Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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Currently, I'm undertaking a bit of a large project, so my editing services are suspended for the time being, sowwy :(

EDIT: if you want me to help out with your fic, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, HIT THE REPLY BUTTON, I WILL NOT HAVE BEEN NOTICED THAT YOU HAVE ASKED ME TO REVIEW HITTING THE REPLY BUTTON. If you do not do it, I can't help you. I probably won't, out of principle. Because people have not done this, I now have an immense backlog of work that a MOD had to warn me about.... you're all free for now, but I won't tolerate it in the future.

Username: Avatar of Madness
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm from Mississippi, and I'm schooled very well in English. I tend to notice logical errors/grammatical errors very quickly. I like to read, and hate seeing potential wasted due to crappy grammar and logic.

Are you an editor/proofreader/pre-reader: All three.

How much experience do you have on editing/proofing/pre-reading: I had to on my own when I wrote my work (not a fanfic, just a regular fic) so no ACTUAL fanfic experience, but I do have a year or two from reading through and finding errors.

Prefered tags: Adventure, Comedy, Crossover(if I am familiar with it), Slice-of-Life. As long as it's not straight out clop, it's all good really.

Favorite form of communication: Facebook, personal messages on here.

Obligatory and Standard Instructions: To request a review of your story, please do the following:
1. Read the general rules on the front page.

2: Read the rules the kind reviewer has set. If he doesn’t want a specific tag, don’t waste anyone’s time by posting a story with that tag.

2.5 Read all of them. Don’t be lazy. Laziness is a terrible quality.

3. Fill out this form about your story:
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag):
General Summary/Description:
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):
Other important information:
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:

4. The reviewer has one week to accept your story. Please understand they are people too, and may not accept your request as soon as you post it. If they fail to accept your request after one week, and you are sure you fit into the group/reviewer’s rules, then report the instance to the admins.

5. After the reviewer has successfully reviewed your story, then be sure to mark your post as completed in some form of noticeable lettering. It helps everyone see the reviewer is doing their job.

6. If any problems arise that you and your reviewer can’t solve together, contact the admins and we’ll help you.

Title: Minority
Tags: Dark, Comedy, Adventure
Description: Feather Quill has had a secret his entire life. Something he hid from everypony he ever knew. This secret has brought him good things, and made his life easier. Now it's going to bring something else to him. When somepony has a secret, it's bound to come out sometime or another.
Other: I just need the general once, and twice over from a new set of eyes for catching some grammar errors, and the character's reactions.

1969854 Thank you for asking me to look through this! It sounds interesting, but from just looking at the summary, try to make it more attention grabby. Try to vaguely capitalize on the secret aspect, so that it is even more interesting. Enough analyzing, I'll get to work.
I'm going to paste your story in Google. Docs, that way I can add comments in the story and such when I send it to you. Is that form preferable for you?

Title: Honestly I don't know. I've just started and wanted a general idea of whether or not what I've got. If you want I can leave a synopsis of what else I plan to happen at the bottom of my first chapter

Tags: Adventure Romance Dark Anthro

General Summary/Description: Shining Armour is recruit in the royal guard who has been chosen to be the conduit for the shield protecting Canterlot from the invasion of King (in Exile) Sombra. Shining's muse, love and special someone, Cadence, is then kidnapped by Discord and his bandits, the Diamond Dogs, who break her. Can shining find her, bring her sanity back and push back the invasion of dark abominations, changlings and outlaws trying to break into Canterlot?

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I know the description isn't amazing but If you have the free time, please could you just give it the once over

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: is there any promise?

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: messaging on here probably works best for me

Um, hey! Avatar of Madness, I have finished chapter 2 of Spike the Dragon: A Novel of Redwall...

I would like you to read it and well message me where I should make the corrections.

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP: FIM or Redwall. Brain Jacques owns the Redwall Series while Lauren Faust created MLP: FIM. Also the Redwall Characters are OC.

It is the Spring of Early Harvest. Redwall has been a great place to live. Many peaceful seasons have come and gone but this season appears that the trees and bushes have blossomed early with an enormous amount of food. I myself have never seen so much fruits, and berries blossoming so early this spring. For the second time ever recorded, Redwall is without an Abbot or Abbess. This is quite strange as many of us thought our Abbot that passed away last season would've selected his successor but he didn't.

