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Alrighty, so first off, let me introduce myself. I typically go by the name of Omen, male, eighteen years old, have been following the show for many years but have only recently been getting more involved with the fandom.

When I opened my account I thought I'd probably only work with Original Characters, but I soon found myself rather enchanted by some of the grat fanfictions on this site and instead base my work on those. Unfortunately, since I mostly work in collaboration with the biggest fans of those fics, production has been somewhat... well, stagnant.

Nevertheless, I somehow stumbled over a rather... less PG version of Cloud Kicker in a Wonderbolts fanfic and followed it to its source right here. After that I read through some of the stories that spawned this universe, I started writing on a little something based very heavily on this universe. Of course with Sparkler's character tag now being renamed to Amethyst Star, it's a bit awkward, but nevermind. She'll always stay Sparkler in my heart, thanks to the amazing and incredibly well written work of Chengar Qordath.

Now the question that's been bugging me is: How did it all start? What prompted this view of Cloud Kicker in the first place?
It's just a question out of idle curiosity, and a way for me to get a little message out there:

The Winningverse is one of the greatest unique examples of bronies flocking together I have witnessed on this site so far. I am very much looking forward to spending my time in this Universe and maybe make a new friend or two.

~ Omen

It did all start with the Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash -

Though I'm going to go out on a limb to say you probably know that. As for the characterizations... not a clue, that's an answer that only Chengar can provide. I've read many of his fics both Pony and Non-pony alike and the there isn't any really character quite like her in any of them.

charlie sheen ponie

'nuff said

It all started with a RDxPonka romance fic with Cloud and Blossom as secondary characters. They were so well writen that people asked to Chenwar to do side histories to them. Also the charlie sheen WINNING meme was strong at the time. It has been a good ride and I hope it keeps this way

It began with a smallish shipfic of PinkieDash called The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash as Darkarma said. The original has since been updated and now ties directly into Chengar's Winningverse fanon. While I don't know Chengar's mind, I'm willing to bet that fertile imagination took the idea of Cloud Kicker playing nympho and ran with it into a nice daydream in front of the mirror - and *poof* the Winningverse was born.

At first, it was just Cloud Kicker carving a horrible and riotously-funny path of teasing and sultry humor through her friends' lives, but some outstanding oddities began to emerge in her life and more and more plot lines and characters were added until the Winningverse spawned a massive fandom and numerous spin-off fics. Some of Chengar's DeadDerpyverse plot lines were integrated too for the sake of mashing all the best ideas together - and the whole while Chengar managed to seamlessly tie it into the canon cartoonverse events of Season 1 and 2.

One great help was the amazing artist InuHoshi ( who made sure every "main" Winningverse fic was fitted with a high-quality cover art to help maintain the professional image to new and prospective readers as well, and plenty of subs guarantee Chengar makes no mistakes in writing and that it remains consistent and interesting.

Yeah, next to the Nyxverse, Bluebloodverse, and FO:Everse, the Winningverse is perhaps the most influential of the lot. I'm surprised Hasbro hasn't thrown out the Golden Horseshoe trophy yet...

Pretty sure qordath said one of his pre readers said cloud kicker was basically charlie sheen for the dense mind of rainbow dash, he liked the idea and went with it for many more stories. I probably have details off but that was the general idea I think.

4833243 Yeah, this is pretty much it. Though Cloud strikes me more like Captain Jack Harkness than Charlie Sheen.

Chengar Qordath
Group Admin

Yeah, pretty much what folks have already said. Cloud started out as a side character in Dense Mind who I gradually started fleshing out over the course of said story, until she became interesting enough that I wanted to do more with her. From there, i added in a lot of other story ideas I'd been kicking around in my head, and put a Cloud twist on them.

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