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Obviously these two characters are the stars of this group, but how would they stack up against one another? :ajsmug: :rainbowdetermined2:

1. Age: who's older?

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?

5. Had a better childhood?

6. Would be better to camp with?

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?

9. Who would make a better parent?

I tried to pick questions with no clear answers. Maybe this will even promote a discussion on a subject that's not often talked about. I'm also interested in seeing others' different fan-canons.

You don't have to answer all the questions I posted, and feel free to ask your own comparison questions.

1. I say AJ for about a couple of months.
2. I say both (AJ being slightly richer), but AJ is more likely to spend it on the farm and Dash is more likely to spend it for herself.
3. Neither.
4. AJ.
5. Again, AJ.
6. AJ (again).
7. Dash?
8. Dash.
9. AJ.

1. Duno. same age i'd say. But the show states that AJ was last in her class, so AJ's a bit older (a year or two).

2. Jack, i'd say. Dashie don't do much while Jack bust her flank of at the farm. We all know how large it is, and i daresay they ought to be earning quite a bit on selling em apples.

3. Jack is a farmpony, but she's so stubborn she woulld't sink as low as failing. Dash on the other hand would likely just don't care. I'd say AJ... AGAIN.

4. Do i need to answer this one? NEITHER! OK, dash i think (actually). She does seem to have a girly side.

5. Jack. Her parrents are gone, but i would say that being more or less on your own like RD was would be not so awesome. Jack again.

6.Dash (finally). she rocks at ghost stories

7. Jack. There's palnty of pegasi in town to clear the skies, but only one pony (ok, two counting MAC, but he'd stil fail alone) who supplies it with apples.

8. Seriously, no idea. Depends. Dash would beat the crap out of them if she used her speed to face them one on one, but would fail when zerged. Aj on the other hand is OK at one on one but really shines when fighing multiple foes. Dead race here.

9.Jack (obviously). seriously, dash is simply careless.

That makes
:rainbowdetermined2:Dash: 2,5
:ajsmug:Jack: 5,5

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Not going to post the entire list, but for the second one while AJ has more assets on paper spending money is probably close to zero.

Oooh, some of these are tough. Sounds fun.
1. Age: who's older? Probably within the same year, but AJ a couple months older or so.

2. Who's got more bits to their name? Dash. So many things I've read have AJ barely meeting quotas for the next season. Actually, in the cider episode AJ said they need that to earn enough profits to stay afloat during winter. So Dash then since it's more stable and probably pays alright.

3. Got better grades? Probably equal. Seems like it would come naturally to Dash, and AJ would be determined enough not to let herself fail.

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it? Dash perhaps. She seems more in touch with her feminine side as strange as that sounds.

5. Had a better childhood? AJ. All that loving family still. Don't know a thing about either of their parents.

6. Would be better to camp with? AJ, even though Dash can apparently Minecraft down trees. AJ seems more experienced with such things. Although Dash is pretty good at making it fun... but then again there's that impressive snoring. So AJ for practicality and survivability, Dash for more fun and excitement.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile? AJ I'd imagine since their family basically founded Ponyville.

8. Who would be better in a fight? Dash probably would, honestly. AJ has monster strength, Dash has speed and flight, both have endurance. Dash would be able to fly to better positioning if she got surrounded, but AJ would have to break through.

9. Who would make a better parent? They'd both probably be pretty good once they got to that age honestly. AJ though. She's had practice with AB.

1. I would say AJ. About a year or so.

2. AJ. They seem to sell a lot of stuff. Just look at the cider. Then again, she has to feed an entire family and RD has a big house...

3. Since AJ left her home in a young age and we do not see her parents i would say RD had better grades since she did not have to help on the farm like AJ.

4. Both would probably enjoy it only under special circumstances. No winner here.

5. RD since she had at least friends and probably a complete family. AJ had to help on the farm early on.

6. AJ.

7. Again AJ

8. RD since she is athletic and can fly.

9. AJ.

1. I'd say that Applejack is older, somewhere between a few months and two years. I think what really brings this out is how responsible and hard working she is.