It has been several seasons sense Redwall was ever under any serious threat. Still there is cation in the air. Skipper has told everyone that even though he enjoys our peaceful ways, that he feels that there maybe a danger on the horizon and he fears for everyone's safety. I don't blame Skipper for feeling this way, for deep in my own heart, I honestly feel that there really is danger on the horizon. It has also been many seasons sense Redwall has ever had a champion to defend our peaceful ways. If it wasn't for this feeling everyone here feels that Skipper maybe right, we'd probably be going threw our normal lives. Still this uneasiness is affecting everyone and without an Abbot or Abbess we aren't sure how to take it.

Signed Brother Robert, Abbey Recorder

An old mouse sat down writing away at his journal. Once he was done recording the old mouse adjusted his spectacles before closing it sighing. He had lived in Redwall for many seasons each season at least having an Abbot or Abbess. It also had been ages sense the Abbey ever had a Champion. They still had Skipper around to help and that wasn't going to change. The old mouse heard a knock on the Gate House's door.

"Who is it?" The old mouse asked.

"It's just me" was the response.

"Ah if it isn't Blossom. Come on in" Brother Robert said.

The door opened and Blossom stepped into the room. Blossom was Redwall Abbey's Badgermum unlike most female badgers whom were entering their golden age in life, Blossom was a young badger. She eyes Brother Robert as he made his way towards her."Good morning Blossom."

"Good Morning Brother Robbet" Blossom spoke "Are you ready to assist Sister April in getting more herbs for the Infirmary?"

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot about that" Brother Robbert said "Thanks for reminding me."

"You're welcome" The badger replied while the two exited the Gate House.

Once out of Redwall's gates they met a beautiful mousemaid in charge of Redwall's infirmary. The young Mousemaid was the great, great, grand daughter of Sister May and was just as fierce as her grandmother, especially towards the Red Kites which sometimes visited Redwall Abbey. The beautiful Mousemaid turns over towards the two "Blossom! Brother Robbert! Good morning!"

"Good morning April" Brother Robbert and Blossom "Glad you two could join me."

"You're welcome" Blossom ensured.

"It seems like ages sense I've ever set paw out of Redwall's gate" Brother Robbert admitted "But it feels good."

Blossom leads the way towards the forest. Once in the forest, Sister April makes her way over to some herbs. With Brother Robbert helping in another area. Blossom throws a bit of caution in the wind. Even though Redwall Abbey and Mossflower Woods were peaceful, there still could be danger lurking about. It is then she asks Sister Apirl "Don't we get some more medical supplies next week?"

"We do" Sister April confirmed "I just need some herbs, right now I only have enough for around three days. So I need to collect more at least till next week."

"Sounds about right" Brother Robbert admitted.

Suddenly Blossom's eyes caught movement behind Sister April "SISTER APRIL, BROTHER ROBBERT! BEHIND ME!"

The two mice obeyed and just in time too for a Fox pounced out where Sister April was. Immediately the Badger was onto him grabbing the fox by the throat. Despite this the fox gives out a growl "Curses! It's the Stripe Dog."

"What do you think you were doing?" Blossom demanded.

"I think you know exactly what I was going to do" The fox told the badger.

At his snap about ten rats appeared. It was then Blossom seen that the fox and it's group was just one group out of the many vermin gangs that were lurking about in Mossflower Woods. The fox eyes the badger "What are you going to do stripe dog? You can't save your friends, the moment you break my body the rats will attack them.

Blossom growls wanting to do just that to the fox. It was when she noticed that two of the rats had arrows attached to their bows aiming them specifically at Brother Robbert and Sister April.. The badger places the fox down whom turns "Kill the stripe dog first!" then take the other two as prisoners. The rats were about to do just that when a voice shouted "REEEDDDWAAALLL!"

This stopped the rats from attacking briefly and those with arrows attached soon found javelins sticking threw their necks. The two fall slain and an otter appeared with four other otters. Blossom knew who it was "SKIPPER!"

Skipper Oliver had arrived to assist the out numbered group. It soon didn't take long for Skipper to completely turn the momentum of the skirmish. When things looked bad the fox thought to retreat but Blossom manages to tackle him holding him by the neck high into the air growling "Now you are mine!"

