I Just Want a Comment 3,696 members · 15,823 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Hey all, hope you've all been doing well.
I've just recently uploaded some unfinished content from a story I was writing 12 years back, called The Outlaw, The Star and the Big, Big Sky and I'd love some feedback on it. I'm deliberating whether I should try to continue the story or not, if people are even interested, etc. It hardly got any feedback so I'd really appreciate some thoughts.
I had a good time writing and re-reading it, but life is very busy and I'm not sure I have the time to really devote to it if the interest isn't there. Any thoughts or comments would be very much appreciated. :twilightsmile:
On a related note, I have some old concept art I drew for the story, but I'm not sure of the best way to host and link images here. Any suggestions?

Story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/44745/the-outlaw-the-star-and-the-big-big-sky

P.S. Re-reading through the story, I'm considering if it should be changed to a Teen rating.

I haven't read it, though it seems to be very interesting.
If you want to continue the story, sure, just make sure to pls take some breaks in between as well, mental health is always important.
Also would this be a AU story as well or no?

Thank you, I appreciate that!

As for it being AU, I suppose it would be considered AU now. When I began writing, only season 1 had aired, so I was working off very little lore and and the lines between AU and non-AU were fuzzy back then. Since then, there's been plenty of episodes that would conflict with some of my ideas and elements in the story, so yes, I suppose it is indeed AU now. :moustache:

My read later's swamped already, but I think it can handle one more.
Looks interesting, and sure, I'd like to see it continue. On your own terms, of course.

Although, should I read Macintosh first?

For images, what I use is Imgbb (just search something like that.) It's totally free to set up an account for it, and you can upload both pictures from your computer and ones from elsewhere on the Internet. It even makes it easy to copy the bbcode insert directly from the site.

I'd appreciate the read and the feedback! No, you don't need to read anything else first. It's written to be standalone. It does technically take place in the same 'AU'/Timeline, but not in a way which affects the story in any way.

And thanks for the tip on image hosting! I'll check it out :twilightsmile:

I just published an addendum to my story, containing notes and ideas for the future of the story. I'd be very grateful to anyone who can take the time to check it out.


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