Twilestia is Bestia 3,277 members · 956 stories
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I need help finding a fic, it is on fimfiction, I just can't seem to find it.
The reason I am posting this in this group is because it ends with Twilestia but isn't in the group for some reason. I only looked in Clopfics since it is one but I also couldn't find it in the Clop Fics group...
It starts after 'It's About Time' and Twilight decides to stay and look in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing, where she finds a bunch of time spells.
Long story short, she is in heat and uses the time spells along with a dream spell to have lots of sexy shenanigans.

I really didn't want to ask here, it is just I can't remember it's name. I was sure I fav'd it but it isn't onmy favorites either.
Some help would be nice, please and thank you :twilightblush:

It was deleted off of for plagiarism.
I can email you a copy (I think), just PM me your email.


The reason you canm't find it is because it has been removed.

It was called time enough (or something like that)

Wasn't there AJ + big mac, twilight using it to basicly have sex with all of the mane 6?

so removed fics are completely removed but fics deleted by the author just sit around? even though you can't read them on site anymore... :facehoof:
thanks for the help


could you send it to me?

660402 if i pm you my e-mail think you could send a copy to me i nearly went crazy trying to find it yesterday

Yeah, just send your email too :P

sounds to me like that "time enough at last" fic. it got banned for plagerism before i could read it but it seems to match the description i remember. I think NovemberWolf has a copy and is offering to send it to people who want it, i asked this morning but havent heard back from him yet. im sure i will though :twilightsmile:
hope this helps

EDIT. when i wrote that comment the page was blank except your post. i refreshed the page and suddenly there were like ten others posted before mine!
sigh. computers are weird

wait... if it was removed for plagiarism where is the source? ...:trixieshiftright:

And you too... :P

if i understand right it plagerised several fics and rolled them all into one :derpyderp1:

660427 ahhh that makes sense

it may sound mean of me but i dont really get it :rainbowhuh: yes i would be upset if somone copied my work but how is it really diferent to what everyone here does to hasbro each day :trixieshiftright:

Group Admin

Sounds a bit like Dream a Little Dream to me.

660435 also the fact I think it got more recognition than the source materials :facehoof: that I just find silly
I wish I could get a list of fics that it plagiarized...

Dear Fimfiction Staff, Remove fics like 'Field Notes on Alicorn Reproductive Behavior' which are not accessible anymore but still show up... :facehoof:

Can you send me a copy too? I was halfway through it when it got taken down.

That one confuses me, I can open that one just fine.

An Unimpressive
Group Admin

To the best of my knowledge, only stories that the author deletes are 100% gone. As a moderator, I have the power to "un-publish" stories or fail them, but those stories can still be accessed by a direct link.

I'm not overly familiar with the story in question, however, since I avoid clopfics like I avoid anthrax.

660477 nvm, last I tried it said Story didn't exist
there was a lot of drama and the writer called it quits, I think he deleted his account since someone was emailing it to possible employers so he couldn't find a job. :facehoof:
There was a blog post about it on the account but other than the fics it is all gone

Well who originally wrote that story :fluttershyouch:


He didn't delete his account. He did delete the stories, but later re-uploaded them, and if I'm not mistaken gave custody of the account to someone else to keep himself from doing something else he would regret later. I just checked and the story can be found here. If you still can't view it, it's probably a bug in the system, so let one of the admins know.

Incidentally, he later claimed to have lied about the employer rejection thing, apparently on account of being more neurotic than the offspring of Twilight Sparkle and Woody Allen. Very good author, but the drama WAS getting a little deep.


biologic orthodoxy, also known as device heretic. The former is his clop account (Beware! Hermaphroditic alicorns!), the latter is for non-clop. I heartily recommend reading his works.

661002 I can view it, but with all the drama I had saved his stories to my laptop just in case since I enjoyed them :twilightsmile: I didn't know about the re-uploading though last I checked was probably before that.
When it said Story had been removed

Apparently the author plagiarized a number of stories in order to win a wordcount-related contest.

660444 why would you want them to remove field notes??

660477 thank no stranger to reading clop fics and i have found some to be decent...but i prefer a story to...."they had sex and more sex and then they had sex again"....and thats it....its gotten to a point where its hard to even look at a story thats any less than 30k words if it has a sex tag....

661884 I wouldnt, I thought it was still deleted since back when it was first deleted it still showed up but when clicked on it said it didn't exist
I had no idea it was re-uploaded :facehoof:

661002 ""apparently on account of being more neurotic than the offspring of Twilight Sparkle and Woody Allen. Very good author, but the drama WAS getting a little deep.""

omfg....i about died laughin....classic...ty i needed that

but yea...he is a good writer...eternal was awsome as F^%$ and dictated not read was touching(in a good way)

661895 AAhhh got yea....yea...nothin like clickin a link to a story you think sounds good only to have it say it no longer exists....

On that note, whatever happened to Steam? I heard it was awesome and tried to read it but it doesn't exist, apparently. :twilightangry2:

ooh I'd like it too!! can I send you my email? :rainbowhuh:

Eeyup :eeyup:


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