"No please!" The fox shouted "Don't!"

Blossom seemed to ignore him when Skipper Oliver moved towards her "Ahoy there Blossom! Remember we don't kill those that have no fight in them."

Blossom sees that Skipper was right and releases the fox eying him giving him one warning "If I ever catch you trying that again. Now leave!"

The fox looks at what was left of his little group which was around four rats "So be it Stripe Dog."

He starts to go but not before eying the badger and otter "You all haven't seen the last of Redfang!"

He along with the rats retreat deep into the woods. Once Redfang and the four rats had gone, Blossom turns to Skipper Oliver "Thank you."

"No problem Blossom" Skipper told her "We were happy to help."

The group of nine now continued onto the task at hand to find more herbs for the week. Skipper Oliver couldn't help but not feel a bad feeling coming on. Sure dealing with the localized vermin gangs was one thing. He couldn't help but wonder what would happen if something happened to reunite the vermin gangs. Alone the gangs were no trouble to seasoned good beast like the Guosim or himself and his otters but all together could possess a threat to Redwall.

The fox Redfang and his surviving members made their way deep into the foreset. Redfang was angry at his failure and should've expected this to happen. The fox was walking back and forward when a new rat appears. This caused Redfang to eye the new comer "What do you want?"

"I've been traveling around these parts talking to the other gangs around here" The new rat said bowing before Redfang "My Queen has sent me to talk to you and also to tell you she's interested in meeting with all of you."

"Where is this queen of yours?" Redfang asked.

"About two weeks worth of walking" The new rat said.

"Tell your queen we will take her offer" Redfang said.

"Of course" The new rat said "Now I'll take you to her but just one second."

Redfang nods allowing the new rat to go. The new rat wanders and turns into his true self a Changeling. The Changeling makes his way over to another that was hidden in the growth of the forest. The Changeling taps it's ally's head causing the one hiding to look up "Go back to Queen Chrysalis and tell her, I have completed my task in finding the gangs in these woods and all have said they are willing to meet her. Go to her and say they are coming."

The second Changeling gives it's friend a nod before flying off to deliver the message. The remaining Changeling tuens back into his rat self to rest for the afternoon. For tomorrow he would be leading them to Queen Chrysalis.

Author's Note:

This chapter is over. We do meet four Redwallers, Brother Robbert the Abbey recorder, Sister April the Informitory assistant, Blossom the young Badgermum, and Skipper Oliver. In addition we did also meet Redfang. Things are certainly heating up.

Comment posted by Dark Dienen deleted Nov 1st, 2013
Comment posted by Dark Dienen deleted Nov 1st, 2013

It would really help to hit the reply button. Otherwise, I will not receive the notification that you posted for a request.

2043633 my bad. Sorry I was really short for time and didn't really think... Sorry

Comment posted by Dark Dienen deleted Nov 1st, 2013

Title: A Device for Divine

Tags: Adventure, Dark, Gore (only a bit), Alternative Universe

Summary: In a remote village, ponies start disappearing. Celestia sends Twilight and Flutterhsy to investigate, but the real problems begin when Flutterhsy goes missing in the village, too.

Spesific thing I want the reviewer to focus on: Comma misuse, Dialogue punctuation, Inconsistent paragraph spacing, Repetition, Word misuse, especially articles and preposition, Exposition, Pacing Purple prose

Answer me with a PM. Please, I really need help with this one. The fic is in gdocks:

2033236 Accepted. However, I will not be able to look at it today (might be able to.

2045676Accepted. However, I will not be able to look at it today (might be able to.)

Comment posted by Dark Dienen deleted Nov 1st, 2013

I am deeply grateful.

Title: The Jasmine Dragon

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Human, Comedy, Slice of Life and Crossover

General Summary/Description: MLP:FiM and Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover sending Iroh to Equestria. With nowhere to go, he decides to set up a small tea shop in Ponyville where his tea is actually appreciated, helped by Cranky and Zecora, hindered by Lyra and charmed by Octavia. (No clop)

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Story to focus primarily on Iroh's interactions with several ponies that usually have minor roles, the major ones being Octavia, Cranky Doodle Donkey, Zecora and Lyra.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Grammar and tenses are all over the place. I already have a proofreader, but I strongly suspect he is not doing a very good job as simple errors are still cropping up.

