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Awhile back the story "Sun and Stars" by Sparkfyre was taken down, there used to be a dropbox archive of it. While I have found the link to said dropbox file, it too has either been taken down or made private.

I've searched every place I could think of if anyone has the story or a link to it I would be very grateful.
Thank you!

Fome had a copy of the original cached version from sparkfyre, I've uploaded it to dropbox here's a download link

try Fim Fetch

also if you find it can you message me a link

did this ever get found? sounds interesting

I've been through fimfetch before, can't find it there either :L
(Note I did try again just before posting this and still nothing)

You could also try the Fimfarchive. Google search yielded nothing.

I checked; the fic was taken down before Fimfarchive's first archive was created. I think our last hope would be to find someone who has a local copy.

If only it was known who put up the original dropbox files...

Going by this comment, Sparkfyre uploaded it, but apparently he's been offline for years. I sent a PM to the one he posted the link for (ocbaker) to see if, just maybe, they have a copy of it.

yeah, I messaged the guy who most recently reposted the link on sparkfyre's comments, he still hasn't gotten back. I'll post again when I get a reply.

Edit! Reddit user u/Hoi_Im_Kimmerz found that the waybackmachine has the first three chapters!
(I know it lists all 11 but only the first three will actually open!!)
Edit 2: looking through each crawl date netted chapters 7,8 and 9 too!





Fome had a copy of the original cached version from sparkfyre, I've uploaded it to dropbox here's a download link

Group Contributor

This is terrible. Why were you eager to recover this?

I liked the story and honestly, I think its fairly good even unfinished. Plus because I liked it I wanted to be sure that I wasn't lost to time. I'm sorry you don't happen to like it but I'm glad that there is now a place to find it for those who did like it or even for those who would like to read it.

Excellent! Thank you!

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