
Viewing 241 - 260 of 299 results

Pokémon Red For GB · 7:04pm Aug 25th, 2021

I just bought and received after weeks of waiting a Pokémon Red Version GB cartridge off of Amazon and I’m already beginning to think it’s a repro (reproduction):

1. It doesn’t work on my Transfer Pak for Pokémon Stadium on N64.

2. When I catch Pokémon, nickname them, and they end up in the PC, the names are either gone or glitched out.

I don’t know what to do with it, and I searched everywhere for a genuine cart, but they’re too expensive for me.

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Updates resuming soon! · 7:22am Dec 27th, 2016

Hoo boy, so the holidays are drawing to a close. 2016 will finally be snuffed out and we'll be moving on to 2017! I'll be starting on updates again for stories, starting with Lab Horse, which I just updated a few minutes ago. :pinkiehappy:


Slight Chapter Delay · 6:09pm Oct 20th, 2020

I'm sorry for another delay, I know I said I'd get it out by monday afternoon, but work needed me early. They need me early again, but I'm about 500 words in. I'm trying to be very careful crafting this chapter, trying make it seem human.


Chapter 38: Warpath · 1:25am Oct 23rd, 2019

Hey, everyone, just dropping this reminder that the newest chapter of The Wayfarers is out and about. Be sure to check it out when you get the chance. Crazy things are happening!

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An update on my update! · 4:53am Jul 26th, 2018

So, good news. You can expect to see the next chapter of the Wayfarers either this Saturday or Sunday. I manage to get home early, now it looks like everything is back on track.

For anyone who keeps up with this story, I want to give a BIG thank you. When I started posting new chapters again last year, I was worried that the story would be a bit past its expiration date. I know that sad feeling when a fic I'm reading dies on me, as I'm sure most of us do.

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Everything's out to get me for my writing I guess · 9:06pm Apr 14th, 2021

Having an issue with Google Drive, which is where I write all my stories. Probably a stupid choice of a writing program but when my only other choice is an automatic word pad that's just not at all pleasing to look at or write on, I'm going with what I've got. Anyway, last night I opened my document, and it was basically uneditable.

EDIT: Sometimes the solution is the simplest thing.

Chapter 16 of Shadow of a Doubt for example:

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Holy Crap, am I a Distracted Turd · 5:51am Jun 5th, 2023

Seriously, I've been playing WAY more video games lately (Xillia 2 and Binding of Isaac, mostly), and binging on a lot of youtube stuff. Mostly TearofGrace, because he's hilarious and people should watch him more.

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Summer is Here... · 5:05am Jun 20th, 2021

And, I'm already sick of it. Way too hot to want to do anything but play games and eat ice cream. In fact, I've been unfortunately distracted by said activities to want to write. It's kinda making me a little disappointed in myself, but I'll find a way to fight back against the chronic laziness that is summer.

Can't wait for fall. Seriously.


Welp. · 6:51pm Jul 13th, 2015

So, the laptop problem isn't Google, its CPU? I think? I noticed my CPU was reaching max when the random shut offs occurred, but it also happened when I was barely using it.

I'm not completely sure of the problem, and my friend hasn't responded to my Skype messages asking about it. Apparently her Skype is messing up, but still, I had another friend contact her differently, and she still hasn't tried to reach me.

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steam just erased a 2,000+ word review we wrote about The Long Dark · 9:40am May 27th, 2020

and in unrelated news we're sad for doing so poorly in the clop contest

i mean

we didn't really take it seriously

nor did we write anything exclusively with the contest in mind aside that rainbow/celestia fic

and we didn't proofread our stuff that well

and we don't have editors

and uh

well that's about it

we just feel the suck



Don't u hate · 2:12am Jul 30th, 2017

How mobile doesn't show you any of the cool shit you do on your page anymore?
And the fact that just because you removed comments on desktop doesn't mean you won't get comments from those on mobile
Like fak


Paul's Thursday Reviews II · 12:31pm Aug 6th, 2015

So before we get to the reviews, a little announcement. I fear I am slowly approaching a financial crisis, and if things don't turn around at work within the next two or three weeks then I may have to take extreme measures. To try and pad this situation, I've finally caved into my friends' suggestions and started work on a Patreon. It's not ready yet, but I wanted to go ahead and let people know that it's coming and I will appreciate whatever help can be offered. I'm trying to think on rewards

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the warframe struggle saga (VOIDRIG SUCKS!!!! RAHHH!!!!) · 9:59pm March 2nd


October Pains, October Plans · 6:33pm Oct 11th, 2021

So, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? The last time I posted a blog here, things weren’t so hot in my life. And frankly, they’re not getting much better. My mother’s cancer has likely spread to other parts of her abdomen, my father got conned out of $5,000, I’m stuck at a fast food job I hate, the jobs I want that can actually pay a livable wage are not showing up, the one decent job I have a good chance at probably isn't going to tell me if I’m accepted until mid-November if I'm even accepted at

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The Stepford Wives (1975) · 12:24am Oct 10th, 2016

So, how full does Queen Chrysalis have to be before she's full and gets her own hippy dippy coat of paint? I only ask because Thorax made like Zeppelin and gave her all of his love and she still didn't get a paint job or even a buff job. Heck the rest of changelings at the hive just covered her in their love beams and it still wasn't enough. I haven't seen a woman that insatiable since porn star Andrea True did the song More More More and still never got enough.

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The Best Reading I've Ever Received! · 10:04pm May 7th, 2016

Odd blog post, but thought it deserved one. :moustache:

Earlier today, someone sent me a link to a reading of my story "This Old House". A dark horror story about a ghost that controls an old house. During my time on this site, I've been very fortunate with people reading my work for others to enjoy. Although never before have I had one done with atmosphere, sound effects, and even voice actors brought in to assist. Needless to say, it's all very, very cool. So check it out!

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FINALLY! · 11:50pm Aug 6th, 2017

Good news everyone.

I've finally, after much bashing my head against the keyboard, managed to finsh the first draft of Hot Dam - Chapter 3, alongside Beetle & Blood - Chapter 5.

Going to send the GDocs link to the pre-readers/editors after I wake up tomorrow.

In the meantime enjoy some funky bass.


I'm Looking Forward to the New Ghostbusters! · 10:18pm May 31st, 2016

And nothing you say can stop me! :flutterrage:

Except for McCarthy and the sassy black woman. Neither are funny. :pinkiesick: At least a cast member from the original film watched it early and liked it.


Good News, Bad News, Worse News, and Horrible News · 4:48pm Jun 19th, 2016

Good News: I'm working on a new Get Yourself an Editor (Your Grammar Sucks) video. I got the recording done yesterday, and I'm going to work on editing the audio until I have to get ready to leave for work today.

Bad News: I got a paper cut yesterday on my middle finger.

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DC: Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Comic Con Trailer Released and my soul died · 7:24pm Jul 11th, 2015

YOOOOOO remember when I said I was tentatively optimistic about Batman v. Superman after the first trailer?


This is gonna be awful...and in none of the fun ways.

Viewing 241 - 260 of 299 results