Twilestia is Bestia 3,279 members · 956 stories
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An Unimpressive
Group Admin

Does anyone have any suggestions of organization, etc. that they'd like to see? I honestly just started this group on a whim. If there's something you guys would like to see happen, let me know.

Hm, I think this could work as a simple ficdump.
In addition to that, we could start some kind of discussions about the Twilestia fics, although having the authors of them right next to us could be some kind of hindering.
So, simple fangroup?

Hmm... of all the groups I've looked through, the best organized so far is the Alicorn Twilight group with its neat little categories with some stories overlapping into multiple and all together seeming very well presented. Taking an example from the other shipping groups I've seen, it'd seem like the best choice would be to perhaps separate it out into a few sub--categories, but I can't imagine what they'd be... it depends on the aim of the group. If it's only for romantic Twilestia stories, then it DOES sort of just make sense to dump them all together. If, however, this group will also include Twilestia friendshipping and whatnot, then perhaps one for romantic pairings, one for friendship stuff, one for mentor/student stuff, and one for... I dunno. Just general slice of life things?

At this point the groups aren't heavily in need of organization or anything. Maybe once we've got 30 or 40 stories kicking around in here though, it'll be worth revisiting once we have enough data to sift through and make some clear delineations.

193459 Yes, if we're gonna put friendshipping and others, we should separate them, like in the TwiLuna group.
And I agree with Rainbow Crash, we could start discussions about Twilestia fics, I'd love that.

Is there even some Mother/Daughter fics of Twilestia?

maybe add a thread for fics outside of Fimfiction,since not *all* are here(for now :trollestia:)

193459 Hey - thank you so much for the compliment! I'm the owner of Alicorn Twilight, and I'm glad the organization looks good! =D

193736 I'm with the others in saying "ficdump for now, folders if necessary." I actually did the same thing over in my group in regards to the non-FIMfiction stories. Speaking of which...the story I linked is actually a Mother/Daughter fic...sort of. :derpytongue2:


Ahh good old Ciroton and his awesome fics (he has a sequel of Sunset and a story that takes place like before both)

And yeah it is as mother/daughter as it will get ,at least in the literal part of it ,i meant more like they being close like mother and daughter (like in the show, while others kneel she leaps to celestia to get a neck hug :twilightblush: ) rather then being actual mother/daughter (that one usually packs complicated issues with it hehe )


Well, closest except for The Empty Room where Twilight is Celestia's dauther, period.


Romance, ClopFics, and then add other catagories as needed (e.g. like one for stories about Twilight's time studying with Celestia). Possibly have an 'Other' folder when stories can be placed to be sorted later and comment left to request new catagories*.

I have not done that last part for TwiLuna yet because I am the one that added nearly all the stories so far.

* Should be explained in group discription if done.

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

Okay, totally get separation of clop, shipping, and then other. I think I'll do that, although since I (sadly) haven't had time to read all of these I'll just go by author tags for now.

Also, hell yes, Ciroton. I loved Sunset. Somehow, the sequel felt... lacking, though I haven't picked it up in some time.


Sequel to Sunset is about Twilight having a bad time of it and not having the backbone to get things done. And have emotional and mental blocks to overcome. Can seem a bit too drawn out such that it becomes annoying. But the Queen is interesting.

Also the stories seem to be correctly sorted, except maybe "Miss Sparkle Goes to Canterlot". It does not seem like shipping yet to me.

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

Herp. I could have sworn I saw a shipping tag. I'll fix that.



lol,at least ill know that now before picking up that fic (hope it will finish one day xD )

Also,we should discuss Ciroton every day, today the new chapter of FWoD is out so yay.

and to be fair, she wanted to take things on her own in the first part and look what it got her, she lost her confidence (thats why she has to accept her inner self maybe? )

But thats just the first chapters, shes pretty much bad-flank later on.


Or more specifically chapter 15, which is the latest. She finally gets out of being imprisoned without waiting for help.


Theres the chapter before that where she repels some shadow monster creatures (breaking a magic dampening device to do it ), i would call that bad-flank also :twilightsmile:

But yeah the latest chapter is great,plus she listened to her inner self and admitted that Eos is similar to her after all.

Sunset... hm, the Grim-Dark tag repelled me every time I opened the document on DeviantArt (another turn-off, by the way)...
I'll take a look at it, but I'm probably going to drown in unnecessary gore :ajbemused:

The first part of Sunset is great! I gladly recommend reading it. It's not particularly grimdark either, at least not anywhere close to what I'd call grimdark.

