Looking for Editors 5,421 members · 3,384 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Group Contributor

Hello writers and editors!

I'm pleased to announce the addition of our second administrator, Icarus_Gizmo.

He is a good friend of mine, and should fit right in around here even better than I do.

Anything that I could do for you, he can do for you too. But he will likely get it done faster. I have a backlog of requests I'm still working through, but he doesn't -- at least for a little while.

He's a little new to editing, but he's superb at acting as an idea foil and pre-reader, so drop him a line if you've got a great story that needs a little extra creative flair. I have rarely ever regretted doing so.

Once again, please give a warm welcome to Icarus_Gizmo!


Group Contributor

Hey all!
I'm pretty psyched to be here. It'll give me a legitimate excuse to read more!
I hope to work with many of you to provide this community with the high-quality fiction it deserves.


Comment posted by Albi deleted Jul 31st, 2013
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