Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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Now that Twilight is an alicorn, Twilestia becomes a heck of a lot more plausible by default! Now we just need to think of a way to eliminate those TwiLuna and Spike/Twilight people... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

No, we need to accept TwiLunEstia :twilightsmile:

671676 TwiSpike is incest :twilightoops::facehoof:
TwiLuna is over rated since Luna is a over glorified plot device :facehoof:

Someone murder him.

Agreed. We need to remove Luna from the equation entirely.

That keeps happening. Apparently I'm stuck on respawn loop, but I need to keep the damn vests in stock. :facehoof:


She hasn't had anywhere near enough screen time to be really developed post-Luna Eclipsed, though. Neither has Cadence, for that matter.

I try to do Luna justice in Rites, at least. (Note: Rites does not romantically ship Twi at all so it's not on a "side" here. It does have lots of friend-shipping between her and both Luna and Tia, though.)

Although I really like TwiLestia, I WON'T LET YOU DESTROY TWILUNA! :flutterrage:
TwiLuna is best ship! After TwiLunEstia, that is. It's first TwiLunEstia, then TwiLuna, then TwiLestia

671676 We shall kidnap the creators and force Twilestia to be cannon! The world of shipping will belong to us!:pinkiecrazy:

I rather like the "socially awkward Twilight gets seduced by her mentor/tearcher/"mother-figure" Celestia" but I'm sure there will still be those kind of fics popping up after the season finale.

I've never been a fan of two equals forming a pair in fanfiction, unless talking about something taboo-ish (princest etc.). Even in Mane 6 ships, I like to read stories about how the other character feels insecure and their love interest is either oblivious to this or just has more self-confidence.

671699 I point out that they can't even give Luna a constant personality, I can live without the cap locks but I think she dropped her archaic way of speaking TOO fast :facehoof:

They can't animate it in studio if we kidnap them... :facehoof:


She's still quite formal, but again, they haven't done a lot with her at all. If she gets another episode we might see better development from the show itself. Meantime, like I said, I try to give her some depth myself, and at least a few have said I've done a good job, so I must be doing something right, somehow... against all odds... [/self deprecation]

Finally, now Twicord can be brought to glorious rea-GHHH! *cough* *cough*

Sorry, threw up in my mouth a little. Some jokes go too far.

671735 We simply kidnap Megan McCharty, M.ALarson or Amy Keith Rogers (they write most of the episodes) and force them into writing Twilestia. It's flawless:trollestia:

Or just drug them in their homes and persuade them there. Far less exposure risk. :duck:

I would pay you to write more RoA. That is how good a job it is so far.

671737 you can blame my dislike for Luna on the whole New Lunar Republic / Celestia is a Tyrant bs :facehoof: I swear there is more Tyrant Celestia things than there is her canon personality :facehoof:
Luna is like Aerith from FFVII, she really doesn't deserve to be loved but she is. I was happy when Aerith died, she added nothing but being a over glorified plot device to the game, did nothing but get caught. (Peach and Zelda anyone? But then again in later games they became slighty more developed)
Is Luna a decent character outside of fanon? No, not really, maybe if she started to be around during more serious issues I would lighten up on her. Big deal she helped Scootaloo with her nightmares, Celestia stopped Twilight from making the whole of Ponyville killing each other over a doll. Celestia was actually around for Chrysalis too and we have nothing about where Luna is in CANON.

Also, I love Rites, keep up the great work. I enjoy a good Luna, but I hate when people just play the Celestia is a Tyrant card. :facehoof:

Where is this proof that Twilight will be an Alicorn? Did they release new sources or any leaks?

I like spike/twi and twiluna but Twilestia is best, nothing else compares

The answer is just to write more Twilestia and read more Twilestia, rate and comment on Twilestia fics as much as possible, but don't lie or tell you like it when you don't. Constructive criticism. :)


I just want more stories. I dun care who's in 'em!

671682 You just fractured reality.

I have to. The cracks in the edges of the world are what allow me to reach through and interact with you all.

Maybe it's because I'm listening to Emilie Autumn right now, but your statement depresses me :unsuresweetie: . While I myself am not a big fan of clop, I do ship several couples quite fervently. However, with that said, while I support the great ship HMS TwiLestia, asking that Luna be eliminated in order to see it set sail all the more freely just seems absurd :rainbowhuh: . It's pretty clear at this point that she isn't just a plot-device. She had an episode entirely devoted to her return to the series and her growth as a character dealing with her struggles with re-adapting to a changed society, an episode that a great many fans enjoyed, and then to further that she appeared in "Sleepless in Ponyville" to assist Scootaloo with her worsening nightmares :pinkiesmile: .

