AppleDash 3,014 members · 1,068 stories
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Group Admin

Hello, everypony!

The time has come, where we've reached an incredible 99 AppleDash mini-prompt submissions! That's around 42,000 words of < 500 word prompts! Now that we've reached the number 100, we've decided to do something special: A single prompt collab with multiple writers! Interested? Read on!

The prompt word is Desire and writing starts on Friday, March 1st!

Tchernobog is writing the first (and current) entry.

Need to know when you're going? See the calendar here! (Please note that this schedule is made for the EST time zone and your time begins at 12:00am on the first day and ends at 11:59pm (23:59) on the last day. Be sure to calculate the times for your time zone accordingly!)

See the turn order here!

Be sure to keep it rated teen. If your turn conflicts with your schedule, let me know and I'll reorganize with another entrant.

Entries will be posted in a new story, starting when we cross the 1,000 word minimum. Once the first entry is written, I will keep a list with links to the entries in Google Docs, which I will post here. Each entry will receive a quick editing pass for grammar, spelling, and rating.

You may send me your entry through PM or in a comment here. I prefer links to Google Docs, but I can accept other formats if you ask me first (to make sure I can actually open them).

Once everyone is signed up, the entrants will all vote on a prompt word to use. This word will be the theme of the story that everyone writes.

In a randomized order, each person will write a 200-1000 (1500 is the absolute limit) word continuation of the last person's entry. It is up to each writer how they want to present their part of the story, although it should make an attempt to flow smoothly.

There is no outline! Part of the fun is making things up as you go (just remember to keep it within the theme).

The time limit for each entry is three full days after receiving notification that it's your turn. You will receive daily notifications from me until the prompt is complete as a reminder. This is a somewhat fast paced collab (in comparison to some of the other collabs present on the site), so I'd just like to make sure that it doesn't get caught up on waiting a week for somepony to write their part.

Please keep it rated Teen or lower; the same rules apply as the original prompt thread.

Submissions can be sent to me however you like and I'll edit them to fit fimfiction formatting. I'm going to ask the mods about making this a separate story, then updating the chapters as we go, but if that doesn't happen, I'll maintain a list of the written entries for everyone to read before starting their own and once they're all finished, it'll be added to the original prompt story.

Sign ups are closed. Thank you, everypony!

Questions? Comments? Did I forget something? Let me know!

This sounds awesome! Can't wait to see what people come up with.

How much time do you have to write the story after the writer before you finishes?

Group Admin

It's explained right there :P

The time limit for each entry is three full days after receiving notification that it's your turn. You will receive daily notifications from me until the prompt is complete as a reminder.

Group Admin

3 full days after I let you know it's your turn. I'm debating whether or not I should have set dates for turns or not. This would be the difference of knowing exactly when your turn is at least several days in advance (more than a week for all but the two first people) or not knowing and going once the person before you has finished. I'm thinking set dates would be better, currently.

Group Contributor

Are we gonna be doing all of this is in one google doc?

Group Admin

I'm actually going to ask the mods about making this a separate story, then updating the chapters as we go. Failing that, then I'll have a doc with links to the completed chapters.

Original post updated to reflect this.

You can go ahead and count me in, this seems like it will be a lot of fun.

I've signed up! Now we just all need to avoid the dreadful writer's block and this will turn out stupendously.

Signed up!
A thousand words should be doable, even with my pace of writing :twilightblush:

Y'all can thank CalmNQuiet and bookplayer for me being here.

I'm game. Signed up an' erverthang. :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

Signed up. I made the darn thread, so it only seemed fair.

731615 Wouldn't be the same without you! :twilightsmile:
731603 Excellent. This is going to be shape up to be an awesome prompt (story).

Appledash collab? Who wouldn't wanna sign up?

Lets do this thing!

Group Contributor

Aww, this sounds interesting! We used to do something like this in my high school creative writing club, except you weren't allowed to see what the entry before the person before you was, so it created a mish-mash story. Hmm....wondering if I should sign up or not. It'd be interesting...

Group Admin

Signed up hours ago :)

Group Contributor

I'm not sure if my earlir posts count as me claiming the first writing slot, but I would be more than happy to get the ball rolling on this story!

Either way, you can count on me as being signed up!

I'm in. This should be interesting. :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

At this rate, we'll have a full blown story 15k word story or something! :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

More, if everyone does a full thousand. There's currently 19 people (myself included) signed up for this.

