Comments ( 8 )
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I'll keep it brief.

As the title says, I'm looking for pre-readers for my Freeport side-story: Freeport Sulidae. It offers the perspective of an assassin to the events occurring on Freeport island. The story will span multiple chapters and starts in parallel with The Freeport Venture.

Three rules:
Freeport Interest.
Clean Execution.
No Complications.
Understand these, then contract negotiations may begin.

Either PM me or post here with your e-mail address so that I can share the GDoc file for the first chapter with you.

And yes, I did write with permission.

5084443 Love the new avatar.

Count me in as always, man.

I was skim reading, and I thought those 3 rules were what you required of your prereaders :twilightblush:

5086581 Ha, looking at this post again, I can see that. :rainbowlaugh:

Nah, to be abundantly clear, that's the story description.

Are you still looking for pre-readers?

5305988 Sure, though I'm just prepping chapter 1 for publishing now, and not quite done writing chapter 2 yet, so you might need to wait a bit before I send you anything.
I'll be needing your e-mail address though, once I do finish writing chapter 2.

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