TwiDash 4,242 members · 1,194 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Greetings, connoisseurs of lesbian horse kisses:

I hope this sudden thread finds you well. If not, well, this thread will certainly make your day worse. Nothing overly important, but I would like to bring three things to topic.

Firstly, there's nothing I enjoy more than when new TwiDash gets added to the group (except for maybe SweetieDash). It makes my job so much easier when others give a helping hand. I think we all know the other admins rest on their laurels and take me for granted, while everyone else silently thanks me before they go to bed every night. So when others actually pitch in and add stories, it warms my heart. However (comma pause for effect), recently there has been an influx of people adding stories that are already in the TwiDash group. This makes me sad. Please stop. For relatively outdated instructions on how to not add stories already in the group you can jump over here.

The second order of business is the Discord server. The server is booming with over 6 members! Some of you in the relative past may have found out that you were removed from the server. I could say that it was because I was curious what the prune button did and found out it removed anyone that hadn't logged in in the past 30 days. But instead, I'm just gonna blame Timaeus. It was all his fault, and he laughed when he did it. But feel free to rejoin, and maybe bats won't kick you this time because you thought Coming Back was stupid.

Thirdly, I was gonna totes complain about still not having those Mature stories back and how useless the website creator and admins were. Thankfully, I checked and as you can all see with the adding of Unicorn Diaries, that it's been apparently fixed and in their infinite wisdom kept it to themselves. So expect to see your feed flooded with super old porn getting added. You're welcome.

Group Admin

You are everyone's favorite grumpy uncle.

Group Contributor

Can you please keep quiet while I'm trying to rest on my laurels here?

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

I said admins. Everyone knows the contributors don't do anything and only got that position by sleeping with an admin.

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