AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
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Group Admin

after the clusterbomb of sidetracking in 'the thread who shall not be named', I decided that we might need a thread like this...

Inspiration troubles? Why not have a casual talk to get those creative juices flowing?
Bored? all around the world there are plenty of people who are bored, why not do something together?
Feeling Pinkie-ish? Post your random stuff here.
And most importantly have fun.

I had a really strange idea for a fanfiction...
My little Counter-Terrorist Ponies! *shrugs* Probably already been done.
Anyway back to doing what I do best!
*reads a comment complaining about my poor grammar*
I didn't pass any of my English classes in high school, okay?
*hides in a corner eating chocolate*
I need a hug... and maybe a proofreader as well.

Group Admin

Procrastination for the win! "read later" list is up to 50 now. I'm adding more things to it than I'm managing to take off every night.

I'm procrastinating so badly I just went through the threads and decided to contribute to the AppleDash NSFW photos...
Stupid grammarz... why you no make sense to my brain.


Almost done editing...
Then all I need to do is re-read it and then my brain will NOT catch any mistakes, I'll upload it and somehow I'll have missed something ridiculously absurd and noticeable like "The tomato flew to the moon and ated a pineapple bludgeoned Applejack upside the head"

Now for a bombardment of omgawd why so bad grammarz when it gets approved...
Man I never realized just how weird my second story was...
Oh well I fixed MOST of the terrible dialogue... I hope. BRAIN WHY YOU NO FUNCTION?
I think I talk to myself too much.

P.S. We need a celebration thread for when we complete editing or a story. Just saying.

Group Admin

Let it be known: night shift at work sucks. :raritycry::applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::unsuresweetie:

Group Admin

331345 I'd actually rather work nightshift later at any job

150% payment
You sleep when everyone else works, you work when everyone else sleeps and all the time in between overlaps with your normal friends:pinkiehappy:
You also only have to work 4 days a week here in Belgium if you work nightshift

I suffer from severe insomnia. I've slept a total of 11 hours in three days. Nightshifts are AWESOME! For me anyway.

Group Admin

I wouldn't mind it so much if where I lived was quiet during the day. But I live right next/above a small convenience store that has deliveries and shit all day, and screaming kids from next door houses. I can't get enough sleep during the day :twilightangry2::flutterrage:

But then again I guess it really depends on where you work. P.S I think you missed :raritydespair:

Group Admin

Nah, that's a despair Icon! I need a rage one :P

And I work customer service for SWTOR :rainbowkiss: but I vastly prefer morning and evening shift :P

Group Admin

331364 ever considered ear plugs? They work wonders
Not that I would need them, I sleep through a hurricane
Not that I've ever experienced a hurricane

Oh dear sweet eight pound six ounce baby Celestia.
"Hello, what seems to be the problem sir?"
"I see, what happens when you try to connect to a server."
"Alright sir, I need you to calm down and make sure your internet cable is plugged in."

Also I was referring to the despair emote for your first post with the five other emotes. :P

Group Admin

331369 laughs have been had :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

I have them. Doesn't help quite as much as they should! :fluttercry:


Thankfully, I don't touch the phones at all~

I've had so many depressing run ins with customer service with online games. Playing WoW one day and a new patch comes out, next thing I know my computer suddenly can't handle running the game. So what do I do? First I delete my cache and WTF folder (a most common step in correcting problems with WoW) No change. I then continue to I uninstall all my addons completely. Still no change. I change my graphic settings to every possible combination, no change. So then I update my graphics card, still no change. I completely uninstall the game completely (Including the hidden folders that tend to muck up the game) and reinstall WoW, still no change. I REINSTALL MY ENTIRE HARDDRIVE, re-update my graphics driver, download the latest version of Direct X STILL NO CHANGE!
So I make a post on the forums asking for help including a complete list of my computers specs, every step I've taken to try and correct the problem etc.
One month later I FINALLY get a response
First response I get, "Did you try uninstalling your addons?"
Second response, "Try uninstalling your addons and updating your graphics driver."
Third response, "Completely delete your addons from your interface folder and delete your Cache folder."
Fourth response, (Actual technical support rep) "Delete your cache and WTF folder. If this doesn't work, try removing your add-ons and updating your graphics driver. If you still have no luck I would recommend uninstalling WoW and re-installing it."

From that day forth I have lost faith in the majority of humanities reading ability.

I need a hug and more chocolate... Sadly this marshmallow isn't doing the trick for me :raritydespair:

Group Admin

331419 well if the marshmallow isn't doing the trick I have for youuuuu....

