AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
Comments ( 200 )
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Group Admin

331828 I've read that one as soon as it appeared on Equestria Daily. It's a funny comic, one an AppleDash fan can appreciate :)

Hmm... I guess I should start working on the next stories...

Wow, I feel like one of those people who spend all day on Facebook... I have literally been doing nothing but editing my stories and saying random nonsense in these threads for nearly twelve hours.

Group Admin

Well this sucks. Power is out for 2-3 days at home and I have no cell reception there. Right in the middle of the hottest days of the summer. Yeah, the storm was cool, but I like my power more.

Group Admin

I can charge things though. I have a car charger hooked up to a spare car battery in the living room. :P


Why my stories not even in queue for processing yet! :raritydespair:
Scootaloo, I apologize you show up in only the stories that still haven't gotten uploaded yet.. :fluttercry:

Group Admin

Aughuahuuuuuuhhhhyeeeeeah. Power is back. And so is the A/C. <3

Group Admin


I love the guys out there working to get power back. It's over 100F, no shade, and they're high up fixing all the power lines. While it might be miserable inside without power, their jobs just plain suck. I've managed to thank a few of them while out driving earlier. The smiles are so worth it.


Ten watchers! I feel so loved!


I think every time I check to see if my newer stories are in queue yet they get thrown in the back just to mock me! :fluttercry:

Group Admin

332602 It's all an elaborate scheme to make you lose faith in your writing, get depressed, seek solace in drinking, meet some random guy, guy turns out to have big plans for the world, you two take over the world together...

I already lost faith in my writing, and it already has made me depressed. Also, was that the plot of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer? I mean I just saw it yesterday but I missed the first ten minutes of the movie. Granted they only took over the country not the world.

Group Admin

332626 actually it isn't, I just made it up on the spot you silly filly

now you just have to turn to drinking and you might be hunting vampires soon


Intro to Abe Lincoln (I'm assuming anyway because the ending of it SOUNDED like it was a repeat of the events at the start of the show, only in modern times)

Abe loses his family to vampires
Abe goes to bar to drown sorrows
Random man tells him about vampires and wants to train him to which Abe agrees
Abe kills vampires
Abe eventually becomes President taking over America!

Reply to myself to tell myself to stop belittling my writing abilities. Up till three months ago you didn't even know the difference between to and too. You've only been writing three months and you appear to be a far more successful fanfiction writer than quite a few people. You've only uploaded two stories on this website three days ago and already have ten followers, no thumbs downs and plenty of reviews saying that your writing style and stories are good even if a bit overdone.


Oh lord, I just found a backup of my mature TwiDash oneshot I wrote in response to the requests for it on fanfiction


Group Admin

Hey, you guys. You guys. Friendship is Witchcraft Episode 7 "Cherry Bomb" is up! It even has a new Pinkie song.


So... tempted... to click link...
Ooh french fries! *forgets link*

Group Admin

I'm managing to stay on topic in that other thread... right?

And after writing all of that, I feel inspired to go write more. That's right! More! But this time I'll be making progress on my own fic instead of boring you with my fanon. Deal? Deal.

Edit: Octavia is now officially canon.


You can't exactly go 'off topic' in a threat where the rules are to talk. Kind of hard. I'm scared I'm going to come back tomorrow and everything I'm typing right now is going to look like a drunken slur as I took a trazedone (sleeping pill) an oxycodone, two ibuprofen and some cough syrup in hopes to manage this tooth ache..

Group Admin

That post was perfectly legible!

...and eugh, medicine. >.o

And why does this not paginate? For the love of Celestia, this needs to paginate.

Well that's good. I just scared myself turning on music so I'm just guessing I'm kind of out of it.
So, ADHD + Lots of medicine whilst trying to read your ridiculously long posts does not work... at all.

Group Admin

Holy crap, 'A Fractured Rainbow' has a position in queue now!

Group Admin

How long does it take you to write these? You've mentioned editing, but... I'm curious. :P

Honestly, the first three I wrote in a span of like a month. My sister challenged me to write 50k words in a month (like NaNoWriMo) So I did... Kind of amazes me that people even remotely enjoy them.
The next ones I actually took some time and care on. I think Rainbow Spiral will annoy a lot of people though because of something I introduce so briefly (despite the constant hints of it laced throughout the story) that isn't important until it's sequel.

Another important factor I might include is that I'm literally home ALL DAY and have been for the last three months. That's 2160 hours of being at home (including sleep) which means eventually all I have left to do is write..

Group Admin

That time commitment. I have too much going on to even think about doing that with any kind of quality. :P
Between 2 games I'm developing, an app, art, real life... I've barely enough time to write.
Oh, and job hunting.

So as sad as I am to say, the first three all written in one month with absolutely no writing experience and no education in grammar, story structure or having read anyone else's fanfiction.
So given all this information I'm really really baffled that Rainbow Forms was demanded a sequel on fanfiction, which I then wrote Rainbow Grows which was again demanded a sequel so I wrote A Fractured Rainbow which again a sequel was requested. And these were just rough drafts. The grammar in the originals were awful and I wanted to shoot myself while I was editing them. (Well actually the third one was a drastic improvement)

Group Admin

Even if you don't use reddit, you might like this subreddit.
We write the occasional guide and review fics if people ask us to. There's some really useful information on there.

Ehehe I'm going to delete those last two posts as I hate myself for even posting them.
Oh potato chips all my other stories are on the processing list now.

So if anyone actually feels like talking in something that isn't a thread or fimfiction in general and you have Skype. Send me a private message and I shall add you! If you want to that is...

Group Admin

I advise to everpony, do NOT read TheRainbowDashShow's stories. they will make you feel feelings you do not wish to have:raritydespair:

Obviously this is a joke, read it people and feel your heart collapse in on itself

Group Admin

I would if I actually liked using Skype. :P

These things continue to pile up on my read later list. D:

Don't listen to him!
What about Windows Live Messenger? :pinkiegasp:

Group Admin

If I was going to do that, what's the difference between that and chatting here? :P

Uhh, one of them is instant messenger whereas this is *hits f5 with new notification, scrolls down to the very bottom of page*

Group Admin

I don't generally like instant messengers, simply because I like to take time to formulate my responses and I like not feeling as if I need to reply immediately. I kinda feel tied down when people IM me, so I only use it when I really need to. Also, F5 > End > Page Up does a good job of getting to the bottom quickly.

Tis fine! My problem is mostly that these threads are getting so long it takes a good minute or so for my computer to load them up now.

Group Admin

That's more knighty's fault than anything else. :P
This forum should've started paginating at 50 comments. It might still do so at 200, but I can't say for certain.

The evolution of smileys! :) :] :D ^^ ^_^ (f ;,,,,,;)f

Evolution of smileys is not a theory, it's a LAWWWW

Wooh, 26 followers now! P:

Group Admin

And here's what I've been up to today: Programming and Graphics!

This site has also been giving me issues all day. =/


I've been continuously getting bad gateway errors D:

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