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Hello good people of fimfiction, I am fairly new to fandom, only have been around for a little over half a year st this point, but I find myself with the need to write something.

To cut to the chase, I have an FoE style crossover between Metro 2033 and MLP in it's very infancy on my hands, and I'm looking for someone who could not only proofread the chapters for me, but also help me come up with the naming aspect of the world and the characters. As English is my 3rd language, I need all the helo I can get with proofreading.

By my estimate, it will eventually be around 200k, but I'm not 100% sure on that. Just a heads up, I am broke right now, but we can discuss future payment if you wish.

If anyone is intersted, hit me up with a DM!

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