
Viewing 221 - 230 of 230 results

Looking For Pre-Readers For New StarTrix Rom-Dram-Com · 8:39pm May 16th, 2020

Hello, friends! After several months of off-and-on-writing and plenty of procrastination, I have finally finished the first draft of Killing Me Softly, a 4,569-word StarTrix romantic drama comedy told from Trixie's perspective, and I'm looking for some people to help me polish it! This is the longest one-shot I've written in six years, and I legitimately have put a lot of work into it, so I'd really like it to shine! (And ideally make it to the feature box.) You know it's serious when

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yo · 1:03am Mar 27th, 2016


so the MUN conference is over

it was pretty alright
i saw one of the friends i made at the previous conference

however the room for WHO was overcrowded
that wasnt fun

and yeah

also there was like only one other person (that i know of) who was somewhere on the LGBT+ spectrum in WHO, as opposed to my previous MUN conferences where over 10% of the people in the room weren't cis het

and heels are a bad idea

bad bad idea
dont wear heels

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Happy October? · 3:33am Oct 2nd, 2017

Honestly I just feel like giving a list of updates and the title of this blog doesn't reflect that but I gave up on it so have a happy.

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More episode react-y things · 9:16pm Apr 30th, 2016

Season Six, Episode Six
No Second Prances

0:45 So, Twilight has confimed my belief that Frienship is Knives. And is it just me or has she been behaving rather odd for this season? Is there something weird happening with the writing staff?

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*GASP* THIS WAS TOTALLY UNEXPECTED · 5:04pm Sep 11th, 2017

she said rereading this part for the 3rd time
I knew it was coming hnnn

Also spoilers for story in the spoilers so if u haven’t read it I suggest u do so :v

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How Do I Stop Caring? · 10:04pm Jun 5th, 2020

This sounds horrible, but how do I stop caring so much? Everything is just breaking my heart and I'm shutting down and also stress eating. I'm so fucking privileged yet I do jack shit with it and just watch suffering all over the world from the comfort of my unaffected fortress. I hate myself so much.

How do I stop caring?


MISSING: A follower got nuked from my account · 6:21pm Jun 7th, 2017

Here is a small emergency I need a little help with. Since the last site update that got implemented, my follower list has become shrunken by two followers.
When the first disappeared, I wasn’t thinking about it much. I guess it can happen that a follower gets for some reason disinterested in my overall range of fics that I provide here and decides to unfollow me because of this.

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UniqueSKD TRIES to get back into writing, decides to do new chapter to Earning Their Trust. · 1:32am Aug 3rd, 2017

Thorax stepped out of his new room, his best smile on his face. However, no sooner had he stepped through the door did his hoof slip on something soft, and he found himself getting close and personal with the hard wooden flooring, face first and with a loud thud. He groaned as he lifted his head, a slight daze enveloping his mind. There were sounds of muffled childish giggles close by. Shaking his head as he stood back up on to all fours, Thorax turned to his side and was met with the

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haha now im adding some sloppy fan art · 10:23pm Oct 15th, 2015


2020 will be ending soon, · 5:58pm Dec 31st, 2020

Viewing 221 - 230 of 230 results