Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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Title: Trixie's Forest Retreat
Tags: Slice of Life / Sad / romance
Rating: Teen
General Summary/Description: Follows Trixie directly following Boast Busters. She flees into the forest, gets into a fight with Rainbow Dash leading to temporarily living with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
What type of help are you looking for?: Proofreader / Editor / Pre-reader
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: The story is currently ongoing with 13 chapters completed of roughly 1.1k words each.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): My primary failing has been Grammar and incorrect use of Comma’s.
Other important information: My goal is to improve and learn, fortunately I am fast in both of these things. I strive to write a chapter each day. English is not my first language which may be the reason for not quite grasping some subtleties of writing. I started writing stories about two weeks ago, but I have about 6 years of experience in text based roleplaying games. Much of that experience appears to translate over well enough, yet there are some differences.
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: MSN, Skype, Steam, fimfiction PM, or G-docs

My schedule is pretty clear right now, so if you still need help, I'm willing to lend a hoof.

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