One-Shots 2,371 members · 19,011 stories
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I like writing one-shots more than I do writing stories with multiple chapters. I'm not good at explaining in depth as to why, but I guess it's because I also enjoy reading short stories. Another thing I like about one-shots is that I can do many creative things with one main idea.

What about you?

4801695 Simply put, I'm a busy guy.

I don't have time to get invested in big, 200k word stories. I don't have the patience to get engrossed in a story that demands me to sink hours and hours to get to know the characters.

For me, stories have to be like bullets: go in, go out, and make a hell of an impact. If they don't, then chances are, they aren't going to give me much reason to stay, since the long haul is something I'm quite frankly rarely prepared to give.

Not that I don't enjoy longer stories... of course, some are great. But when it comes to pure comfort, short stories are what are the easiest for me to read.

4801695 Some novels are made just to be made. That's bad. They don't have a point to give across. Even the author may have not had a clue where the story was going to.

Such is not the case with one-shots. With them, you know that you'll at least get the main idea out of it without putting in a lot of effort.

I enjoy the completeness of a one shot. While multiple chapters allows for a longer story, that doesn't exactly make it a good story. A well done one shot often has more impact than a multi chapter story, in my opinion.

I just find I produce stories with greater impact more easily when I'm writing one-shots. I don't need to worry about setting up a long narrative to give things weight, I can do that through character and narrative voice. One-shots let me get to the meat of the story right off the bat and focus on the things I'm actually good at in writing.

That said, long fics have their place, and there are a few stories I have that need to be told over more than one chapter.

The main reason I like one-shots is because it allows me to explore concepts that wouldn't really make for a good longer story. Usually comedies with a single main gag, or a dark story without much room to explore the subject matter in detail.

Of course, I'm not a stranger to longer stories, either, and my longest story is over 350,000 words. My body of work runs the gamut of lengths. It all just depends on what I feel like I can write for longer about.

I like one shots because I can play with an idea and get out.
Its a great exercise in writing lean and mean.
Kinda straight to the point and finished.

The problem with one shots is that writing them kinda stunts
skills needed for longer stories.

4801695 Most of my ideas are all Novels or novelettes, but if you look at my stories...

Yeah, I should really be focusing on One-shots.

I like one shots for getting a quick story down on paper. Sometimes you don't have an idea that really warrants a lengthy plot and there are times that writing a longer story can feel like a real chore instead of something fun to do. With a one shot I can work out a story and I get at least a sense of accomplishment at having completed something.


I am actually able to finish them.

I enjoy one-shots because I have way too many ideas and don't really have the time to flesh all of them out to a novel length. Also a lot of the time they just can't be stretched out to a longer story. I write quite a few non-pony stories as well, so one-shots and short stories in general let me be concise and get a lot more of my ideas down on paper and finished than working on a single novel length story.

I don't enjoy writing one-shots.
I enjoy having written one-shots. Unfortunately, there's only one way to get to that state.

I write one-shots not only because it's fun, it lets me stay more focused and makes me feel more creative. I have tried to write a fanfic that has multiple chapters, but I can't expand a plot idea that long. I always have a great idea for a story, many great ideas, but I just can't seem to take that idea further and deepen it. But with one-shots I can accomplish that. I will someday write a lengthy fanfic, but for now I prefer one-shots. :heart:


I like to write one-shots because my writing issues make it difficult to actually complete anything longer. Plus, one-shots can be silly throwaways that I don't have much personal investment in, and personal investment and care is one of my biggest writer's block aggravators. I can just bang them out and be done.

4922410 I'm the same way! I have a curious kind of writer's block that shuts down my ability to plot (NO, I'm NOT talking about butts. I happen to have a fabulous rear; I just don't show it off) anything longer than a three-shot or so. But short little moments are easy for me :pinkiesmile: So I'm thankful for that, and try to use it to the best of my ability.

I tend to write longer multi chapter stories and have to put them on hold. But I love to write them.
One shots however... though I have only written two. One shots are relaxing because its like being free from the demand that you must continue


Because it's a chance to toss out a lot of different ideas to see if people are interested.

It worked for my TurnerDash and Octadash stuff, and it was a bit of a mixed bag for the Moondancer 6 and Trash shipping stuff.

4801695 To be honest and simply put, I love writing One-Shots because they allow me to tell a story without writing some over 20000 word epic.

4801695 Oneshots are easy. The first chapter is always easy.

4801695 One shots allow me to get what I want for a story done then and there. It gets my message across, gives me experience and helps me feel more confident in writing larger stories. Plus, with my life has a pretty erratic schedule that changes at any time so if I don't feel confident with continuing my longer stories, I blast out a one shot that I feel confident in.

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