Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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I'm going on a two-week trip out on the road with no Internet access and no distractions. I want to start a new Twiliestia fiction, but I'm out of ideas!

Gib ideas and see what I come back with in two undistracted weeks of writing.

If I were to come up with stories for Twilestia fics, I'd sure as heck be keeping them for myself. :trollestia:

But honestly, you can't go wrong with making Celestia the dominant one. It's just so much fun to read about her touching Twilight in a place or way that makes her feel uncomfortable. It's so good

Just typing that gave me a bit of a rise. Oh goodness...


You're out of ides? Didn't you write up half a dozen ones over at fimchan? xD

As for actual suggestions...

Why not something where Celestia actually teaches Twilight something? She's lived for thousands of years, I'm sure there's some forgotten magic she could teach Twilight if she was just prompted to remember it.

It wouldn't be terribly deep Twilestia, but just a nice way to really show their relationship, possibly hint at what might come.

Of course, depending on what kind of lesson it was it could go in all manners of direction. From the tame "friendshipping" kind of meeting, to the more intimate kind.

I head out tomorrow, so expect something when I get back. Don't know what, but it'll be something to post! :pinkiecrazy:

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