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What's your favourite twidash moment from the show?
Mine is in Hurricane Fluttershy:

Rainbow Falls.

(Testing, testing 1, 2, 3 had prolly the best potential but they ruined the ending)

well it's not from the show but this is my favorite mlp:ccg card

but for actually from the show, I can't really think of any.

4085547 Haha i like that card :p

4085496 It's hard to decide:
Testing 1,2,3


Daring Don't

Testing 1 2 3 for sure

Group Contributor

I've always loved the spot of Daring Don't where Twilight and Rainbow fangirl back and forth about the plot of the Daring Do books as they attempt to figure out what the heck is going on in the present day.


I AM on a mobile phone, so the YouTube link might not work.

I realize this scene isn't exactly shippy... But I love it anyways. However, my absolute FAVORITE TwiDash moment is in 1, 2, 3, Testing or whatever the episode is named. Ever since Twilight got her wings, I'd been WAITING for this line.

"Hey there, Rainbow. Wanna go flying?"

In the episode it may have been to get her to cheer up or whatever, but still. That just makes it better. ^_^

Yep. Dash surpassed eggheadness and got into the realm of supernerdness :rainbowlaugh:


4085668 But they totally ruined the ending, I was expecting Rainbow to just hug the life out of Twilight but AS I thought that it was about to happen, they make her fly off to the rest of the mane 6 and that is where she just thanks them and... that's it, no cute hug or eye to eye "thank you".
In Testing, testing 1, 2, 3, that is.

Yeah that was a shame. Still it was cool while it lasted

when they kissed in Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

Nah, real answer is either Twilight following Dash around trying to cheer her up in that episode or

nervous Dash in Rainbow Falls

Wow that picture of them kissing does look like the real deal.

4086294 It's a screencap edit I did a while ago, lol

The hub logo must mean its legit! :P

Dose all of season 4 count? I mean there was so much Twidash last season which is funny beacsue I don't really like the season. But I mean there was a lot of Twidash. Rarity Takes Manehatten has it for a second you just have to look really hard because it only lasts a second.

4085496 Oh and of course this.

4096032 I'm gunna re-watch that episode. Ill see if i can spot it

Group Contributor

That's been one of my favorites for awhile. Rainbow nuke shortly after for a dash of awesome.

Is this it?

What about this?

I don't know :/

4085496 For me? Gotta be the Battle Of The Eggheads in Daring Don't.

I love how pinkie knows what they're on about xD

Oh, I forgot about this one. I also forgot that this one is actually my favorite:

4096410 This happens.

Their nostrils look like the eyes of strange poni-like creatures and I can't unsee it. Seriously, just cover anypony from the neck down. I think they're all frogs. New headcanon: Ponies are amphibious; since Scootaloo should've outgrown them months ago, she's too embarrassed to tell anypony that her "wings" are actually vestigial gills.

I haven't slept in a while. :twilightsheepish:

4097540 Oh god i see it now xD

Awesome! A new flying buddy!

Takes on a whole new meaning if you subscribe to the popular headcanon that wings are sexually sensitive.

Also, note AJ looking at Twilight, and realising that now Twilight has wings, neither TwiJack nor RainbowJack is likely to happen. Next panel: RariJack? "If we must, darling. Just be gentle — I know how you earth ponies can be."

4125920 Yeah, that moment was epic lol

4085496 Rainbow Dash looking at Twilight's flank in this scene then smirking. I mean Twilight wearing a tight suit so it must give a nice outline if her plot.

4145749 Woah. Naughty

If only this was the case :P

Comment posted by femikol deleted Jul 30th, 2015

This scene.... is just adorable.

Comment posted by Fritzy deleted Oct 25th, 2018
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