Twilestia is Bestia 3,278 members · 956 stories
Comments ( 61 )
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I have but one question for this, can skype turn a chat on and off or do I always get alerts for ti cause it makes my phone go nuts sometimes if I can't. I've looked and couldn't figure it out I am hoping maybe one of you has

Knight of Cerebus
Group Admin

4638188 Skype can indeed turn a chat off. Go to the "conversation" drop-down and click "turn off notifications" whenever you want to disable them. Contact myself or Fuzz if you have more trouble with it.

WEll then I am fine joining up with a TwiLestia chat. kutkh01


Did twilestia group disband?

4977587 It's still there, I will poke Kyubey or Fuzzy.

Group Admin

No, not disbanded. Renamed to something Pokemon or another. Current debate topic, most likely.

Group Admin

I'll send you a Skype invite shortly!

Is the Twilestia chat still a thing?

My skype name is norris-the-spider if so. Thanks!

Is the chat still up and running? I'd like to join it, if that's the case.

Chat is still active however we don't really use Skype anymore, here is the Discord link to the Twilestia chat room

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