Proof-reading, Pre-Reading And Editing 960 members · 11 stories
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I have three stories I'm currently working on, help with any or all of them would be greatly appreciated!

Title: A New Kind of Party
Tags: Romance, SoL
Rating: Teen
General Summary/Description: A look into the relationship between Twilight and Pinkie Pie as they live in Ponyville, facing some challenges of being an odd couple
What type of help are you looking for?: Proof-reader
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: This is a continuation of a previous story of mine, the Party Animal and the Bookworm, but this is not needed to understand what's going on.
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: Reviewing the whole thing and general mistakes I make (I'm slightly dyslexic, so I confuse a few things here and there)
Other important information: N/A
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Gdoc, Fimfiction PM, email if you really want

Title: A 'Not so Simple' Simple Life
Tags: Romance, SoL
Rating: Teen
General Summary/Description: Following Applejack and Rarity as they start to find that they are meant for one another and learning to compromise enough to make their friendship and eventual relationship work
What type of help are you looking for?: Proof-reader
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: N/A
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: Reviewing the whole thing and general mistakes I make (I'm slightly dyslexic, so I confuse a few things here and there)
Other important information: N/A
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Gdoc, Fimfiction PM, email if you really want

Title: Taming the Storm
Tags: Romance, Sad, SoL
Rating: Teen
General Summary/Description: Follow as both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo learn to allow themselves to care for others as Fluttershy and Sweetie Belle prove to be there for them when the times get hard and dealing with the painful past
What type of help are you looking for?: Proof-reader
Information the reviewer needs in order to review your work: Eventually will leading to FlutterDash, Scootabelle and Scootadopt (under the care of Dash and Fluttershy)
Specific things you want the reviewer to focus on: Reviewing the whole thing and general mistakes I make (I'm slightly dyslexic, so I confuse a few things here and there)
Other important information: N/A
Form of communication you want to use with your reviewer: Gdoc, Fimfiction PM, email if you really want

I do work with another proof-reader but he's been busy with college as of late and we had both talked about asking someone else to help as well in order to catch the mistakes we miss (since things are still falling in between the cracks every so often). Also, these are going to be long stories with many more chapters to come and each chapter unlikely to be less than 5,000 words each (I just can't stop writing sometimes). Thanks in advance!


I can do all of them. Just PM me the links and I'll get started.

3080734 They have been started already, but each chapter is able to stand on it's own, is that still ok?

A chapter of Simple Life is ready to be reviewed, and while I'm not so good at keeping a constant update schedule, I'll try and be somewhat regular. Thanks for the help!

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