Other important information: Three chapters already posted to which I got a very good response, even with a minor flame war starting in the comments. Fourth chapter is about halfway done, conversation between Bonbon and Vinyl Scratch does not feel right to me yet, and the set up for a running gag between Iroh and Lyra also needs a little polish.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I am happy to use PM on fimfiction as I am already on the site at least twice a day already and more often five or six times.

2084426 request recieved! I will not, however, be able to get started so soon. A whole bunch of people requested prereading on here, WITHOUT hitting the reply button (I can't get notified if that doesn't happen), resulting in a backload of work due to those mistakes. I won't be able to get to it today, I gotta take care of these other ones. If you need immediate assistance, I will contact a fellow prereader to help out.

2044742 Aaaaaahh crud, I suck at Anthro, I didn't see that tag till now. I am not gonna be able to do it man, ask Aburi. He might be able to do it.

2084426>>2089596 Nvm, I'll be able to reach this tomorrow or tomorrow late at night!


Take your time. I am using this week to work on and expand the next two chapters so that I have something much more meaty to submit for these two chapters (aiming at 4-5k words each)

If you like I will PM you the conversation that has been giving me trouble.

2090924 Go ahead, but know that I do my editing work on Gdocs. It's much more efficient.

Btw, thank you for remembering to hit the reply button.:pinkiecrazy:


Title: Losing Harmony

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Adventure, Dark, Gore (maybe eventually, but not really right now)

General Summary/Description: Twilight never wanted the responsibility of a kingdom on her shoulders, but Celestia’s assassination has thrust her into an impossible situation. With the stability of the world now threatened by those who would take advantage of Celestia’s absence, Twilight must delve into a world of politics, subterfuge, and war that nopony could have prepared her for.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: So this is the just the first chapter, and is quite short (just over a thousand words). Its goal is to set up the initial/driving conflict of the story (and I suppose to provide a good hook to fish for readers with).

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Well, any and all advice is appreciated, but what I'm personally most worried about is pacing, with this chapter especially.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: I'm good with google docs.

Here's a link:

2100948 recieved, I will get to work once I am finished with some of my other requests.


Awesome thanks, I'm currently doing a little revising anyways for some of the stuff that is more obvious to me. I feel it's too rushed at parts and am trying to slow the pace down a bit.

Title: son of celestia

Tags: Romance Comedy Random Adventure Alternate Universe Anthro

General Summary/Description: "Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful unicorns in existence. At the young age of 5 during her exam to enter Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, she experienced a powerful magical boost and lost control over her massive, untapped magic reserves. Among a sea of chaotic magic, hatching a dragon and turning those parents into potted plants, an abnormality occurred.

Twilight created new life.

The young stallion, physically the age of Twilight, was adopted by Celesita, who had come to quell the disturbance. Dusk Shine, as he was named, grew strong under her tutelage. But soon, it will be time for him to leave the nest and grow on his own.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: I'm trying to include twilight and dusk in this story together

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: fixing grammar I miss and run on sentences.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: email

Group Admin

Please use the reply button when you post a request, there is no automatic notice when a thread is updated, and it's REALLY easy to get missed.

2125903 Thank you for helping me get notified.

Lub you Aburi:raritywink::pinkiehappy::heart:

2090862 Ok, thanks for the tip

Title: Guardian of the Dawn

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Adventure, Crossover, Human, (Romance? Tragedy?) also, Gore. Rated Teen, tentatively.

