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After I watched the movie once, I've been listened to the soundtrack a bunch, so I noticed it being shorter when I watched a YouTube clip of it as opposed to the YouTube music version. The cuts are an extra couplet in the rap section (with some fairly clever rhymes actually) and an extra chorus before the outro. Listen for yourselves:


Now that I've noticed it I can't unnotice it, so I hope y'all appreciate this little nuance.

7577932 Some versions have Sunny doing background vocals whereas others don't.

oh damn the plot thickens. Pun unintended

Yeah, the rap section has an extra verse in the OST version.

In fact I believe all the OST songs are slightly longer than the movie ones.

I think so too. Other than “Can You Feel It“, which doesnt really count since its just in the credits. (And also my least favorite of the bunch. It isnt bad by any means, just hella generic)

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