TwiDash 4,241 members · 1,194 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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A dumb idea just pop in my head. A Twidash fic where Twilight and Rainbow Dash gets turned into fillies and have to face middle school again. Which includes a scootaloo problem with Rainbow dash and Twilight keeping her intelligent on a down low to hide her indenity from Cheerilee finding her out.

..... i would so read this.....

If this was a thing, I would read it SO HARD.

Group Contributor


A dumb idea just pop in my head.

It's only dumb if you don't write it. Then it becomes win.

I would definitely read this. :twilightsmile:

Wow:rainbowhuh: yeah I guess ima get started:pinkiehappy:


It would take an incredible amount of hand waving for this idea to exist. I can't honestly think of a way for this story to come into existence that makes any sense at all. First you have Twilight and Dash becoming fillies and actually going to school instead of figuring out what is wrong themselves or getting outside assistance. The only way I could see this happening would be some sort of time travel issue. This however wouldn't be possible as you have stated they would be interacting with Scootaloo.

If you are stuck on this idea I would recommend keeping the general idea but picking out a more likely cast to use.



I was thinking a letter from the princess telling her it's a new study

Group Contributor


Attend school, not necessarily complete it. I could easily see some kind of "we have a fix for you, but it is gonna take a [year/6 months/whatever] for the necessary herb to bloom/finish researching the spell to do so. In the meantime lay low. You're fillies so you'll have to attend school. Less questions asked that way." situation.

The bigger problem that came up in my mind isn't so much Twilight's brain but Dash's mane. It's pretty distinctive. The disappearance of Dash and the sudden appearance of a filly with her mane in school is going to cause questions. In particular from her fanclub, Scootaloo being the president thereof.

The easy way to make this work, is that they get sent to an alternate universe during the same arcane mishap that reverts their age, one where their native selves never moved to Ponyvil, allowing them to interact with the inhabitants of the town without being instantly recognized. (also lets you make a new team of bearers of the elements of harmony for a gag.)

Edit: Now I want to see a fic where the mane six travel to a alternate universe where a group of one off antagonists like Blue Blood, Gilda, Trixie, Lightning Dust, Iron Will, and Garble hold the elements of harmony, that would be good for a laugh.


:twilightsheepish: Whoops. I can fix this.
:rainbowderp: Uh Twilight, what the hay happened?
:twilightsheepish: I turned us into fillies and sent us to an alternate universe.
:rainbowhuh: What
:twilightsheepish: No time to explain, school is starting.

:moustache: Who is this Twilight you are asking about? I've always lived alone here.

That sounds really fun. I'd read that.

Group Contributor

It would have to be executed really well, and it would require that the reason for it to have happened actually made some sense, and that is already including the fact that Fanfictions tend to change the rules a bit as it is. I really don't see a way for that to happen, but if you can work it in and make it feel natural and realistic, then sure, I'd read it.

1696613 write it NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment posted by EddWar deleted Sep 7th, 2013

Me and another author is working on it now! so it might take while:pinkiehappy:

1702061 Can't wait to see how this turns out.

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