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So I'm a huge fan of improv acting and it gave me an idea. Why not try one of those games here, but with an Appledash twist? Granted, improv is a little hard to do in a forum where responses can take a while, but hey, fortune favours the bold, so here's my idea.

There's a type of improv game where two or more characters have to act out a scene. Character 1 says a line of dialogue, but it has to begin with the letter A. Then Character 2 responds with a line that starts with the letter B. And so it continues until they've gone through the whole alphabet. For better examples, see here:

And here:

So here's the game I propose. I'm going to suggest a scenario involving A.J and Rainbow. I'll start with a line of dialogue from one of the two and then the next person responds with a line from the other character (could throw in more characters if the scene warrants it). If we get all the way to the end of the alphabet, someone can suggest a new scenario and start over, maybe starting from a different letter.

EDIT: Also, I've seen a variant of the game where they allow players to skip over the letters X and Z because, of course, you're limited in how many words you can use for them. So, use the letters if you want, skip 'em if you have to.

So to get things rolling, here's the scene:

There's a book signing for the latest Daring Do novel that Rainbow eagerly wants to attend. She wants Applejack to go with her but A.J, not being a big Daring Do fan, isn't so keen on the idea.

Starting with the letter A.

Rainbow: A.K Yearling's doing a book signing in Canterlot! The train's leaving in ten minutes, let's go!

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AJ: "Better be a darn good book signin' if you're draggin' me all the way to Canterlot"

RD: " Can you not? of course it's going AWESOME! , hmmm, maybe I should've brought more books..."

Applejack peers at the bulging pair of saddlebags strapped around her friend's barrel, which each look to be about one novella away from exploding spectacularly. "Don't you think you got enough there? Heck, I didn't even know the gal wrote that many."

(I assume it's okay to include description to accompany the alphabet-driven dialogue?)

5333067 Ain't no rule that says you can't!

In fact it might actually help...

Rainbow: For gosh's sakes Applejack! How could I have too many books?! This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity! I need to get as many signed as I can!

"Gonna be here a while this line is huge" AJ says pointing with a hoof.

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"Don't you think you got enough there? Heck, I didn't even know the gal wrote that many."


For gosh's sakes Applejack!

Six comments in and we've already mangled the alphabet... SorrE, I guess.

5333107 Ah well, let's keep going! ^^

"Holy cow, this is gonna take forever!" Rainbow groans.

5333107 Yeah, just realised a few minutes ago. Apparently I don't alphabet good...

I'm just going to mentally add a moment where Dash says "Excellent!" and does a Bill and Tedd guitar riff. Anyway...

RD: Horesapples! Waiting in line is so not awesome...

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5333117 Oh, I'm not complaining. I'm merely amused.

AJ: Interestin' so many ponies like these books so much. What's the big deal 'bout them anyway? Don't we already have plenty of adventures?

Comment posted by Doughnot_followmoi deleted Jul 2nd, 2016

5333119 Wait, what letter are we on? J?

RD: Just because you've had your fill of adventure doesn't mean that cool people, like me, have. Jeeze A.J.

Applejack: Knowin' that doesn't reassure me much Sugarcube...

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I don't know where this story is currently. They were trying to catch a train, but now they're talking about a line for books. I assume not every pony going to Canterlot is going there for the book signing :p

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"Leave it to me, sugarcube," AJ said with a grin, "I know somepony workin' in the back."

5333706 That's the magic of improv, dude. Sometimes you lose track of the plot ;)

In this case we can either assume that:

A) The two have bickered so much that they've already reached the signing without AJ noticing, or

B) They're still at the station and there just happens to be a lot of passengers queuing up for the signing. They're probably dressed in cosplay or something...

"Maybe you could've mentioned this before, AJ! You know, like an hour ago, when I could still feel my hooves," complained Rainbow.

5334816 Rainbow Dash muttered, "Please, just, don't make mistakes like this again 'kay?"

5334923 A.J: Quit yer whinin' and be glad ah remembered at all, sugarcube.

Rainbow's eyes widen in surprise when she sees who the pony in question is

Rainbow: Rara? That's the pony who works here??

Plot twist!

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I heard the M and N but O my god, something's missing

" Sure is. She's performing at some fancy high-society cocktail party later t'night after this book signing. Funny thing, she told me to come up to Canterlot and see her, but I thought I'd be working harvest this week. Good thing Mac and I managed to finish that last week..." Applejack trailed on oblivious to the furious glare Rainbow had just given her.

5335767 I Just NOTICED THAT! XD :rainbowlaugh:

5335767 Personally I always though the letter O was...

Rainbow (suspicious): That's news to me. I didn't know you two were still in contact...


Applejack cocked an eyebrow and stared at the pegasus. "Uh, Rainbow we've been sendin' letter back 'n' forth for years. Why would we just suddenly stop?"

That' surprisingly not as easy as it appears... :rainbowderp:


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"Verily, AJ," Rainbow Dash said with an upturned nose, "I have no clue. So why didn't I hear about her years ago?"

"Why do you care?" Applejack shoved Dash with a grin and a wink. "You jealous?"

As I said, X and Z can be skipped if no one can think of good words for them, so the entry for Y could be the last. Whoever posts next is going to have to bring it all to a close :rainbowwild:

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"Xylophones," Rainbow Dash said, while slightly red in the face, "I rock a mean xylophone and haven't had anypony to play with since I was a foal. Do you think you and Rara might..."


AJ: Ya do? Well sugarcube, I do too! Ya see... ever since ah was a lil' filly, Ah would always go outside when ah finished mah chores, an' ah would always play some xylophone when nopony was around! There was this one time when—

I'm just gonna finish this.

RD: Zzzzz.... Applejack, I'm sleeping because I got so bored! Come on! Let's get some xylophones and rock this place! You can tell me your stories later! Come on!
AJ: Ah guess... let's go!

And with that said, the farmer and the athlete ran home at sunset.

This was such a love story, omg.

Aaaaand game! Suck it Will Shakespeare, you got nothing on us!

Okay, so if people want to continue, someone (anyone) simply needs to post a new scenario and a letter to start from. I'll give someone else a chance to think of one, otherwise I'll post a new one in twenty four hours.

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