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It seems the Winningverse has been subtly given a nod in the latest CCG expansion pack. Equestria Daily link here.

All she needs now is a voice.

hehe...bang up job

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

ccg? am I missing something? I remember there being a semi joking shipping card game, is this it?

4836837 No, this is the official CCG, available in... a couple places. I saw it at one comic shop. Mostly online I guess.

Yes... "weather duty." Cloud Kicker is very good at... "weather duty."

4836859 nag this is official and someone is getting fired probably


No one is getting fired. Hasbro only licenese the My Little Pony IP. This game is made by Enterplay, who are very liberal with the fan references and fanservice. Hell, there's a Sonata Dusk pony form card in this set that has an explicit reference to Fighting is Magic.

As for the token, this is the card that generates them. I'm sad they didn't go balls deep with the reference, since there's no real link between them

This makes me happy.

Hehe, duty... :rainbowlaugh:

4837638 You said doody.

Reminds me of the episode where Celestia's all like "You must lower the moon! It is your doody!"

I swear, that'll never get old...

Yeah well I'm so freakin happy right now, if this is a dream, don't wake me up!

Edit: Are there online ccg tournaments? If not, there should be!

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