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Group Admin

Dear All Ponies,
We all have those issues were writing can become so much of a chore that we lose faith in all that we are doing and stop trying even though we think we should. These 'Road Blocks' are some of the most annoying things in creation, but they're only a figure of our mind. They aren't really there. These writer's blocks are as much a figment of our imagination as our stories are. It's up to you to take all of these blocks and create something else with them... Perhaps make a castle for your imagination to strive in, a boat to sail the sea's of inspiration, or build a character who you can learn to love again.

You can do anything with motivation if you find the motivation to motivate yourself. If you're struggling with a story because you feel like you've lost all care for it then place a comment here. Ask your Princesses for advice on the matter. Tell us about your Motivational problems and we will help.

Your Faithful Princesses, Celestia and Luna

Lol This group seems so inactive that I didn't know were this group thread came from when I saw it lol :rainbowlaugh: Great words of wisdom however.:twilightsmile:

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