Twilestia is Bestia 3,278 members · 956 stories
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Here is the place to talk and discuss the various Twilestia stories there are and their writers. You can go from a simple opinion to great overthinking of the plot of the story or analyzing the characters and stories development.

Some of the stories writer may lurk so it would be awesome if some of you also left some critique here for them. :)


Well... I suppose I could start. Let's start with the grandaddy of them all: "Composure"

also called "patience" :rainbowlaugh:
i love it, it's probably one of my most favorite fics on the site, i just wish it would update faster. although; i have this inkling of fear that it will resemble "Eternal" too much in the end.

I liked composure a lot but the latest chapter makes all go 'eternal'
Why does every fic has to have celestia dealing with inner demons? I liked composure because Celestia wasn't for once lonely tormented soul that needed to freed from the inner demons and then she suddenly falls into her nightmare. why?! Did I miss something, a small sign that this was coming or is my ability in understanding the english language that bad?

560361 I didn't do that, I just made her sad and depressed and completely shattered after... oh wait, I guess I did, hmm. oh well at least I didn't have her turn into a nightmare version of herself.

Don't forget, she's got a nasty head injury. who knows what that may have done combined with powerful magic and an unstable mindset after realizing you are in love with your student while vehemently denying it to yourself the whole time.

I think a lot of people make her out like this is because of her lack of characterization in the show. She's just always so cool, calm and collective. They never show anything beyond that. So people like to show that she has some kind of chink in her armor. We need more episodes with Celestia =/.

Supposing I Wrote a twilestia. Would it be too much of a combo breaker if it was a more sweet take on it and not so spicy?

Also does anypony here know any like this?:pinkiehappy:

I would like that. :twilightsmile:

Not every fic, quite a few don't go that route or at least not so deep we're seeing the world's molten core. Yeah "Composure" has gone a bit deep but there is something more going on.

With the inner demons, the only time I dislike that is when they use them to make Celestia turn evil. Yes she will have her demons like anypony, but don't let her be controlled by them.


Well, mostly the longfis go that way and those are the one I really like to read.

I always imagine that Celestia has overcome her inner demons a long time ago before Twilight and the others stepped into her life. Doesn't she is pure and doesn't have any problems and all, but people make her more vurneable than needed in my opinion. She has lived a very long time, maybe thousands of years and who knows what she has lived through.

I will have some of this in a fic I have planned, but first I will need to finish my current one. :twilightangry2: The nasty thing.

I can agree with that. In my headcanon she has lived through... the end of Discord's rule, reestablishing a truly unified Equestria, fighting both the dragons and griffins, a civil war (Nightmare Moon's rule), reconstruction, establishing a new working government, going to war with Prance and associated issues.

Discord is very vile thing even if the show didn't show it, but the terror he would cause would be endless. The nmm thing is up for debate. The reason Luna transformed was because nobody loved her night but everyone always gives her a huge following and army. They tell there was a war which contradicts the reason NMM was born in the first place.

In my headcanon, NMM stood alone and Luna is the pony who has to deal with inner demons in present time.

But every one of my fics follows a different headcanon, different origin stories, hostories, the way the world exists. :) In one Celestia is a god and in the other just a bir more powerful then normal unicorns. My headcanons aren't what I perceive as real in the show but in the story I use them.

True, and my headcanon I do try to stick as much of canon into it, to fill in the blanks of canon events. Discord ruled as a tyrant and did all he could to keep the ponies from unifying, Nightmare Moon to quote Celestia: "A parasite that wore my sister's face", while she did raise an army it was mostly monsters from the Everfree, changeling mercenaries, and ponies she corrupted. Her coup was sudden enough that she took over in the course of a few hours.


I haven't seen any evidence yet that proves NMM raised an army. I always see the thing as a fight between two higher powers and that actually nothing else has any role in it.

Back to twilestia, it hard to work with because Celestia hasn't really been revealed a lot, we don't know a thing about her. She needs her own episode, but Luna is so popular among the fans I don't see it happening any time. Celestia always is the bad one, the one at fault. Screw you Luna! your are at fault as well.

edit: I'll be leaving now be sure to read my fic ^^

I also like the extra ending to romance reports :)

You know, I've never gone back to read that, having heard some negative things about it from other friends. Is it worth going back to?


I think it is :) but you can't judge before reading it.

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Group Admin

Hi, I edit Composure.

I think Var did that because he feels the need to equalize the disparity in power between Celestia and Twilight; the first step he took towards this was making Twilight "graduated" from being Celestia's pupil. Still, Celestia is still far from being an equal, so giving her some emotional hangups is a good way to make her a little weaker.

You've got to admit, though, that the whole "going inside dream to see Celestia's inner demons" thing is kinda overplayed now.

I think one of the big hangups about Twilestia stories that I've seen is that authors don't like bringing Celestia down to earth, so to speak. She's some kind of perfect fetish (mind out of the gutter) that's simply an end goal of the story. She's the tape across the road at the end of the race - the story was about Twilight's struggle to get there.

That's one of the things I have to say I like about the alt ending to Romance Reports. I really want to hate that fic for a number of reasons, but Celestia's characterization isn't one of them. The side stories and the alt ending really fleshes out her character. It makes her real, gives her some flaws, gives her an actual personality under all that solar power.

I wish more writers did that with Celestia in general, not just in Twilestia. I try not to write her as an immortal pony rather than an immortal goddess. It does wonders.

Celestia is a hard character to portray; we haven't seen a thing about her except fractions of a ruler and a teacher. It also gives her a lot of potential to mend into a great character, something in which a lot of writers seem to fail and not only in the Twilestia fics but every genre or ship.

Endless potential doesn't equal endless possibilities; you can't do whatever you want even if the page is blank. There are rules, we know she is a princess and that is more than most people think.

So any new insight now Twilight becomas an alicorn princess?

Depends on what you mean by insight Greengrass. With the way my headcanon has been structured there is very little guesswork at adding Twilight to the alicorns. The only real issues being what her domain will be, and what her power up name will be (her non-evil 'nightmare' form').

I'm reading from your words that you only have one headcanon?

Well, I just meant new new ideas, are your future stories going to be about Twilight becoming an alicorn, will be doing more alicorn even if it doesn't follow the shows way or will you just keep going on like you are now and leave alicorn Twilight out of it.

For me it depens, I write different stories and each handles differen headcanons, they are all different in setting, backstory, the way magic works, hhow Equestria is and so on...

But Twilight becoming an alicorn could have Celestia and Twilight having more contact and thus their relationship could grow bigger, closer but it could also get more distant because it might to formal?

You also get around the whole immortality issue, but as Discord pointed out in "Duties" it might not last.

Yes I have one headcanon, but I like to keep it flexible enough so canon doesn't render it wrong. The thing I would maybe delve into is Twilight finding out what her domain is, Celestia has the Sun and Luna the Moon, but what does she have. She be the Alicorn of Magic what is she the Princess of?


Well, there is nothing saif about her gaining immortality and being a princess has nothing to do with raising the sun or the moon. In an interview the writers said a princess is someone who gives something important to other ponies. The sun and moon may be that thing but it doesn't mean Twilight has to do such a thing.

As you say I think there is a difference between what you make as canon in your fic and betwen actual headcanon. I do not believe that any of fics could be canon, nothing it but head canon is something you believe can be canon. hence the name headcanon?

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