AppleDash 3,018 members · 1,090 stories
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Group Admin

I'm going to stick with it. You just have to use "real life" rules if you want to get kinky (planned scenes, safewords, etc.), there's nothing wrong with that. That's what I assumed from reading the rules anyway.

I really don't think that following that rule is any harder then following the prompt, and I'm kind of proud of them for calling TAW on it. It would have been easy to let her get away with anything, since she's a big name fan. But that's just me.

Group Admin

I do agree that TAW's was definitely... questionable and I completely agree that rape is not okay. Perhaps I misread the clarification post (I'll read it again tomorrow), but what I gathered, they're pretty much requiring explicit consent. For me, that does kind of ruin it. I think they are being too quick to jump on the whole "rape" thing. For starters, in real courts, just saying 'no' doesn't hold much water, if any. They often have to have evidence of resistance against the act itself, such as bruises. In my mind, if you're putting ponies together in a sex scene and neither is actively resisting the act, I assume that it's consensual. If this were real life, I would ask for explicit consent, but it isn't. It's short fiction, which often lacks background knowledge.

Maybe I was a bit quick to make a judgement on this subject, so like I said, I'll give it another read tomorrow.

Apologies for the potential text wall. Phone typing is difficult.

Group Admin

They're only requiring explicit consent in certain situations:
"Basically, if the consent in the story hinges on “He or she didn’t say no,” then you need to ask yourself if there’s anything that might make them unable or unwilling to say no. If it’s all between equals and nopony is being pressured or restrained then it’s probably fine, even if it’s not the best way to get consent."

Believe me, I have nothing against reading or writing non- or dub- con, but this isn't a deal breaker.

And, for example, I'm working on an AppleDash story right now where I have the line "She briefly considered using the safe word." One sentence, no effect on the scene, and the readers know that anything that happens is consensual no matter what it might look like.

Group Admin

Ah, yes, I did misread that. I feel kind of bad now. :(
Thanks for pointing that out, though. I should really get more sleep before trying to formulate thoughts on things like this.

Group Admin

"They're only requiring explicit consent in certain situations:
"Basically, if the consent in the story hinges on “He or she didn’t say no,” then you need to ask yourself if there’s anything that might make them unable or unwilling to say no. If it’s all between equals and nopony is being pressured or restrained then it’s probably fine, even if it’s not the best way to get consent.""

They're taking that to absurd degrees. It's pretty much to the point where the intent is absolutely clear, but they're still requiring SOME addition of intent. It's almost to the point where Pinkie would pop out of nowhere asking them to sign consent forms 31f, 294b and 11.3 to continue with this act:pinkiecrazy:. So no, it's gotten utterly ridiculous :pinkiesick:

Group Admin

For kink stuff, yeah. Like I said, they're using "real life" rules for BDSM. In real life, you generally want to get some kind of explicit agreement before you tie someone up or spank them, and/or have a safe word for just such an occasion (if you know they like surprises). Obviously relationships in clop are often idealized, so they don't need that stuff. But some people who have been in very bad situations get triggered by a kink scene that lacks explicit consent, and either one of the mods is one of those people, knows one, or want to be nice to one. And those people do still like to read porn.

I mean, to me it's just another part of the prompt. Write a sexy story in sixty minutes that relates to this prompt and is clearly consensual.

Group Admin

Just sent my story in for an editor to go over. I'm not sure if asking them to tear it apart was a good thing or not, but I guess I'll find out. :rainbowlaugh:
And I will get around to discussing D-I-V-O-R-C-E eventually. I just haven't had the time to read it again.

Almost forgot!
"Today is July 20th, the 43rd anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing on the moon. Let's all take a moment to remember what we can achieve when we dare to dream big. And remember that once upon a time, 12 brave men risked it all to visit Luna on the moon."

Group Admin

I just noticed we went from 52 members back to 51

We lost one of our flock, people

Group Admin


I did shorten my "read later" list by seven last night. Only 93 to go!

362660 I will seek them out.

I even recruited a member to the group, aren't you guys just so proud of me!?

