RariJack 1,949 members · 538 stories
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Source: http://alumx.deviantart.com/art/In-meadow-love-blooms-583913808

While I think the art style for the two lovebirds is a little far from the norm, it is easy to see that these two care about each other quite a bit. I can't believe how well the artist drew the flowers on the hill beside them. Rarity's muzzle looks good, but AJ's looks a little too blocky, too masculine. Can't say I like the way they drew Rarity's tail, too. But overall, the serenity of the piece is what completes it, makes it good. Easily a 9/10 for me.

What do you guys think about this piece?

Rarity's tail is drawn like a classic unicorn, so for the style I could forgive that.
But my first thought was that Applejack looked like a cow, and now I cannot unsee this.

4976059 Classic unicorn, huh? I'm unfamiliar with that.

It is late enough that my google-fu is not strong. But like on shields and such they'd give unicorns lion tails (and goat legs for some reason).
Some fanart gives them lion tails, but though I think it makes for an interesting image, I think I prefer normal tails. It can work; it just depends on the style.


It's nice, really nice in fact (though I miss the hat) but

Source: http://harwicks-art.deviantart.com/art/Five-Star-Accommodations-582995964

Is also very recent and even better. Really though we here in Rarijack land have no trouble at all when it comes to finding great art. We have the best artist and the most out of the big 4 Mane 6 ships. Even with White Diamonds on Hiatus great Rarijack pieces come out all the time.


Source: http://vest.deviantart.com/art/Rarijack-Railing-581867724

4976399 Okay, that snuggle pic looks adorable. I'm gonna share that with my followers.

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin


Oh, nifty. That 2nd one is one I commissioned. Kind of nice seeing it pop up. :ajsmug:

The artist that did the shading was Vest, but the lineart is Eve-Ashgrove, great gal to go to if you're needing commish artwork.

4977273 It's really nice. Did you commission it for a story?

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin


Yeah, a sequel to The Laughing Shadow. Hoping to have it done soon™


Cool, Im all for anything that gives Rarijack things exposure, and might inspire someone to write something or whatever. Seeing as I know you have like thousands of followers. And we always need more Rarijack fic, we've got a strange imbalance here on this ship between our art power and our fic power.

Go through Harwick's gallery in general, all their stuff is fantastic and they've got a few other really cute Rarijack pieces too.


Yeah Iv seen lots of Rarijack pieces from Eve-Ashgrove, not sure how many are commissions vs Not Commissions but Rarijack seems to be her most frequent go-to ship anyway. Though iv also seen a fair amount of PinkieDash and FlutterDash from her. I like her humanized pones in general.

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