Useful Feedback 238 members · 613 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Donnys Boy
Group Admin

Hey, all! This is one of the mods, here to chat about a proposed change to the way this group functions. As currently set up, there are a number of folders for various story genres and a folder for "Detailed Feedback." The various story genre folders are meant for examples of high-quality stories in that genre, as agreed upon by a reasonable group consensus. The "Detailed Feedback" folder is for stories for which the writer would like feedback from the group.

Almost no one is actually using the folders like this, currently, however. Instead, writers are placing their stories in the various genre folders and then requesting feedback (or, sometimes, not even requesting feedback but just expecting it). This means that a group mod has to send the writer a PM, fish the story out of the folder, and add it to the "Detailed Feedback" folder. This is all rather a pain in the neck.

Therefore, I propose that we eliminate all folders except the "Detailed Feedback" folder. Examples of good stories would, instead, be listed in a thread on the message board with links provided to the story.

What does everyone think? If there haven't been any objections to this proposal within the next week, I'll go ahead and make those changes.

This idea is good. I like it. It's got what plants crave.

Steel Resolve
Group Admin

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Group Admin

Sounds like a good idea to me.

People really expect a little too much nowadays

What about two folders; one for needing detailed feedback and one for those stories that have received feedback and the author merely wants to display their finished product? Two is nice and simple.

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

Ha! Cool. Thanks for replying.

Another "yea" vote. Awesome.

Mostly, I just figured, if I can make some changes so that it's easier for everyone, why not make some changes so things are easier for everyone?

Would the stories be removed from the "Detailed Feedback" folder once they've received feedback and then moved to the "Post-Feedback" folder? Or were you thinking that they'd remain in both folders?

I think it would need to be in one or the other... but the author chooses when they think they've received enough feedback. It might be fair to have a policy if someone marks a story as 'complete', then it gets moved... but that's just an idea.

Donnys Boy
Group Admin

That sounds good. Can ask authors to let a mod know when they think a story is ready to be moved from one folder to the other.

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