On second thought, I won't seek them out.

Group Admin

the AppleDash project has updated

Onwards men

Group Admin

KrazyTheFox is just a fic referin' machine on reddit. I can't say for sure it's what did it, but I got a big spike in readers the day referred a bunch of fics (including The AppleDash Project.) So thanks, KrazyTheFox!

I actually think referrals from outside sources make a huge difference. I've considered making a tumbler for fanfic recs, since then the recs could be reblogged by people who enjoyed them. But I'd have to get followers somehow. Thoughts?

Group Admin

I am? :rainbowhuh: Took me a moment to figure out what on earth you were talking about. 12 hours of driving makes thinking hard. I couldn't remember even linking things back to here...
Then a quick look through my recent posts revealed exactly where that traffic is coming from. I'm taking this as an indication that I need to get to bed early tonight.

And yes, a new one-shot and an AppleDash Project update? I was considering payment in blood in return for the traffic, but I think this will suffice. Yes... this will do nicely.

And outside sources make a phenomenal resource. As far as tumblr goes, I haven't a clue where to even begin getting followers. I shamelessly self promote around a few places (most notably reddit) to garner more attention for my own works. Groups on deviantArt, groups on here, My Little Fanfic, and sometimes MLP Writing School. My Little Fanfic would probably be a good place to start potentially advertising for a blog, but I'm not sure if the rules would allow that. You'd have to check.

Bah, why am I still writing? To bed! Then fanfiction reading! Then sleep! Tally-ho!

Oh, yes, and I've been told "A Solemn Summer Night" is better than "My Little Dashie"... by people that loved "My Little Dashie".

Group Admin

I have such an irrational fear of insects. :twilightoops: Found a tick crawling on me and I threw it across the room in a little more than a mild panic. Now I have no idea where it is. So much for sleeping. I might have to burn the house down.

Group Admin

I got a huge reddit surge when someone posted my current cover on reddit :D:ajsmug:

Group Admin

Hah, yes! I found the tick! And I killed it. I killed it good. Vengeance was mine. >:3

Group Admin

366649 We hereby award you with the blue ribbon of bravery
May you wear it well in your future endeavors

Group Admin

Tee hee. I love using the referrals page for the fics, and see from where it was mentioned, then register on that forum, say hi, and watch reactions :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

Hah! That's a great idea!

Group Admin

There are no breaks to be had. Killed the tick, now I have a giant moth lurking in my room. I hate summer. ._.

Group Admin

Yeah, don't ever come to my house. I have relitivly few moths and flies actually, because I live with about 230,000,000 spiders. And I have two beehives that tried to kill me yesterday.

(Okay, they didn't try to kill me. It's just not a good idea to wear a full bee suit in 85 degree heat, so when I started to feel faint after getting stung for the first time in 20 years I thought they were trying to kill me. Turns out it was just the heat trying to kill me.)

Group Admin

Bees I don't really have a problem with. I certainly don't like being near them, but I also know they're not aggressive and they warn before they sting. Wasps on the other hand... those are literally nightmares with wings for me. Really- I lucid dream frequently, which comes with a healthy dose of lucid nightmares thanks to my overactive imagination.

The spiders? Yeah, I'll pass on those, but at least they don't fly or devour blood.

And now, back to my happy place. 21k words of TwiLestia goodness in a single chapter.

Group Admin

369157 so you're a composure reader huh? :pinkiegasp:

Group Admin

Edit: Alright, so I tried reading "Trixie's Magic Bit". I really did. But the more I read, the stranger it gets, and I just can't do it. I'll have to go for reading all-but-two of the AppleDash fics here.

Group Admin

369840 to bad, it's perhaps my single most enjoyed clop story. Every chapter is just another clop-adventure :pinkiehappy:
'Stuck' is better in terms of writing but for overall cloppiness, TMB is what you need :pinkiesmile:

I was there was a way so people of our group would know when stories were added. I think some people look through a folder and after that just forget that more stories could be added

Group Admin

Well, shit. Apparently there really is only going to be 13 episodes in season 3. :raritydespair:
I hope this means we get season 4 sooner. Hasbro wouldn't cancel this show at 65 episodes...



