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Hello! I'm just gonna be completely honest here: I'm looking for the most staunch, picky, paranoid, rough-n-tumble, no nonsense, and full-on 100% certified bad:pinkiegasp:ss Grammar N:pinkiecrazy::scootangel:i I can get a hold of! Y'know, someone who could make a college paper sparkle with an A grade! Someone who might be able to turn my understanding of grammar for an alien language into proper English. Maybe also slap down and straight up MURDER my repetitious word and descriptor usage, all while embarrassing me before the class by pointing and laughing at my surprisingly limited vocabulary.

Okay, okay... I know that's pretty demanding, but you'll understand why when I say that I've been periodically working on this story for around... six years. Yup, SIX - not a typo. As of yesterday, I finally (F I N A L L Y) finished the third and final draft. The story is completed and will be released all at once to the public in one big beginning-to-end package. All that's missing is a cover (working on finding an artist real soon), maybe a few more proof readers, and (most importantly) an editor's golden touch! Then this digital book will be ready for the masses.

Yeah, it's basically a whole book.

Here's the details
Title: A Tale of Two Monsters: Cupcakes and the Rainbow Factory
Plot: You've heard of the infamous Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory fan fics, right? I mean, who hasn't at this point? Anyways, I'm weaving those two worlds together into one (hopefully) amazing tale, along with one other famous fan fic, but that's SPOILERS~ No previous reading required at all though.
Genre: Horror, action, psychological, mystery
Content: Violence, gore, harsh language, mild sexual themes, grilled cheese sandwiches with mayo, and other non-edgy content I swear.
Chapters: 22 (Some re-arranging might be in order, so there might be more)
Page count: 322 (12 point font with 1.15 spacing)
Word count: A lot.
Preferred editing program: Google Docs, but I am open to other methods, if need be.

Lemme know if you're interested! Drop me some mail here and we'll talk business.

Who am I kidding? This is a HUGE task! I'll be surprised if anyone answers. :twilightblush:

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