In my personal opinion (which you are more than free to disagree with, mind you :twilightsmile: ), when you get right down to it, Luna is a great character that simply needs more screentime to allow her to continue to develop. Give her a chance, yo. If anything, the very end of the season 3 premier proved that she's to become important at some point in the series' near future. Besides, with all things considered, I'm surprised that you're not upset over the way, way more obvious problem that the series has been posing for all TwiLestia fans (myself included). That problem being: Why the buck hasn't Celestia had her own episode yet? I mean, geez, she's the freakin' Princess and Reagent of the Sun, surely she deserves a half-hour to herself. I'm hoping, with bated breath, that at some point in the show's future there will arise a threat that not even the Mane 6 can defeat on their own, so Celestia and Luna will have to descend from on high to assist in the battle and show off all of their godly might. It would be both awesome and a great opportunity to explore two of the most enigmatic characters' personalities :raritystarry: .

Alright, I may have gotten a bit off-track there, but still, stop complaining about Luna. If you think of the backstory, she's just too important to remove from the show. If you need your fix, just go and read any one of the absolutely amazing TwiLestia fics that already exist out there :yay: . "Composure" alone made me cry a couple of times, and then I went and discovered "The Lavender Letter" and had to turn in my man card completely after blubbering like a baby :fluttercry: . Seriously, if Luna bothers you, just ignore her. The TwiLestia ship set sail a long time ago and it doesn't look like it'll be returning to port any time soon :pinkiehappy: .

As a peace offering, I meant none of what I said in offense, but merely as debate. Shipping is a strange thing and not everyone agrees, I just felt it a bit extreme to refer to Luna as merely a plot-device :twilightblush: . I apologize if anything what I typed out upset you. That was not my intent :twilightsmile: .

Congratulations for something I had no part in?

I'll take it! :raritystarry:

I wish ponychan's servers would catch on fire.

Show Luna isn't so bad, it's just the freaking OP and saint image the fandom has created about her that needs to die.

671928 exactly, also the Celestia is a Tyrant thing too since it is usually connected :facehoof:

Group Admin

Here here!

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

I'm hoping for some delicious pseudo-ship moments in whatever ceremony Twilight has to undergo under Celestia.

*turns up yuri goggles*

Sorry. As resident poly pony, I feel obligated to stick up for TwiLunEstia. After all, then we should both be happy, right? :pinkiehappy: As for Luna being an overglorified plot device... uhm... at least she's *had* an episode. I think Luna's probably had just as much, if not more, screen time than Celestia has.

You don't get to talk until a new chapter of Composure!

An Unimpressive
Group Admin





You don't get to talk until a new chapter of Composure!

This. Update, Var! I just updated Rites, so you should update Composure! :D

Still needs to get to work,on the next chapter of his horribly bad fic :p

I just think the solution is more writing, nugh said. keep writing, keep practicing and keep getting better.

(Looks at Ponychan)

Yup, that's in progress! :rainbowlaugh:

And here I was hoping to a good twiluna. Oh well. At least I get a good plot to read.


I'm looking at you Var! Update,pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssssse!:raritydespair:

Maybe it's just me, but the prospect of Twi becoming both an alicorn and a princess makes this ship a little less enjoyable in my eyes. :unsuresweetie: The differences in power/caste, the unattainability, the convoluted mess of their history, etc is what made this pairing so appealing in the first place. Now they're getting closer to becoming peers, and at that point, you might as well just ship AppleDash.

Ah well. I'm trying my damnest not to pass any judgments until the 18th at the earliest. Watch the actual episode, let it all sink in, reflect.

Group Admin

Btw everyone stop asking me about updates. I know you all mean well and are teasing but it just frustrates me more than anything.

More work has been done on the fic in the past two weeks than the past few months, even, but last Autumn I basically had a creative breakdown, so saying "please update" is like telling a dude that broke his leg to go do some sprints. I don't really want to make a fuss about it but that's how it is.


Any attempts on my part to write Twilight in love is guaranteed to end in pain and frustration. No romantic shipping for her.

Friendshipping I am much better at and that will be rampant.

:raritydespair: It's the worst possible thing

If I wanted alicorn x alicorn, I would look for Celestia x Cadance or Tia x Luna

Simple. Lunashy. Opposites attract and all that.
Luna is loud and strong. Fluttershy is (most of the time) weak and quiet. It's perfect.

I identify with you. Never before has a writer failed harder at capturing the beauty of romance than I. I might like reading it, but it does not like me. It's probably because of my lack of experience in it. ...Of course, the last thing I want to do is begin talking about my romantic life to strangers on a MLP thread about Alicorn Twilight.

Am I the only one not totally happy with alicorn Twilight? We're going to lose the little oblivious egghead, at least to some degree...

guys, this is fanfiction. It's not like you need to make her an alicorn in your stories.

Come to think of it, there are actually very few Twilestia fanfics that feature Alicorn Twilight. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Duties.

I'm... sorry to have offended? Actually, I'm not really sure if I offended you, but I'll apologize anyway :twilightsmile: .

It's going to be fun to see what they'll do to this episode. It'll probably feel anticlimactic, but what can you do?

I think ascension like this would deserve an Epic Quest or adventure preluding to it. There's no doubt that she's deserved it, what with being the main reason at least three or four separate ancient (and not so ancient) evils get defeated, but they don't feel like they carry weight in this particular moment.

Still, it'll be fun to see how they'll do it regardless :).



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