TwiDash 4,239 members · 1,192 stories
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Group Admin

So the series is coming to a close in a few short weeks. And with it, some changes to the TwiDash group have already been made. Mainly, the incoming folder has now been removed, and anyone is able to add stories to any of the folders. Us mods will still be around, we just read less and it isn’t really fair to keep stories in the incoming folder for months and then everyone gets hit by a huge update like what just happened when stories get moved. If you feel a story was improperly added feel free to PM one of us and we’ll get it sorted out.

There may be a contest regarding the series finale ... maybe. If anyone has a prize they’d like to offer up for it PM me or bats. Tim, we think, was murdered by a moose dopped up on maple syrup, and apparently bats is the more approachable one.

Group Admin

I'm just so warm and cuddly.

Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...

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