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I usually don't get political on this [YouTube] channel (though I'm sure you've noticed my position on gay rights), but it's the 4th of July (at least where I am now), the day our country the USA gained its independence, and since I moved back to the States from overseas...I've found no reason to celebrate. I loved America because it was a sanctuary for people who wanted freedom. That's why the pilgrims and subsequent immigrants came in the first place. But now...this year has been especially aggravating for me. With the election, Trump's annoying remarks (it's no secret that I'm a democrat, though this guy is making me miss Bush), gun violence (btw, citizens weren't allowed guns in the last country I lived in and surprise, surprise, significantly less gun-related deaths), discrimination against *insert minority here*...every time I go on the news there's something like this. And I'm ashamed. Ashamed of my country.

There's no doubt the "Land of the Free" needs to start living up to its name. I figured the best I could do was make this video to remind people what America is SUPPOSED to mean. I know there will be a lot of hate, and I am taking a big risk posting this on this channel, but I don't care. I have seen more ugly comments on the online news the past year than I've seen on this channel alone.

Bottom line: if we let people like Donald Trump win, then everything Americans have struggled to build over the past two and a half centuries will have gone to waste.

- DisneyFanatic23

5339604 Yeah, I know how you feel Disney. It just feels like sometimes America's lost it's way. I think this song perfectly sums it up, now more then ever:

So, long story short:

I'm a raging faggot who demands we burn down everything good in the world and give whatever's left to people who have no stake in it. Freedom for all! Except for people who don't conform with the New Way, or people who don't use the Newthink. Free speech for all! Except for those who don't use Newspeak.

Get out of here with your Marxist shit, you subversive follower of weaponized ideas.

5339666 What a jerk you are! I get that people throw that stuff at me all the time! BUT - - - this happens to be the author of ''Bride of Discord'' speaking for God's sakes! And she speaks the truth, too!


It's meant for whoever made the quote and whoever likes it.

Call me whatever you like. "Nazi" is the most common followed by "problematic" and "white male!", none of them have any bite more than calling me a "meanie face."

There's not a word of truth spouted forth from that mindless wall of virtue signaling.

5339670 Oh, Jesus, it's the author of Bride of Discord?!

Pardon me while I DON'T frantically masturbate with rapturous joy and worship. I didn't when Russell Crowe rolled through my town, nor Neil Gaiman, and I sure as hell ain't gonna do it for this idiot.

If anything, it just proves that you can write a semi-engaging story and still be a dipshit.


And she speaks the truth, too!

Citation needed.

5339685 Preach it.

5339666 Anybody ever tell you that you're a asshole? Just for that little remark, I've filed a report about your behavior and you earned yourself a block from me.:twilightangry2:

In addition, one of the goals of a Trump presidency is to bury the Cold War hatchet once and for all.

Obama 2.0 would be more rounds of sanctions, more funding terrorists and toppling governments across the world to feed extranational interests that put her where she is. More dead, more strife, more limitations on rights and 4-8 years of increasing civil unrest.

Hell, even that illiterate commie Sanders would be better.


[Assault on safe-spaces intensifies]

5339760 Citations aren't needed, just look around you. America's going to crap and unless people actually start doing something about that, it's going to stay that way and keep being like this song says:

5339785 Oh, I have no doubt that America is going down the shitter.

I just dispute that it's the fault of people like Trump; I squarely lay it at the feet of people like King Barry and his ilk, as well as the milquetoasts that have the nerve to call themselves "Republicans" who are in office.

5339774 Oh yes, when everything goes wrong blame Obama and use him as your scapegoat. You do realize it's not just him that's responsible for what's going on in America, it's a lot of us and the politicians. Hell, if anything I'd say Obama is trying as hard as he can just to fix the problems of America that the Bushes put us in the first place.

I don't just blame Obama, he's just a puppet to his rich multinational, multicultural masters.

You children don't understand that that problems go back to and beyond vermin like Reagan, who set the stage for the Neo-Conservatives who are filthy subversives who did nothing to protect the country from multinationals, the bankers or the scourge of modern ultra-leftism.

Kill them all. Left and right, they're all disgusting rats who have sold the West out for their own gain.

Don't try to group me with these inhuman creatures of either side, they're all to blame. You think I like Bush? Fuck him and everything he did, but fuck Obama even harder for pushing the cancer of Social Justice into daily life.