(Really, season 3 was finished a while ago and the people working on the show are still hired by Hasbro. There's more than a good chance that we'll get season 4. After all, they might just be moving to a 13 Fall/13 Spring format, making it not that much different. There's a lot of speculation and not much confirmation at this point (aside from the 13 episodes for sure), so don't worry.)

Group Admin

I get a notification when you add a story. . . is that because I'm a mod? Because that happens in other groups too where I'm not a mod. But then it doesn't happen in some groups. I don't know why.

Really, I know next to nothing about how to use this site, and what I do know I figured out mostly through the very scientific "what-does-this-button-do" method. They could really use some tutorials around here, especially for kind of weird stuff like groups and story stats.

Group Admin

371610 Maybe they changed it recently?
I used to be a member of the clopfics group and I wouldn't receive notifications
When I joined to add O's story I did receive a notification

But then again, I still don't get notifications about the shipping group

Group Admin

Yeah, I also get notifications from some groups but not others. Unfortunately, this one is one of the others.

Group Admin

what has happened to 'therainbowdashshow' anyways?

If it was for him we would've already been up to our 4th socializing thread :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

I dunno. He kinda just disappeared.

Group Admin

Barring a few more minor edits, I think the one-shot fic I've been working on is done~

Group Admin

In fact, I need a prereader, one who hasn't heard of my plans for the fic (as in, no prior exposure to brainstorming or such). Just to see if it works right. First come first serve! :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

I'll claim it. Haven't done a good pre-read in a while. If you send it my way, I should have it done by tomorrow evening at the latest.

Group Admin

Righto! 375595

Sending it your way. :trollestia:

Group Admin


Also, the new sexty minute ponies looks like fun. I have just the perfect idea for it. Expect some new AppleDash clop soon!

Edit: Fixed phone's auto-correct.

Group Admin

Looking forward to reading the Appledash that comes from this prompt. Won't be participating though, after that fiasco they caused~

Group Admin


Just so that anyone's clear, the sexty minutes prompts stories (multiple prompts gathered in one story, separated as chapter) go in the 'AppleDash shorts (limited to chapters)' folder if it includes AppleDash after tonight :)

I'm sure that a lot will show up and already have, so if you spot one that hasn't been added yet, feel free to

Group Admin

Already planned on it! :twilightsmile:

I reviewed what they said and my policy on it. It was poorly worded and is a little strict, but the prompts could still be fun. I think I'll do most things I can make into an AppleDash ship and maybe a few others if they catch my eye; this one did in particular. If they still don't like the way I'm handling it, I'll just write them and submit here. Nopony said you can't write the prompts if they won't take them! :ajsmug:

Group Admin


I'm just waiting on kits to set up his own one hour clop tumblr to submit stuff to :P otherwise, without a place to submit to, I have little motivation to write it!

Group Admin

You have tons of followers on here that would probably like to see them! Unless you don't want clop on this account... Then that's perfectly fine...

Also, sex has been written and posted. Waiting on approval, then downvotes! :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Aaaand I just got an idea for that. Kekeke.

Group Admin

Queue position: 84

And I thought I had it bad the first time.

Ooh, thanks!

Group Admin

Huzzah! The clopfic has been posted! This is NSFW.

Group Admin

Yay! I was starting to worry I'd be the only one who wrote AppleDash for this one!

Group Admin

Oooh, you too! I'll keep an eye out for it! I was also starting to think I'd be the only one.

Group Admin

Yeah, they put them up in order and for some reason I always do mine between one and two AM. So I'm always one of the last.

But hey, this will let me stick my prompt collection from the clop account that I totally don't have in the chapter folder here!

Group Admin

376967 Are you uploading it to fimfiction aswell?

Group Admin

Yep! It's been in the queue since last night and has about 50 to go still. It'll also be edited a little bit, as I've gone back and fixed a few grammar mistakes outside the 60 minute time limit.

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