General Summary/Description:
Cortana and chief are shipwrecked on Equestria, with their ship unable to leave, though it is otherwise mostly intact. His goal: Return to Earth. His enemy: Time. With Cortana not having decades to live, and with the planet being home to a multitude of sentient creatures, it is only a matter of time before something descends on his ship and strips it down to parts, out of curiosity if nothing else.
He will have to contend with ever increasing hazards in the forest, as well as deal with what appears to be multiple sentient races that evolved on the same planet.
All while trying to figure out why physics doesn’t seem to work anymore.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
This is a crossover with Halo 3, specifically, bringing the Chief to Equestria instead of to where Halo 4 would have taken him.
It’s obviously going to help if you are familiar with the game. If you are, I’d like your opinion on how well I’m representing the characters and the technology from it.
Story will be told primarily from Chief’s perspective, with a number of periodic breaks from it.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):
I’d like to make use of you for all three parts: pre-/proof reading and editing.
Grammar and spelling mistakes are something I'd like to minimize, and if the way I've written something seems odd, or doesn't flow well, I'd like help reworking it.
I’d like help with deciding where to put chapter breaks, help writing an effective long and short description, and also help picking tags.
I’d like help with characterization, writing conversations, and also a second opinion on whether my take on the blending of physics and magic is believable.
An opinion on the pacing would be nice, too.

Other important information:
The title is mostly a reference to the fact that his ship is named Forward Unto Dawn, and he’s got to protect his ship.
It’s going to be hinted at for a while before it comes up overtly, but the physics of the planet literally will not let a sentient being die violently or suffer extreme physical pain. Details are available upon request.
Eventually I’d like to work in a ‘romantic’ subplot centering around the fact that Cortana is going to go crazy and die in a few years unless they find a fast way to UNSC space.
I currently have about 12k words, though there will be more.

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:
Communicating via PMs is preferred and I can work with Google docs if that works for you.

2140538 I am not familiar at all with Halo. All I know is that Cortana is a nekkid AI. I should have made it clear that I do crossovers I am FAMILIAR with... my fault, sorry. I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to do this fic, because that's pretty important. Try going to Aburi for some help, he might be able to direct you to someone who knows Halo crossovers better than I.

1950965Well, I really hope your a Skyrim fan...


Dem Tags: Action, Adventure, Crossover, Comedy

Description: The story involves the vampire's disease coming to Equestria and no one knows what the hell it is. And with Gilda and Rainbow Dash being its first infected, they need to find out fast. Of coarse this means its up to the Dragon Born to save the day right? Wrong. Khajiit Dragonborn Jo-jo Rhaja went into a "early retirement" to raise his family and drink all he wants. And like any other sensible adult, he wants to keep it that way. This doesn't fly right with Molag Bal. You know, the daedric lord who made vampirism? Well he wants Jo to clean up the mess, but since he doesn't want to get off his ass, Molag literally throws Jo and his family into Equestria in hopes that Jo would do the job.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:Please, if you do not know and/or give a crap about Skyrim, please stop reading and say you dont want to do the story. Also, it might help people if you gave a list of games you have an interest in.

Things to focus on: Scene development! I have trouble planning out scenes (whether they be action or romantic) and would like personal ideas on how they should play out. Also, I would like to be corrected when something could be said better. If something sounds a bit iffy, I would like to be corrected outright.

Other info: I've gone to at least three other people about this and within the time I've been waiting for a reply, I've gotten two chapters done. I would really appreciate it, if you even take up my story, if you let me know that you have enough things on your plate and wont be helping me anymore. Yes, this has happened enough to become an issue. :facehoof:

Communication: Gdoc comments and chat is preferable. I always make it a point to check my messages EVERYWHERE after work so if you leave a comment or a message I'll see it.

Thank you for looking at my application.

2285367 I'm not sure if I know enough about Skyrim to do this, plus, I've got a good bit on my plate right now. Sorry :fluttershysad:

2285407THANK YOU FOR AT LEAST TELLING ME! VIRTUAL GODDAMN KISSES! MAY WHATEVER GOD YOU MAY/MAYNOT BELIEVE IN BLESS YOU! (I apolojize for all the caps, I really do. But I've gotten promisses and replies from many people who said they were going to look into it months ago. Your the first one that ever outright said you couldnt do it:fluttercry:. Thank you)

2285443 I believe in quick responses, because it is cruel to not do so:fluttershyouch:, and even crueler to say one will look at it, but not give it a glance for months.:fluttercry:

I love you too, and thanks for your blessings from my Protestant God:heart::duck:

