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I need some help with my Fimfic all this daiolog, paragraph and indict dont make any sense to me

Group Admin

would help if you gave some detail about your story.

its a story about my oc being accepted into this Foreign axchenge student program and being sent to Trokyo Japan

Group Admin

for the purposes of catching the attention of people interested in editing, it'd be helpful to include everything you'd normally put in the story's long description and tags--genre, characters, general idea of plot, etc.

additionally, as many editors only edit as a hobby, it would be very helpful to have an estimated wordcount as well.

excpet im not good with that stuff it easily confuses me

Group Admin

alright then, let's walk this through step by step.

first, you mentioned that the story is about your OC being accepted into a foreign exchange student program. what kind of story is this going to be? a romance? an adventure? slice of life? think of it as if you were putting tags on your story.

Romance and maybe Adventure and action but i could get those other 2 tags in

anyways i just need help fixing the whole Pragraph and daialog whatever you call it

idk this who;le indict and apragraphs stuff

Group Admin

Alrighty now. Been struggling to get back into fimfic stuff recently, but I guess I'm here again. Could you explain what you mean by "indict and apragraphs stuff"?

I'm guessing "indents" and "paragraphs", right?

I'm willing to help, though with the school year starting again how much I can help is going to depend both on my personal workload and any difficulties that may be encountered in your work.

I just ask that you at least act friendlier toward others.

ok, i'll give it a shot. and ill try and figure out how to show you the first chapter

ok, i cant rememebr how to get my fimfic chapter onto google docs for you to see.

Group Admin

Copy and paste?

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