TwiDash 4,239 members · 1,192 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Formerly Committed
Group Admin

So if you've looked at the stories count in the last few days, you've noticed it's dropped a significant amount. From over 1000 to now 970-ish. In what was 99% Timaeus' fault and 1% mine, (the 1% me being the one to actually delete them, and the 99% Tim being he's Canadian and makes a decent scapegoat and will apologize for it anyway) 29 mature stories were removed from the group. 1 of them intentional (it being unpublished) 28 of them ... not so intentional.

"Just add them back, dude."

Well, we can't ... yet. Apparently, somewhere within the code of this shitty amazing website, they still register as being in the group ... or something, since if you go to those stories' pages, it says that they are in the group. But obviously they aren't, and when you try to add them it returns a server error.

Rest assured the mods are assisting in this, giving wonderful advice such as "lulz is your view mature filter on?" So my "ticket" (I guess we'll call it that) has moved up to the higher powers that be, so I'm told. All I can do now is wait.

If you're worried your story was one of the ones removed it probably wasn't. All the ones that were removed were written between 2012 and maybe early 2014. I know exactly 20 of the stories that were removed and am just waiting to add them. The other 8 will hopefully be found, eventually.

In other news, there still isn't another contest, and I still haven't earned my father's respect.

It's fine. You've at least admited your mistake and you're trying to fix it

We all know this is just a cover for censorship. Why are you violating our first ammendment right to horse porn?

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

I'm trying to make everyone hate TwiDash and join the great OT3 of Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash, and Sonic.

I call it Sonic Rainbloom.

You're a bad person.

You should feel bad.

Formerly Committed
Group Admin

Yes, and I don't.

Comment posted by Formerly Committed deleted Mar 29th, 2018
Formerly Committed
Group Admin

To make SweetieDash look better by comparison.

...which in turn would make TwiDash look amazing by comparison. IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

Why would sonic the hedgehog and sonic the Pegasus get together like that?

I know I'm not much for mature stories, but... what's going on? Are you just joking around in the replies?

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