Don't think for a single second that you know what you're talking about, or that you're on the "right side of history." You and you ilk are just as responsible for the degradation of all Western nations. When society is a fascist hell, know that it came not from the right, but from "peace and love" hiding hatred and intolerance. Know that you are personally responsible for every death and every instant of suffering should the system fall.


You children don't understand that that problems go back to and beyond vermin like Reagan, who set the stage for the Neo-Conservatives who are filthy subversives who did nothing to protect the country from multinationals, the bankers or the scourge of modern ultra-leftism.

Kill them all. Left and right, they're all disgusting rats who have sold the West out for their own gain.

You scare me. And as for this...

I don't just blame Obama, he's just a puppet to his rich multination, multicultural masters.

Sure you don't need a tinfoil hat?:trixieshiftleft:


You should be scared. Everyone should be scared of the future we've all collectively sown.

Please take a long look at his largest backers and tell me he isn't owned by rich multicultural traitors. You all love to talk about the 1% when it's convenient and shut right up about them when it's pointed out that those same people happen to fund all radical left-wing groups.

And lest we forget your own words,

Just for that little remark, I've filed a report about your behavior and you earned yourself a block from me.:twilightangry2:

You would have me punished for speaking my mind. You'd have me silenced for not sucking the metaphorical phallus of the party line as said by some hack writer.
So please, tell me about tinfoil. Tell me about paranoia when you yourself would have me punished and silenced.

"Is it paranoia if they're actually out to get you?"

Gotta love warmongers who claim peace as their cover.

People fightning in the coments its good to be home :D

5339604 While I agree that Trump would be a TERRIBLE president, Hillary would be worse. Which is why I am voting for Gary Johnson. I am a Christian who believes that ALL religions should be free to be practiced in my country. My beloved aunt is gay, so you can guess at my stance on that. However, I am also pro 2nd Ammendment. Several of my great grandparents were illegal immigrants from Scottland, Norway, and Germany. I hope you chose to vote for liberty, whichever direction your conscious dictates you should. That should go to all people. Just remember that it is our place to help preserve the right of all Americans, ESPECIALLY if we disagree with them. They have the right to speak their minds however they chose, so long as they do not bring harm to the nation's people. It is those we disagree with, who most deserve the right to speak their minds.


Several of my great grandparents were illegal immigrants from Scottland, Norway, and Germany.

You entire family snuck aboard a ship and crossed the Atlantic?

They didn't go through quarantine? None of the legal means?

They should have been deported immediately.

5340081 I'm amused at how you mentioned a bunch of things that trump is against. While I don't know trumps stance on guns, I can tell you that the left is only trying to make it so people on the no fly list can't buy guns, that's it. Trump wants to build walls and kick out immigrants and people he is racist against. While Hillary is pretty terrible, I think she is a lesser evil, and if she yields enough to bernie to earn his endorsement, then I think she will be an okay choice.

5340105 They were clever enough to never be caught. One founded the first school for girls in the midwest and founded Humansville in Missouri and eventually married a Cherokee woman. The others I know less about. One was a member of the Campbell Clan in Scottland, and related to Edward Teach. Many member of my family have done good things for my America. Mu great uncle, may he rest in peace, fought in the Battle Of The Bulge in WWII.

5340128 Perhaps you missed the part where I said I was voting for Gary Johnson NOT Trump or Hillary. Hillary has openly stated she is going to attempt to outlaw all civilian-owned firearms in the entire country. She was also ejected from the Watergate investigation for lying and what was the name of that country where we lost some people and Hillary never followed up on it? I detest both Trump and Hillary.

5340105 And yet do you even know the reason for that? They could have been fleeing from something for all you know.


While I don't know trumps stance on guns, I can tell you that the left is only trying to make it so people on the no fly list can't buy guns, that's it.

That is the filthiest and most bold-faced lie I've seen in a long while. You disgust me with such willful ignorance.

There is no end to "liberal" gun grabbing. Have you taken a look at California in the last 30 years?

Don't think we will be sated by lies and platitudes.

Trump wants to build walls and kick out immigrants and people he is racist against.

Oh look, another baseless lie.

Tell me how Trump is racist and back it with a single source that isn't just "he's rassist! We say so, so it's troof! D:"

Pro tip: You can't.

Don't care.

There are methods for refugees and they have existed for a long time.

They should have done it legally, regardless of the circumstance.

This entire thread was incredibly autistic, but at least it's a fun read.

Why is this downvoted? He's right. They've illegally entered the United States, violated it's sovereignty, and have taken advantage of systems and resources in the nation that should be for the natives or those who legally immigrated to the nation.

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