Looking for Editors 5,421 members · 3,384 stories
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I have some experience as an editor before. I've proofread some of my friends' stories, and also worked on some published works on this site (https://www.fimfiction.net/story/531568/the-nature-of-love and https://www.fimfiction.net/story/529955/a-study-of-smart-social). Admittedly, I'm relatively young too, so there may be some things I'm not well-versed in.

I'll cover the basics of course - grammar, punctuation, formatting, flow, etc. - but I'd also love to be closely involved in the making and brainstorming of the story itself.

I have a bit of a tight schedule, so for now I'll only be editing works that are <10k words, and mostly only during the weekends too. I'll be happy to work on any genre with some exceptions: NSFW, HiE, and crossovers (mostly because I'm not in many fandoms, and it's unlikely I'll have any knowledge on the other piece of media). I don't mind gore and violence.

Please DM me/post a reply to this thread if you're interested.

Hey Trellia! If you can I would love it for you to help me by editing a Fic that I'm working on right now please :twilightsmile:

Of course! PM me with some information about your story (genres, premise, length, anything specific you need help with), along with a link to the document (preferably a Google Doc) so I can take a look.

Alright then but first I have to confirm. Would you be okay with editing/writing for a One Piece and Friendship is Magic Crossover since one of your exceptions are crossovers. What do you say?

Got one more slot?

Sorry, but I haven't watched One Piece, so I don't know if I could help you with that.

Mhm! Just PM me with the details.

Hey Trellia! Could you possibly help me with a story?

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