Transformations 5,825 members · 5,271 stories
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"Ditzy blonde cheerleader who kills vampires" became "Buffy."
"Cowboys in space" became "Firefly."
"Ponies" became "Friendship is Magic"

An old, cliche, 'unworkable' idea, under the proper care and guidance, can become interesting and intriguing once more.

With that in mind, I thought I'd peruse the G1 videos for inspiration. I'd heard that of the first 3 seasons, the 1st was almost halfway decent, with some genuine conflict (badass centaur with righteous monsters in the very first episode).

When done with it all, at nearly midnight and drunk with sleep depravation, I thought, "Holy crap. Transformations!"


Here are a few transformation turds from G1 that are ripe for polishing. I wonder if anyone's used them yet?

* The Centaur Tirek has the power to transform ponies into massive brutal dragons with his rainbow of darkness
* Ponies have some sort of natural, well-known passage to and from Earth allowing them to kidnap encourage children to come to Pony land and transform help with their pony problems.
* The Cat furry Catarina has a witchweed potion she can drink and grow gigantic and gains lightning eyes.
* Catarina's #1 assistant is Rex, is a shapeshifter lizard.
* Niblik the troll casually leaves coins that grant evil wishes for anyone to pick up
* There's a whole generation of witches exist that do every standard witch transformation - Prince to frog, soldier to swine, people into monsters.
* Pluma is a Pennes, a race of shapeshifting birds.

I'm currently considering inserting the rainbow of darkness into my story. I'd make it interesting by making it a kind of anti-sonic rainboom, created not from determination and speed but apathy and stillness.

How would you take these turds and polish them into interesting ideas?

Apathy and stillness... kinda reminds me the world in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 Explorers of time where, when they removed a certain magical time gear from a region, everything in that region became dark and frozen in place.

In the future, the temporal tower has been destroyed and the whole world came to a stop. Those few who werent frozen either work for the demented and primal time god Dialga who seeks to keep time from being tempered with any further or try to survive and change the world's fate.

Now that being said, Rainbow Dash usually make a rainboom out of loyalty to her friends and the defensless (Young Fluttershy, when she was bullied, Rarity, when shen lost her butterfly wings and fell to a certain doom and she also did one at Cadance and Shining's mariage. Oh and ofc, not forgetting when she destroyed the old farm to help AJ). So yeah it does symbolize harmony, balance and a determination to keep those intact by helping others.

Having your character being struck by some sort of anti harmony rainbow would mean that it would some sort of creature made out of dark feelings like depression, sadness, loneliness... as if he was one of those survivors in a world of darkness, his world (or hers wichever fits).

Edit: Juste realized its kinda an old topic. Still, i felt it would be a shame to simply delete my post so i posted it anyway. :applejackunsure:

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