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First off, thanks too our good Chengar allowing me this chance to offer some minutia for this group, although I highly suspect its done less because of any skill on my part as it is seeing how bad this posting is going to get:trollestia: Now, onto to everyones favorite topic! Religion! The second most polite conversation being politics and that one time Cloud snuck into the clans armoury to ask Shadow how many times she got laid (answer: enough times to find that one of her dam's sage pieces of wisdom was right: learning how to tie knots into cherry stems was a useful skill, and also that she had enough of this from Midnight and to go to bed before she unleashed the long and merciless spanking of a thousand years of not sex was unleashed on Cloud's person. When the fact she's a spirit was made known, she merely said that isn't stopping me.)

Secondly. this is mostly a lot of words on the more secular methodology of pegasi. If you're more interested, I'm posting how other cults in Equestria exist and function either later today or tommorow and skip this one


To put matters into something of a perspective, lets first cover the Pegasus. Now, as has been noted historically and with the current cult of Shadow, many of their engaged in a form of elder veneration, though rather then appealing to the person themselves, they ascribed to their teachings. Shadow, being a mare of few words and often times not viewing herself as much of a political mare nor one to subscribe to matters of obscure philosophy, more often then not cited either past Kicker's or great generals on matters of warrior discipline, and on ethics could only advise others that the thing they do in the day is what will stalk them in their dreams, and failing any good options, beg the Maker for forgiveness, and offer no mercy or quarter.

It should also be of note that while she often said she did not know what she would do if harm befell her Gale or Ash, she would later confide in and Archmage Artic Sirroco on her feelings.

"Aye, we're alike stallion... me and Sunbeam, we're burn in our fury, the flames of our hearts press us... but your fury, your wrath, it chills the marrow. We kill with passion, you with a distant heart, but where we burn ourselves out, you, monster, you'll hound your enemies to the ends of the earth. Not for honor was your deeds, no, but for friends. Should harm befall any I hold dear, I'll end them. Fuck honor or name or some Epoch's quivering wheeze on this or how I should slap the fool, I'll hunt them down like a dog and slit their throat in their sleep."

Incidentally, this seems to be the mindset of a certain staple of Pegasus culture, but first, we should introduce their counterpart. Now, while not ones given to introspection or philosophy, Pegasus did, and do, try to keep some semblance of right in wrong... in rather bizarre. For example, many cite their adoption and regarding of a foals as theirs regardless of birth as a noble belief. However, just as many point out not only the rampant promiscuity at the time and at times quite aggressive tendencies have in similar regards, ergo it was due less to altruism of their part, along with the usual pony communal sense of foals, and more the fact they liked a good rutt and more then likely felt that segregation of their forces would lower morale. Mind this is a problem largely due to the birth ratios, thus neccesstating roles that would normally be regarded as male roles, like say with the diamond dogs or gryphons, be filled by mares. But most like to believe ponies are egalitarian, as opposed to admitting faulty logic and acknowledgement of biology. Also, and I think it bears repeating, pegasus really like sex. A lot. A mare I'm aware of went through deeds in her hoof that ground side would have marred her as a troubled mind at best and a deviant and danger at worst, but would barely warrant a grounding and a fetlock slap in the clouds.

That said, there were, as mentioned, those who tried to, while not addressing the more.. horrendous and grossly irresponsible behavior of their fellows, did try to keep some semblance of ethics outside the clans walls. The first were the Commissariat.

The Commissariat, much like the Epoch before the whole of featherbags kind got a rampant bout of wild hair up their respective asses, were largely an advisory council, and more importantly, those who sought the keeping of the traditions, creeds, and spirit of their tribe alive, respected, and revered. Comprised mainly of either pegasus too old for full barding but could bear a blade, disgraced clan ponies who had earned a reprieve through years of service or disgrace done in the name of ones conscience or to protect an innocent (such as refusing an order or killing a superior to harm or allow harmed a fellow pony, or any person of Equestria), or ones who had commited one of a plethora of social faux pas in their culture but were too young too be asked to take their own lives. In essence, their something akin to the Saddle Arabians Mutawwi, seeing that their tribes sense of order and law are adhered to.

It was a miserable duty. No support clan wise, bringing law to their counterparts, who will address, warbands and hostile pegasus, foals raising foals, ie horny teenagers half starving themselves to keep alive a foal they're far to young to have, and their parents who are either to busy trying to earn the notice of the clans, too jaded to care, or ones who figured since they turned out just fine after knocking up or being so, that the pain in the ass that ate too much will do so as well. Again, part of it was blatant sexual kudzo, but it was also compounded by the clans, who often recieved much of the lions share of the tithes, and refusal to acknowledge that just because they were pegasi, so above it all, it did not mean they were above ethics or were granted any inherent grace.

And thus we come to the Commisariats equal and opposite. Largely, the problem in pegasus culture as blatant refusal to
1. Acknowledge their own actions as evil, thus seeing ones childs death in a war they waged as unjust when its perfectly acceptable for anyone else.
2. Toss traditions or creeds that were either outdated, stupid, or destructive, like say, oh, demanding a seasoned veteran with an intimate, almost familial, some would dare say paternal, knowledge of some sort of blonde maned cranky lady whose blatant not throwing of Celestia's chains of slavery, to put on the new hip with the kids Bright Charger model of slavery, is just not cool you know to kill himself because he dropped the ball on the military equivelant of picking up eggs, milk, and a pack of consorts for after dinner.
3. Not chewing a piece of gum whenever they wanted to frog each other
4. Not acknowledging their own nature and believing they needed to only cut away any semblance of "Weakness" to be a society.