2. Dash would have more spending cash, as she only has to take care of herself. The Apples have to take care of the farm before spending money on anything extra. Even Applejack's reason for going to the Gala was to make money.

3. I'd say that AJ would be a fairly average student, doing better in some subjects and stumbling in others, specifically those fancy mathematics. :applejackconfused: Rainbow would be lazier, but if she was partnered with somepony, she would try harder, as to not let her partner down.

4. I don't think either would like a fancy party. AJ didn't like the Manehattan lifestyle, and Dash doesn't seem to like dressing up.

5. This one's hard to say, as I'm sure Applejack had a good childhood, but it's hard to compare it to Rainbow's as we know little of it right now. I'm going to leave this one as undecided.

6. I'm taking both of them! :derpytongue2:

7. Applejack would have more influence in Ponyville, as her family helped found it, and she herself has done much to help it, such as stopping the stampede and trying to win the rodeo to help fix town hall.

8. This is really a toss up. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

9. Applejack is already a parent, as far as I'm concerned.

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Alright....I'll bite. I love discussing head canon ^_^

1. Age: who's older?
AJ. I think RD is the youngest in the group, and AJ is probably third oldest.

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?
RD. AJ may be a hard worker and devote her life to her farm, but she has to spend every last dime she gets back into her family and farm. RD, in my headcanon, really likes money, and probably wouldn't have any savings if she was into buying a whole bunch of clothes and spa days. If she spends her money on anything, it'll be Wonderbolt tickets. Plus, have you SEEN her house? It looks so luxurious!

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)
AJ. RD was probably bright as hell, but wasn't interested in her grades as she was in perfecting her flying. AJ probably worked really hard for every grade she got.

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?
RD. AJ would enjoy it if there was a chance to get business from it, but she would probably hate all the fancy folk and their fancy talk. RD, on the other hand, has a tendency to go into her own little world, and would probably talk other pony's ears off about the Wonderbolts, hoping to meet one there.

5. Had a better childhood?
AJ. It's my personal head canon that RD was ignored by her parents growing up, and that's why she has this compulsive need to be the center of attention. AJ, on the other hand, no matter what the story behind her parents is, always had family with her.

6. Would be better to camp with?
Oooh, this depends on what you prefer. AJ would help to set up all the camp stuff, make sure everything is done right, and look out for everypony there, so no worry on any of those aspects. RD, however, would be far more entertaining, even if her snores sound like a wildebeest in heat.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?
Applejack, no doubt. RD has pull in Cloudsdale because she seems to have a high position with the weather ponies, but AJ's family MADE Ponyville. Not to mention, there's already been two gatherings in AJ's name - when they honored her for stopping the stampede and when they saw her off to the rodeo.

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?
RD. Even though the changelings can fly, RD could outfly them if she needed to. AJ is stuck on the ground. BUT if it was a fight where RD couldn't use her wings, then AJ would last longer. RD is too used to using her wings in any situation, whereas AJ.....well...years of applebuckin'. But the fact if the matter is, if they team up, I think they could take down a swarm before they would get taken out....^_^

9. Who would make a better parent?
AJ. No doubt. RD would need to learn how to be a good parent, but AJ seems to be raising AB, was the one who knew something was wrong with Scootaloo, and was nearly usurped from Apple Bloom by Sweetie Belle.

Group Admin

1. Age: who's older?
I put AJ as older by quite a bit, 2-4 years. She (along with Rariy and Fluttershy) seem to have a set place in the world, while Pinkie, Twilight, and Dash are just starting out in their respective fields. There's also the cutie mark thing that dartmaul mentioned, AJ being last in her class to get one, meaning that she was older than average, which would likely make her older than most of the mane six. (I usually put Dash as being 18-20, and AJ 20-22.)