I can't recommend the followup though. I quit reading it four or five chapters ago, since it was just plain uninteresting and it makes Twilight seem like a dim-witted moron.

Hmm, I should probably post my Twilestia encouragement in this group as well. So that it's not just hidden away at fimchan.

Anyone opposed to that? :)

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

More Twilestia is always a good thing. Just plunk it in the appropriate folder.


It's not a fanfic, or fanart. It was my standing offer of a free game to TwiLestia stories of 5K words or above :3. (Or updates to already existing stories.)

He's not impressed. But I am :pinkiehappy: go for it =3

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

Please, promote this by all means. We always need more Twilestia.


Sunset is not gory (unless there was some stuff during a sequence I skipped from the perspective of a character that was losing their mind). Just violent with death and destruction.

The sequel has a brief discriptions of more extreme things every once and a while.


Consider checking the latest chapter then. Twilight is finally getting over her emotional issues present in previous chapters.


Nah. The whole premise of that story is silly to begin with, and after 10 chapters of flundering around, I'm just not interested in seeing what'll happen anymore.

I mean, for all intents and purposes it's a dream sequence. One that has been going on for Way too long. (It's as if Varanus had decided to do 10 dream chapters in a row before the actual storyline continues...)


Its not a dream,its the result of her not listening to luna and ending up in a alternate universe,or maybe it is a dream (so shes probably put in this situation on purpose then) ,but then its pretty damn strong magic doing it and no way for her to know its a dream.

But if you really just dont like it nobody can force you to read it lol,i found the first 6 chapters or so not really interesting either,but for me later it got good enough to keep reading.


Some spoilers below.

Oh I know it's not a dream. That's why I said "for all intents and purposes". Which means it's pretty much the same as a dream even if they don't call it a dream.

And besides, of course Twilight would know it was a dream, or something magically produced. That's one of the things that have anoyed me with it to begin with. She was told, minutes before she entered this "alternate dimension", that the silvery liquid gave you strange, ever changing, premonisions (Or visions. Or however you call it.), and then she touches it. And voila! She wakes up and the world is changed.

How could she possibly misstake it for the real world? This fact is alone so overwhelmingly anoying that I never got over it. (And is pretty much the reason for why I said she acted dim-witted.)


That would be the point, she knows its a vision/whatever

If she knew a direct way out she would do it,but shes looking for one , she hopes by defeating Eos she will be able to go home(plus the guilt of seeing what her actions could have caused makes her want to make things better even if it isnt the answer).

, but she doesnt know if she will wake up if she "dies"(*cough* wonder how she would do it being what she is) there, if we had magic and what not ,and you end up in the same situation,would you try to make thing better in hopes of getting out of it
or wing it and hope that death here wouldnt mean your mind blowing up or something.

Since i warned about spoilers ill just say what i think, i think this is all a set up by the princesses to get Twilight to accept her other self (why would Twilihgt need to accompany Luna to the pool,they probably knew she couldnt resist anything that has to do with magic, Twilight being Twilight)

,without that shes not complete and you see in the story what it does to her,in the last chapter at the end she listened to her inner self and all went just great, while ignoring it got her into one mess after the other.


Unfortunatley, in the first 10 or so chapters she was completely clueless. She never for an instance showed that she knew herself to be in a vision.
If she had acknowledged this, but still tried to be an honest and good person, then I wouldn't have had any trouble with it. But she acted stupid all through it and just whined about "How could this have happened! Why don't I remember anything?" etc. Which was... Absurd really.

I wrote this back in October on EQD:
Dream sequences can be fun, they can be great at making the story move forward, but this one has overstayed its welcome by at least four or five chapters. The whole suspense is kind of ruined by knowing that yupp, none of this is real. In the end, Twilight will wake up, reassured of that the goddess in her is not all evil and ready to tackle the next challenge with all of this nothing but the memory of a dream.

And don't even get me started on making Eos a separate conciousness within Twilights head. That just feels like a silly version of Nightmare Moon.

So, yeah, that this whole thing is in order to make her listen to her inner self was obvious. Pretty much after the first two chapters really. It's just a really sloppy way of going about it.

I also speculated on how it would end:
My own speculation as to "how it will end" is that the life and experiences of Queen Eos and our "vanilla" Twilight will merge somehow.

What better way to give you an epiphany than to experience the world from two perspectives like that? It'll all probably involve some form of immense sacrifice from Queen Eos side, showing vanilla Twilight that yupp, she's not bad. She's just been making bad decisions.

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