
It is filled with bright thoughts and fantasies, I carry across the land.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A snow day · 10:20pm Apr 16th, 2021

Thoughts of snow. Of the pleasant chill that invades your veins, chains your nerves to the whims of winter and sends your spine rattling. It rouses a heat. The throes of your body engaged to keep you warm, to keep living. A visceral experience of your essence clinging to life... made tactile. You cannot just feel it, you are beset to feel it...
Few, though, desire to dance with their own mortality.
They are a rough partner.
Present, or not.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A new Orchard Story · 11:07pm Feb 19th, 2021

This week we have a new story to share, one involving The Orchard, a pleasant bar where like minded pony folk can relax and indulge in some depravity. And sometimes, a mutt or two.

Struggles harden the mind, through the weight of hardship the body molds.
Stress toughens the body, through the pressure of failure the mind buffs.
Both follow a pattern, weaving through one another, to craft the felt of consciousness.

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Cyclical nature · 3:06am April 20th

We trap ourselves in a cycle, it goes commitment, that reaches deep into the night, and to then rest the brief amount of time I have, to wake up and realise there is more commitment. At which point, instinct delays it, and becomes pushed forward, down the day, into the afternoon. And then work begins again....

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Enter, The Empress · 9:25pm Jan 10th, 2020

Today marks the first story we publish to Fimfiction of 2020, the start of a new chronicle, with a familiar franchise peeking in behind the veil~.

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A Day off ahead. · 11:56pm Jan 15th, 2021

When I was young, there was a daily need that stewed within me. A desire to fill. Often this was met with food. Though, hunger could be sated, a physical hole to be filled and plugged. But this desire was different. Impressions, ideas, media, stories, items, exploration... If all desires were slaked, all holes filled, it dug new ones, always moving to the next, shifting, running, pouring into several at a time. Yet also it kept moving. Spare little time spent to dedicate oneself to a single

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Spider's Webbing · 9:52pm Jul 8th, 2022

1, 2. 3, 4. The strands vibrate beneath my touch. 1 rings empty, 2 rings empty, as does 3 and 4. Perhaps, it was the ripples through the rest of my web? Perhaps the rhythm dispersed before it reached the end. Again. 1, 2. 3... was that? 4. Empty. It has been empty, each time I tried. Suppose nothing is coming.
1, 2. 3, 4. Empty. 1, 2. 3, 4... Perhaps, I should cease? The night bears down, silence reigns. Better to retire, and rise rejuvenated.

1, 2. 3, 4.
1... got you.

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A Dangerous Encounter · 11:18pm Nov 12th, 2021

I saw them far away, they did not consider me at first. I had seen such many times, and they became but a fleeting image passing the balcony of my senses.
Yet, something curious happened: they saw me.
I wasn't prepared for this, why would I be? I had seen them days on end, and we had both carried on. I still would, if not for the gaze that met me. They made me stop, they made me think, to consider them. As I imagined, they considered me.

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Frightmare night · 3:12am Oct 29th, 2022

I took part of a nightmare night artpack for the spooky season, check it out~.

Perhaps it is for the best to linger in the chiaroscuro, the twilight of what is visible and not, what is real and imaginary. To not be seen, but to be able to see what you wanted as real, enough. Perhaps saying so is giving up, to not fall into complete safety, to not stride into the light. But in light or darkness, one is blind. Vision is bred from shadows.

Happy nightmare night~.


This Might Be Something in the Future · 12:40am Feb 5th, 2016


Month of nightmares · 12:46am Nov 2nd, 2019

Shadows grow, reaching past their limits, stretching towards the horizon. They all harken back to the vanishing point, a destination as distant as it is fictive, yet we rely on it every moment of observing the world. Every step, towards an abyss without end, beginning, nor reality.
Perhaps it is so, because for there to be existence, we require contrast to make it out.
Else, we would stare at but a blank canvas, lacking the marvel chiaroscuro grants us.

Happy nightmare night~.


First Impression Reviews: Episode Seven [NSFW] · 5:56pm Apr 18th, 2016

Below are two fanfic reviews based purely on the initial impressions provided by the first chapter (or first 3k words.) For an outline of what my reviewing guidelines are, go here. Please do not request reviews!

One NSFW Mature story review is below. I don't believe I can link directly to the story, even on my blog, so I linked to the author's profile instead. Just to be safe, get the deets after the break!

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Paul's Monday Reviews XXI – "Final" Edition · 10:56am Jul 27th, 2015

That's right, folks, after today there will be no more Monday Review blogs. No, I'm not quitting the reviews, I'm just moving them to Thursdays. Why Thursdays? Because they're my easiest workday of the week and thus make the perfect day to do these things, plus it spreads out my blogs through the week so my activity seems more... err... active? And yes, that does mean we'll be seeing two review blogs this week. Nifty, huh?

We've got a mixed bag today. Let's get started, shall we?

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Twitter, do better, be useful. · 3:01am Feb 9th, 2022

I'm not sure why normal people even use Twitter, normal as in right-wing and conservative.

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Viewing 261 - 280 of 282 results