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  • Name: Midlight TBD
  • Genre & Characters: Adventure, Drama, Dark, AU, Fluttershy, OC, Mane 6
  • Synopsis:

    A beloved mare grows tired of her meek doormat nature. She wishes she were lots of things; more assertive, openly kinder, a faster pegasus, and a stronger pony; both in body and heart. Much like her dear friend, Rainbow Dash, already is.

    And of course, she is going to become all these things, although with help from those she least expects.

    And yet, peace only ever lasts so long. Equestria finds itself at the precipice when a tense alliance with an industrious yet reclusive neighbor comes to a head, dragging many figures into the turmoil, many of them well-meaning actors—most well-met, a good number new, and some with faces familiar in more ways than one. The clashing of forces and intents obfuscate what had always been once clear, and with the emergence of various discordants wishing to bend Harmony and the world itself to their wills—among all the other threads cut and shorn—our hero's idyllic countryside life can only really tear at the seams. The chaos and upheaval these changes bring will test not only the greatest of champions, but also meagre little her and every one of friends too.

    Fare thee well, Fluttershy, and best of luck. You and all who face the trials and ordeals ahead will need every bit you can get.

I am looking for those willing to preread at discretion; the usual affair like comments, reactions, opinions, constructive criticism, typos, and on occasion, rephrasing certain sentence if need be. Chapters are long, the prose goes fairly into the weeds, I do much of the editing myself, and my whole process is fairly *GRRRRRRRRRRRR*. This is non-committal; I'm not expecting any SERIOUS commitment, but I'm going out on a limb and banking on the quality of the writing to hook people into sticking around and QA'ing this. I will also create and link a separate document for prereaders to fill which should help with process and keep track of things. So even if you don't find yourself going through every single chapter or even just do one, any notes you leave behind will help future prereaders, wherever they choose to jump in. This will also help me cross reference with my own notes and outlines too. If you'd like to be privy to this summary document, please message me your email ad.


dont waste your time on this group i tried asking for help with my fimfic and they didnt help at all.

I'm not trying to be mean but why are you bringing other people down because you didn't get help

becuase i cant get my fimfic published without help and ive tried asking for help with no such luck. everytime i see soemone get help and their fimfic published it fills me with rage seeing how they were able to get help except me making me feel excluded

Comment posted by BluDeuce007 deleted Aug 15th, 2023

But why do you feel the need to bring others down because of it? I get being upset but it's no reason to make others lose hope. Me personally one of the reasons I didn't help you is I wasn't interested in the premise of your fic. The other thing is acting like this might make people want to help you less

except im tired of wiating i gave wiating a chance and it never ended well for me

and your "not interested in my fimfic" is nothing but a excuse, you never gave me a chance.

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