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?
Dash has more spendable income, she has a job and no real responsibilities. But AJ has better credit, and probably part of the farm in her name. If she needed to make a really big purchase, like a house, I think she'd be the one who could get the money.

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)
I suspect AJ struggled to get average grades, while Dash never lived up to her potential and probably failed pretty often.

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?
I'm actually going to say AJ, if you're talking a really fancy party. While AJ hates getting fancied up, mingling and talking to different ponies is more up her alley. If there's nothing going on, Dash gets bored quickly.

(Thinking of AJ enjoying a fancy party actually makes me think of Kaylee in the Firefly episode, at the ball talking about spaceship mechanics in her fancy dress. Anyone else?)

5. Had a better childhood?
I think AJ. We don't know much about Dash's family, but we do know that Dash has issues. I don't think she had the happiest home life.

6. Would be better to camp with?
AJ. Dash is fun and all, but did you see AJ start those fires? Do you know how hard it is to start a fire? I mean, damn! AJ totally has the outdoor skills. Dash is the one you take camping if you have a list of pizza delivery places that will deliver to the campground.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?
AJ. I mean, the town has honored her twice, her whole family has a history there, Sweet Apple Acres is economically important to the town. . . AJ could run Ponyville, if she wanted to.

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?
Dash can fly, which does give her a better shot, but I think AJ can take a hit. AJ's a tank, Dash is a swashbuckler.

Against a whole bunch of changelings, who even out Dash's flying advantage and attack en mass? AJ has the advantage. She can take the hits, and Dash can't escape them. One on one, advantage goes to Dash who can dodge and strike with more precision.

9. Who would make a better parent?
Define "better?" Dash is the cool parent, the one who takes the kids for ice cream and brings home presents and lets them get away with murder. AJ is the one who makes sure they eat their vegetables and learn responsibility and grounds them when they step out of line. The kids would probably like Dash better, especially when they're young, but AJ would make sure a foal grows up right and her kids would appreciate her more when they're older.

Shoot, I forgot one that's suppose to be on that list! :applejackconfused:

Well, since this last one is late, I won't be expecting anyone to answer it, but for future posters, if you see this before posting, try to think about this one as well.

10. Both of these two have shown fear in the show, but who's more of a scaredy cat?

1. Age: AJ was the last on her class to get her CM, and RD the first. They both had it the same day, and assuming they were on the same class-level, AJ is older.
2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)? Dash. Applejack always talks about how much money she needs to make, to fix the barn, to fix Granny's hip, to stay afloat in winter... Besides, Dash lives in a friggin cloud mansion with rainbow waterfalls, I think she has more money. Still, I'd prefer Applejack's lifestyle, than having a lot of money and not knowing what to spending in.
3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included). I'd say Applejack, she seems to be that kind of girl that has always the same grade, an slightly above required, like... 7/10 in every test. While Dash seems to be the kind of girl that would fail every test until the last ones just to make the required grade and pass.
4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it? I'd say Applejack, unless the Wonderbolts are in that party.
5. Had a better childhood? We know Applejack had a very supporting family, but we know nothing about her parents or their relationship with her. On the other hoof, we know Rainbow Dash broke the sound barrier, perfoming the first Sonic Rainboom ever, that's cool! But we also don't know about anything else. I'd say we don't have enough info to know.
6. Would be better to camp with? Applejack, definetely Applejack. She's cowmare, she knows how to survive out in the wild, knows how to use a rope, etc. Rainbow Dash knows how to destroy trees, which I don't find that cool (poor Fluttershies:fluttershbad:), and telling scary stories, which I can't enjoy, because like Applejack, I always end up asking about "How is 'this' or 'that' possible?"
7. Has more influence in Ponyvile? Applejack's family founded Ponyville, and she won the Pony of Ponyville Award in episode four, first season, after saving Ponyville and helping everypony. Dash may have more influence with the Pegasai, maybe, but taking into account the whole population of Ponyville, I'd say Applejack.
8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer? I think Applejack. If you say last longer, as in an unstoppable mass of changelings attack and tehy have to survive until X thing happens in X minutes, I'd say Applejack will last longer. RD may take more changelings in a bunch, but she'd be worn out faster.
9. Who would make a better parent? Applejack, she had experience with AB, and RD seems too careless to be a good parent, unless a big 'Maturity Ray' hits her...
10. Both of these two have shown fear in the show, but who's more of a scaredy cat? I think RD shows less fear than AJ, but I think it's just her façade. I believe she's more of a scaredy cat, but she doesn't show it. And AJ always shows her true feelings, but I think she may be less scared than RD