Title: An Angel, A Demon and A Gentleman
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Romance, Comedy, Adventure, Human
General Summary/Description: I die and end up in the A New Home universe. I get tasked with defending the main character Toby Mason with his mother and the mane 6 from his dad and a villain from the show once thought defeated(want to avoid spoilers)
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: First time writer. I prefer to use MS Word but I'm willing to use Google Docs. Not really good at pacing or describing things
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional, but appreciated): Mainly pacing
Other important information:
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PMing would be nice


Title: Re-Looting
Our Ever-Important Tags: Slice of Life and Comedy
General Summary/Description:

Silverspeed is a former robber who is trying to adjust to daily life. She was part of a trio that pulled off a series of daring capers and never got caught. That is until one incident caused her to leave that life behind and re-join her wealthy mother and younger sister. Silver's genuinely adamant about becoming a normal pony. However, the problem is that thievery was the climax of her life. It doesn't help that her mother still views her as a crook either. All she needs is a little push in the wrong direction. And that push happens to come in the form of an old acquaintance.

(So maybe not the most original idea, but it has it's good moments)

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:
Written in first-person perspective from Silverspeed's point of view. Story also has two chapters posted.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional):

I know how I want the story to go plotwise, but I just need help putting it into words (not really the most helpful description I know). So, for example, grammar, sentence flow, and especially show v. tell and when to use one or the other.

Other important information:

I don't you like waffles?

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:

PM's are preferred but I'm fine with whatever method of communication suits you. You are taking your time to review this after all and the last thing you need is a hassle to communicate your opinion of the story.

Once again, I appreciate any response back and I wish you a Happy New Year.

Unfortunately, I'm in the midst of quite big of a project, and I doubt I'll be able to do any editing work, unless it's a small work or something.


Alright, no worries. Thanks for replying!

Title: Outstanding

Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag): Adventure, Human, Alternate, Dark

General Summary/Description: I'll just give you the description from the cover:

Do you think that office fans open portals to other dimensions? Neither did Marshall Bradley. But now he is stuck in an alien body on an alien world, whose furry inhabitants are on the brink of developing extended time-travel. When a test goes wrong, Twilight Sparkle is stuck in the past and the present is transformed into a land of nightmares. And Marshall is the only one who knows about it.

Maybe it's time to be something more than "normal". Maybe it's time to be outstanding.

It's kind of a Back to the Future meets cyberpunk meets ponies type of thing.

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Chapters 1-3 are already published, and Chapter 4 is up for review. One of my previous pre-readers had to back out, so I am looking for another one. If you want to take a look at the first three chapters as well, please do. I'm actually planning on rewriting them in the future, so any feedback is appreciated.

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): Pre-reading, editing, proof-reading, you name it. (Although, hopefully I won't have problems with grammar issues.)

Other important information: Nothing that I can think of at the moment . . .

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Private message is best.

2286343 2538569 I direct you to this---> 2538569

I'm assuming you were directing me to the comment that was declining Big Blackintosh's request? Am I right to assume that is a no, then?

2538631 Yeah, that was meant to say I'm really busy at the time. Hope I didn't come off as rude.
I'll go ahead and update the post.

Thanks for your time anyways! :twilightsmile:

2538653 if it's any consolation, the story sounds very interesting!

Ah, but see it's the execution that makes or breaks the story . . . :trixieshiftright:

2538662 Title: The Story Of The Pony Who Can Kick Your A**
Tags (clop/gore is a separate tag):Comedy, Slice of life
General Summary/Description:A pony named Guil, who lives in Canterlot, almost goes to the dungeon for attempted murder, Twilight helps prove he is too stupid to commit murder & he goes with her to Ponyville after Celestia told her to go there & make friends.
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:I suppose pre-reading would be nice
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer:PMs I suppose, if that's alright with you.

Thank you & good night, maybe, I don't know, it's like 11 PM where I am.

1950965 Title: My Little Steampunk: Victorian is Magic

Tags: Adventure, Alternate Universe

General Summary/Description: " Listen, to the accounts of the Great Celestial War, of how
the Solar Empire and the New Lunar Republic came into being, and of the fateful tale of one prophetic unicorn who arises to power to restore harmony to the broken Equestria. It is a story shrouded in mystery and chaos. None who hear it walk away unchanged."

Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work:

Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on (optional): I really just want to know if I missed anything in editing, and if the story sounds any good.

Other important information:

Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: PMing

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