Group Contributor

Bah, I'd need the full thousand words...I tend to be verbose >_<

Group Admin

This is going to go:
Person A: descriptive, bit of dialogue
Person B: descriptive, bit of dialogue
Person C: descriptive, bit of dialogue
etc. . .
bookplayer: Time for TALKING!

Yeah, I might not use my full thousand. It depends how the conversation goes. :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

I'd like to randomize it, just so it isn't a "who got there first" kind of deal. Of course, if people don't mind, then I could always put you first.

And I look forward to reading it! :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

Shouldn't we have a limit on how many people can join in? Wouldn't want the story to take a month :)

Group Admin

It's a bit late for that. We've already enough people for an entry every 3 days for the next 2 months. Doesn't mean we can't continue with regular prompts, though. Once at least some of this is done, it's officially the 100th prompt and number 101 can be started.

732831 I hope I'm not too late then. Sweet baby Jesus you guys work fast. I'm gone for twenty four hours and already the sign up are up to a crazy amount!

Group Admin

That's a good point. Once we decide the prompt for #100, we should decide on 101 too (unless it's NOT lightning, then someone can do that too).

732842 Holy... next 2 months? And people thought AppleDash was fading. Lies! Lies and Slander! I think this #100 prompt is going to be monumental.

732868 We could use the prompts people are suggesting in the sign-up sheet and make #101: Lightning. Might be the easiest way to do it?

Group Admin

That's what I was saying, yes :) :rainbowkiss:

sounds fun. put me down.

Group Admin

If you'd be so kind as to fill out the sign up sheet, that'd be awesome. I'd like to have everyone's info in the same place.

Also, I'm not going to be sending daily messages for the next two months as reminders. I think I'll keep it to one message to let you know it's your turn and another 24 hour warning. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

edit: nevermind~

Group Admin

We have 25 entrants and 24 hours left to sign up! For the prompt word suggestions, I'll be compiling a list of 2 per entrant to vote upon. If someone did not suggest a word or suggested only one, I'll pick words from those with longer lists. As it stands, there's over 100 suggestions and I think that's a bit too many to reasonably vote for. Unless, of course, you all don't mind the full list.


How many duplicates out of those 100? If that's a more sensibly sized list but not too sparse, it might be easier to vote on.

Group Admin

Very few, actually. People have come up with some nice variety. I think we have only a single duplicatebso far, and even then it's a case of plural/non-plural.


Wow. Now I'm curious to see the full list once signups end.

Group Contributor

>over 100 suggestions already
>takes me an hour to think of a new good prompt

Wait, so hold up, lol, when will we actually start writing and what will it be about? :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

we're still figuring this out :rainbowlaugh: Krazy is organising it. Signups are closing soon.

Group Admin

Alright, 30 minutes late closing this, but I was blowing off steam playing Planetside 2. I'll start the word voting tomorrow. We had 26 people sign up for this!

Group Contributor
Group Admin

Voting forms have been sent through PM! I cut out prompts that were too similar to each other and removed duplicates, but I did make sure that everyone who submitted words had at least two of theirs in the final voting. There's a total of 36 words to vote on!

Because Google Docs is so amazing and my programming skills will blow your mind, once I have all the votes I can have the results sorted automatically and posted within just a few minutes. Later tonight I will be working on getting a list of everybody who entered up and in what order they'll be going in.

In the event that there is a tie between two or more prompt words, a second round of voting will occur.

Group Admin

Will it be one long story written by different authors with different prompt words or will it be like several different scenes?

Group Admin

One long story based on the prompt word. That said, everyone is free to pick their own style of writing, be it dialogue heavy, first person, third person, description only... anything goes! It'll be a normal prompt, just much longer and written by 26 people.

Group Admin

This will be difficult though as we need a beginning and an ending. People can't just introduce problems which others are unable to fix before the end.

Group Admin

Hence why I asked if people would be willing to write the beginning and the ending. Once I know the order people will be going in, I'll have the last three people wrap up the story; I'm not going to have the person writing the ending be burdened with tying up all the loose ends. If it becomes an issue, then we can always work it out. I'm always here to help and I know most other people are, too.

Another way to do it would be to encourage individual submissions to be more snapshot-esque, like the original prompt thread. They'd be (mostly) self contained stories in an overall story arc.

This is all still up for debate, so if you all have ideas, I'd love to hear them!

Group Admin

Maybe some sort of a stories idea. Like Dash and Applejack sitting by the campfire or one of them on their deathbed and have them recount the things they experienced.

Group Admin

That's not a bad idea at all. I like it. I'll see what the final prompt is, first.

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