A dictionary that looks like a marshmallow :unsuresweetie:
A tree :yay:
A chicken :scootangel:
And a...

What a twist:twistnerd:

*scribbles out "the tree isn't" and replaces it with "The marshmallow isn't"

Grr why must it take so long for my stories to get approved! I'm so excited to get bombarded with comments saying that my grammar is bad and the story unoriginal, again!

Look what you've made me resort to Fimfiction! All because there is no liarjack emote!
Had to get rid of that massive version, takes to long to load.

Group Admin

331481 What are you talking about? There isn't a 'The tree isn't' in my comment...

Well I guess I might as well start editing the next story. Thank the walrus of fortune I didn't write this one in a dozen chapters that only spanned 1k words or less.

Group Admin


You forgot about the other dictionary! :applecry:


You people and your short chapters. 8k+ words or bust!

Group Admin

331491 Why offer two dictionaries?

There is, you just can't tell because I scribbled it out so well! :pinkiehappy:

Isn't aphasia the greatest thing in the world? At one point in my story I called Applejack 'Cheeseburger' because my sister asked me if I wanted one as I was writing it.

Group Admin


Differences between the two, of course.

Group Admin

331497 Applebloom would be an English to Texas dictionary and Sweetie Belle would be an English explanatory dictionary

Group Admin

331501 crack *snicker*

331503 Wow, I'm officially retarded. How did I not even realize that? :facehoof: Rainbow Splinter it is. *deletes comment before more people can discover my idiocy*

Group Admin

At first I was like:

(ಠಿ_ಠ) ...

But then I was like:

(◕∀◕) "Hoho there, lover boy!"

Wow... I'm actually surprised with myself. This third story isn't nearly as unbearable to edit as the second one was. Second one I was separating dialogue from separate speakers left and right. Erasing excess commas and making the terri-bad dialogue not so terri-bad. This one I'm just like la-la-la *read read read* Of course that just could be because my brain is suffering from a complete melt down and no longer recognizes mistakes...

Group Admin

331505 I actually did like crack more than splinter because splinter sounds so insignificant but then I made that joke about crack and well... :scootangel:

Eh, well this story is far more significant in development towards the next stories in the series then the other two were... What about... uh... Shatter... Fragment...
The Fractured Rainbow? I hate titles! D:<
Course there is always "The Fleeting Rainbow" title I had originally planned to use for the first story...
But then I was like:

(◕∀◕) "Hoho there, silly pony!"

Group Admin

331520 fractured sounds good

This pleases my marshmallow friend! :raritywink:
But really, how did my grammar take such a leap from the first two stories to the third one...
I mean even with my limited knowledge of the grammarz I can see that it VASTLY improved from story two to three.
Story one I'm not even sure what was going through my mind when I had first written it. Pinkie Pie was originally a crazy spaz who screamed the ENTIRE time I gave her anything to say. You couldn't even tell who was talking half the time and the dialogue was like a jumbled up blob of shoot yourself in the face.
Random note: I literally cried when I edited my first story it was so badly written...


Group Admin

331530 *juggles 3 balls while on a unicycle*

Eh, I don't find it that depressing. Probably because I have a scene in which Aunt Orange is talking to Applejack about her mom. I also happened to have made her dad not much of a likable pony despite that he never has a single bit of dialogue. Don't think I need to go into more detail then that.
*is very impressed* Now do it across a thin bridge over a boiling lake of lava!

Group Admin

:raritystarry: Ideeaaaaaaa! *Goes to jot down notes about a scene involving the afore-posted picture*


My headcanon involves something happening to AJ's parents. I haven't fleshed out the idea yet and it'll need a lot of work to avoid interfering with current canon.

Group Admin

331535 But if I fall, I'll die:fluttercry:
Meh, I'll do it anyway
Listen to This, start at 0.10

My headcanon is that her mom died at childbirth with Applebloom and her father couldn't bare to stick around as his children reminded him to much of her and was far to painful.

I am most impressed good sir! Also, I replaced the lava with strawberry jello so don't worry.

Group Admin


That's mine as well, but for the story I'm trying to think up something more original than that. It's been used several times.

Group Admin

331547 are you perhaps strangely obsessed with tobs of jelly?

Everything has been used! It wouldn't surprise me if a magical pendant that could resurrect the dead in exchange for releasing an evil unicorn whom feeds off fear, hatred and any other negative emotions whilst corrupting minds of innocent ponies causing them to do evil things just so she can grow more powerful has already been done.

Group Admin

Well, yes. "More original" != original. Just less used.

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