This group, by all accounts, has no name. They were, by and large, ponies disgraced and had chosen banishment over death or Clipping, and thus Clanless, were found unruly or insubordinate, but too useful to be disgraced and were put in the Reserves (IE anyone featherbag not in the clans or larger warbands) or ones simply sick and tired of the clans, their Epochs, and watching their clan kin tossed into the grinders of Long Patrol and Last Stands. But they also had one decided distinction: they did not view themselves as inherently good, did not see their acts as good, or acted for any semblance of honor.

Mostly made up of adjutants of the Cult of Carnal (a group we'll discuss in a moment) these ponies were, as in the case of the Commisariat, a counterpoint to their cult: where most of their cult appealed to being appealing to ones better nature while acknowledging ones base desires, feelings, and darker aspects, the pegasus here not only saw desires and dark notions as needing to be known as part of ones self, but given an outlet. That of course is not a call to the state of debauch they were in, quite the contrary. To them, the culture around them was proof of their philosophy: because they were pegasus, their behavior was noble, just, and a comfort, where an earth pony or unicorn would be soundly abhorred in their place. So, what was their answer?

Brothels. Not the clan sex equivelant of paint dry ugly and stingy and more often then not opium dependent working featherbags, but ones, although often a little older, offered more for the bit and with a wider range of product (not only earth and unicorns, but gryphons, and even diamond dogs.) and were quite happy to allow their patrons more aggressive, unique, and at times bizarre requests be made true. Then gambling dens. Gambling, by and large, was a taboo in the clans, viewed as a lapse of discipline and sense and in many cases why a soldier came home without armor or blade. So, when it was decided it was illegal to use bits in these halls, they merely let them buy lead balls... which when accued could be traded for jewelery and trinkets, and then sold for bits. From their, harder liquor, narcotics along with opium, various "Recreational" flora, and jobs groundside, and from there not relying on clan hoof outs or the usual twice daily bread lines.

Their reasoning was thus: Just because its not seen, doesn't mean its not there, or wished it was. And huff and puff the clan mom and dads might, but whether they liked it or not, it was needed. Their soldiers needed first some forbidden fruit, then if they wished, just to blow off steam, or their darker parts would poison their minds and souls, and one day consume them. And if it kept a mare or stallion sound to enjoy a star leaf or be the sub to a diamond bitch named Beatrix, then why not allow them their decidedly weird smelling and weird in general bliss. Also, if this group had been disbanded, then their clan kin would merely go groundside. To ponies, and people, who couldn't care less, and in a place where no one knew they were. As opposed to their own, who knew when to pour a shot or cut one off, didn't let a mare offer her foal or herself for hooch or drug, and while they worked the shop, kept the darkness contained and ponies safe. As opposed to it being in the hooves of the various small time youngsters gangs who had begun to pop up like mushrooms in recent years.

All of this, mind, was legal. Morally, and traditionally, abhorrent, but legal as long as the risk was known. Where they came to logger heads though was their blatant attacks on the larger war bands press gangs, their numerous raids on ground estates and store houses, and suspicions of eliminating the more predatious and ruthless clan ponies for one slight or supposed transgression, like testing a blade on some Clipped layabout or roughing up a consort when she dared call into question their clients integrity with the whines they weren't paid.

All of this was largely ignored though. Who cares if some sell swords and their choke collar got hit, no skin of their nose. And most liked those clan ponies less then the consorts. And hell, the raids did them a favor: it stopped all that door knocking and begging, thus allowing more for the clan hold.

It wasn't till years later their true goal was known: It was, until the Rebellion's start and this groups awol, believed it was done to bring in much needed coin to Pegasopolis, which it was. But only a third, which was more then enough. Most was first put into cache across Equestria, and from there, used in their railroad, giving a haven, and escape, for ponies seeking asylum from their clans, abusive spouses and parents, or those seeking to escape demands they follow immoral orders or suicide (a refusal to meet would mean execution if lucky, torture on a bad day, and to be Clipped in the most aggregious instances.) To the modern era, ponies are still stumbling over their gold. When the first cache was found, Shadow, in a rare mood and feeling witty, made note

"A lot of gold... no wonder. These ponies need every bit for all that polish. It must take every ounce in Equestria for them to mirror shine their massive brass balls!".

This wall of text is a prime example of a secular movement, similar to the Cult of Harmony. There are others, but I'm thinking I'll make this a two parter. This was more a primer for how cults and schools of thinking work for ponies

This has a lot of dislikes in a short period of time, and I'm not sure why.

This desperately needs editing, I'm finding it nearly unreadable.


This desperately needs editing fire, I'm finding it nearly unreadable not completely immolated.

Fixed that for you.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

There are some ideas here that might merit exploration in another story/setting with sufficient development, but they really don’t even come close to fitting within the established universe. Or at least, I think there might be ideas here. As others have said, Ebony’s post is a bit hard to follow.

Because heaven forbid one dare to suggest that the pegasi would engage in less then reputable behavior. Also, as per on email written by one particularly distraught young female, I'm a misogynst and pure evil for daring to besmirch the strong female leads of Chengars works. I don't know how I've done so, and am not particularly in engaging with the Cult of Tumblr/

I'm taking hostages as we speak to address this matter.

Ehh. fair enough. I think I'll give some fine tuning to the other posts then. Agreed, this one was a bit preachy. Sorry mate:twilightblush: I think I've got the Saddle Arabians a bit closer to the mark, and since you guys don't really talk about religion in this verse by and large, I'm playing it by ear. And earth ponies... Why does everyone hate them so much? I mean, you guys fairly covered pretty much everything else, what the heck... ah well, just means I've got more wiggle room




I'm a misogynst and pure evil

You might be, I don't know. But you are rambling and incomprehensible and should toss your keyboard into a woodchipper.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted May 5th, 2018
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