Group Admin

1. Age: who's older?
I also think AJ - maybe not by much though. But her attitude speaks of it - though that could be her upbringing.
2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?
Dash, easily. Look at her house!
My headcanon is kinda that she comes from a rich family, but wants the challenge of living on her own/going for wonderbolts. (She's part of the hügen dash family - who combine pegasus snowflakes with liquid rainbows to make epic ice creams! very, very rich~)
3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)
I'd say equal but my headcanon has Dash as a math savant - kinda have to be with flight vectors and all the airborne stuff~ but she's the type to drive Twilight mad. Look at the problem, answer pops in her head. Can't tell you how she got there though, but she's right every time~
4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?
AJ. Dash would get bored first, but neither would enjoy it - though it depends on the avenue... farm related things, or wonderbolts (with wonderbolts paying attention...) etc.
5. Had a better childhood?
I'd say Dash. She's probably rebellious, but she'd have a better time. Especially with the supposed death of AJ's parents.
6. Would be better to camp with?
AJ! We know Dash snores.
7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?
AJ. Pretty much has an apple monopoly, and I think people consider her more "important". Although being a weather pony allows a lot of control but I doubt Dash would abuse it~~
8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?
Dash, probably. She'd be able to evade a lot, vs AJ being dogpiled at some point.
9. Who would make a better parent?
, no questions asked. Just look at

1. Age: who's older?

A.J., by a year or two (The last vs. first thing, you know)

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?

Dash She is the equivalent of higher-middle management in the civil service, and has fairly few financial drains on her resources. A.J., on the other hand has to contribute to the upkeep of a farm. Her cash flow and capital might be higher, but her liquid reserves are very small indeed.

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)

Tricky one, this one. Both of them have exceptionally dismissive attitudes to education (which I can't say I entirely approve of in a kids show), but at the same time Dash has achieved startling success at a very young age and whilst her pure academic work was probably very poor indeed, "cool" subjects such as weather manipulation, theory of flight and so on probably got exceptional work out of her. A.J. on the other hand probably didn't see anything as relevant, did what she needed too, and went to work on the farm.

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?

Dash. A.J. would see it as a business opportunity and work too hard on it. Dash would see it as a time to brag.

5. Had a better childhood?

A..J. Especially as in my headcanon, Pegasus society run on the system of Lycurgus with communal orphanages. Dash's childhood was pretty crap.

6. Would be better to camp with?

A.J. She knows what she's doing.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?

Tricky one. A.J. has family connections, true, but both are team leaders at winter wrap up, and Dash is the weather manager and therefore is probably part of the town council, if there is one. At the same time, A.J. is listened to unofficially, so this is a tough one.

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?

Dash. She can get away, and come through at Mach 5 or so, and pulverize the changelings in the sonic boom.

9. Who would make a better parent?

A.J. is a de facto parent and a de jure guardian already.

10. Both of these two have shown fear in the show, but who's more of a scaredy cat?

Hmm. Interesting one. I don't think either of them are ever scared. Both have issues, 'tis true, but at the same time A.J. has, I believe, expressed caution in the face of danger, but Dash never has. (Fucked-up Pegasus society strikes again)

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(She's part of the hügen dash family - who combine pegasus snowflakes with liquid rainbows to make epic ice creams! very, very rich~)

That would be some spicy ice cream.

