Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
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Needless to say, the upcoming My Little Pony movie, Equestria Girls, has gotten loads of attention. In a nutshell, the story takes place sometime after Twilight became an alicorn. Her crown gets stolen and she apparently follows the mysterious thief through this portal, and finds herself in some alternate universe where she becomes a human and meets human versions of her friends. It's also been said there will be a spin-off series of the same name. Higher ups declare that the series will not affect My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but we'll have to wait and see.

The fandom has reacted strongly to the movie. I think it's safe to say the majority despise it. Others are being more mature about their dislike while some are even willing to give the movie a chance. I myself am uncertain as to whether my own fondness to the show will be affected but I am willing to give it the benefit of a doubt. In fact, it's actually given me an idea for a Transformers crossover.

The storyline takes place in an AUish continuity where not only do the ponies and Autobots know each other, but the Autobots are even capable of going to Equestria. The idea is that when Twilight is about to go through the portal, Optimus assigns Bumblebee, Grimlock, and Jazz to accompany and protect her. Which means that they too will become humans.

While there are plenty of fics out there were the Transformers are humanized, I was actually inspired by a Transformers toyline called Pretenders where Autobots and Decepticons got these "Pretender Shells" that covered their robot bodies. The Autobots usually got shells that looked like armored humans while the Decepticons got shells that looked like vicious monsters. The Pretender Monsters, Thunderwing, and Bludgeon are some of the most prominent Decepticon Pretenders in continuity.

The reason I chose Bumblebee, Jazz, and Grimlock, is because they and Starscream were the only "Classic" Transformers who got Pretender Shells. All the other Transformers were completely new characters. Plus, this does kind of fit. Jazz and Bumblebee would love being a human while Grimlock would hate it.

The only things I'm lacking are a good title and a solid plot because I want it to be more than just simply trying to blend in among the humans. It WILL feature that to be sure but I want the story to have more. Maybe some kind of enemy for the Autobots to face? But since the movie hasn't come out yet and I still have other stories to work with, I have plenty of time to think this through. And I want to know what you guys think about this crossover idea and any suggestions you might have. Just hope you guys don't hate me for this idea.

Do it! And hi by the way :raritywink:

992746 Will the Autobots actually be humans or will they be pretenders?


While the idea was inspired by the Pretenders, I was thinking of having them actually become human. Though the floor is open for any suggestions to improve my idea.

992750 Hi! And thanks!


I personally dislike Equestria girls(along with some other "things" that have pissed me off), and Hasbro said that their will only be a movie and that their will be no TV series.
I won't hate you but I think you should just stick to your Grimlock in Equestria story

992844 Eh, trying to go with something more original. If I simply did another Autobot arrives in Equestria fic, I just feel like I'm copying off everyone else who already did that.

992853 I am, intrigued...

I'd REALLY like to see the AU ponies flirt with the Autobots (Rarity x Grimlock? HECK YEAH!!):raritystarry:


Heh, Rarity saw that the gentleman/colt types were overrated so she decided to give bad boys a try.


Don't ask me why, but I find the mane 6 drooling over Autobots hilarious.

993135 I can see that with their human selves. Human Rarity is reading some magazine that says some girls prefer bad boys. She wonders aloud why they would, and then Grimlock shows up to pick Twilight up from school. And he looks like this body-builder in Terminator styled clothes. She starts checking him out.

"...then again."

Knock Out already drools over himself...

994023 aw yeah man!
and whil we're at it, FS X BB? :pinkiehappy:

994143 Eh, I don't know I'll do any actual pairings but I can see Human Fluttershy being close to Bumblebee and Pinkie Pie being close to Jazz.

Yeah, maybe we should leave all the TFxMLP pairings to Equestria transformed.

Could you put in Ironhide?

Comment posted by NotRamjet97 deleted May 16th, 2013

One word:
'Nuff said

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