1. AJ, or at the least she is less carefree than RD
2. Dash has more to spend as she doesn't have a family and business to run. AJ likely has more overall assets.
3. I get the impression that grade wise they were both equally terrible. AJ is all about the farm and RD left flight camp but isa great flier.
4. Neither/both. If it is a Wonderbolt filled party RD might enjoy it and if AJ was able to cater instead of attend as a guest she would be all over it.
5. By canon neither seem to win they both had their ups and downs. Including fan backstories which assume AJs parents are dead RD pulls ahead here.
6. Do I get Dash Brand industrial ear plugs? AJ is far ahead on the whole woodspony chart, but Dash is just as farm ahead on the screw around with your buddies barely make is home meter.
7. AJ wins this hands down unless it was weather related. She was honored by the town and as mentioned Sweet Apple Acres is the cornerstone which Ponyville was built on.
8. RD. Mobility and speed are key for a X on 1 changling attack. That said if AJ could get them to come only 1 or 2 at a time they could make it a LotR style contest.
9. AJ. She almost caused Sweetie Bell to defect to the Apples just with her shear awesomeness.
10. Neither seems to fear the dangerous situations they get into so I am not sure if you meant nervous breakdowns instead perhaps?

Group Contributor

1. Age: who's older?
I assume we're taking maturity level to be the indicator here. AJ.

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?
Dash. I've always considered her to be somewhat well-off, although she prefers to hide it.

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)
AJ. I can see her being too stubborn to let herself do poorly in school. Dash would've been a lazy slacker.

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?
Tough one. I see AJ as having more of a fancy side, but Dash can be more of a girly-girl if she's let loose. Not an easy decision.

5. Had a better childhood?
In my headcanon, at least, AJ. Dash has no family left.

6. Would be better to camp with?
Probably AJ, she's got the work ethic to get the campsite set up, but is still fun enough to have a good time with.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?
Dash, probably. She is somewhat of a local celebrity.

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?
Dash, if only for flight, easy of maneuvering, hit-and-run tactics, and quicker reflexes.

9. Who would make a better parent?
AJ. No question.

Group Admin

1. Age: who's older?
AJ because of the cutiemark thing

2. Who's got more bits to their name (If wanting to, who can spend more on luxuries (spa, clothes, etc.)?
I imagine that all the money that AJ earns would go to the farm, so Dash would have the most bits for spending on luxuries

3. Got better grades in school? (gym class not included)
I think Rainbow.

Don't use your fancy mathematics to mudder the issue

4. More likely to attend a fancy party and enjoy it?
AJ, due to her time in Manehatten. Rainbow would probably search for the first exit out of there

5. Had a better childhood?
AJ, with such a loving family, it's hard to not have a good childhood

6. Would be better to camp with?
AJ, because she's more for the comfortable and intimate campfire's while Dash always wants to do stuff and keep moving.

7. Has more influence in Ponyvile?
Applejack. With being the only cider (super addicting drink) provider in town, provider of apples that are bought a lot and her family having founded Ponyville, I don't think Dash is even able to compete for it.

8. Who would be better in a fight: say a mass amount of changelings attacked, who would last longer?
Dash, because of her agility and flight

9. Who would make a better parent?
AJ, she did a pretty good job helping Apple Bloom with her issues/problems. Dash would be the fun parent but she would get her kids in a lot of trouble.

1. Aj by about a year, she's a bit more mature.
2. Rainbow Dash, she doesn't have to pay for much and her job would pay a decent amount given it's importance.
3. Applejack, Rainbow Dash seems more focused on athletics than academics whereas AJ is running a farm almost entirely on her own.
4. AJ, she won't like to get dressed up, but she can do it easily.
5. Can only say AJ as there is no insight on Dash's past.
6. Definitely AJ.
7. Aj definitely, she provides produce for almost the entire town and then some.
8. Dash, she has the advantage of speed and flight.
9. AJ, she's got a more motherly nature as shown with her being a pseudo-parent to Apple Bloom.

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