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Hey, So I'm planning a Wonder Woman fic to tie in with Mare of Steel. problem is, I don't know enough about Wonder Woman... does anyone have any storylines or one-shots that can help me get the characters right?

try and read as much of the perez run as possible, also read gail simone's run and the more recent mew 52 run if you can

I'd also suggest the Wonder Woman DC Animated movie. It's a very good movie and is also a good intro to Wonder Woman for newbies who don't get her character since I found it did a very good job in that regard.

Like the others said, look at the animated Wonder Woman movie and any work done on Wonder Woman by Gail Simone. There is a trade collection covering the first issues of when Gail took over Wonder Woman (after the utterly horrible Amazons Attack), and it's called Wonder Woman: The Circle. Seriously, she writes the character the best.

Also, look up an internet reviewer named Linkara. He reviews comics, and any reviews of his covering Wonder Woman will give you good insight into the character. Also, DON'T go by the 2011 abandoned TV pilot. That is the anti-Wonder Woman. The horror...

I'll leave you with a saying I read in the into to The Circle collection: "If you want to stop an asteroid, you call Superman, if you want to solve a mystery, you call Batman, if you want to stop a war, you get Wonder Woman."

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What you need to know:

Wonder Woman is an Amazon names Diana. She spent most of her life growing up on Themiscrya (or Paradise Isle) among other amazons, learning the ways of combat that they possessed as well as their knowledge. Her mother, Hopppolyta, is THE queen of the Amazons and had her by taking a bunch of clay, molding it into the form of a newborn child, raising it above her head and asking the Olympians to give it life. A thunderbolt races down from the heavens, strikes the clay, and turns it into a crying baby girl because of Hippolytas services and sacrifices. No hard water fumes. No radioactive spider bites. No alien spider bites. Wonder Woman was made BY THE FREAKIN GODS!

She goes to "man's world" when a pilot named Steve Trevor is shot down and lands on the island. The amazons find him and, since they want him gone like that puppy you took off the street when you were younger but your parents never let you keep because it'd tear up the sofa and leave little chocolate "presents" all around the house, decide to partake in a ritual to determine the greatest warrior amongst themselves so that said warrior can properly escort him back to the rotten country he comes from.

Because she fears losing her daughter (who has shown much interest in wanting to get off of the island and see just what man's world has to offer for herself), Hippolyta forbids her to join in. At the end of the contest, the warrior is chosen and it is revealed to be none other than Diana herself, who worse a helmet to conceal her identity. Deciding to let her go, Hippolyta then gives her her trademark outfit (which is made to resemble the flag of whatever nation the guest who needs returnin' is apart of (in this case, the American flag), including her trademark silver bracers (which are forged from fragments of Zeus's shield, the Aegius and are practically indestructible like that) and her Lasso of Truth (which, when wrapped around someone, can EASILY make them tell the truth whether they want to or not) and sends her off into the world with Trevor in tow where she becomes the quintessential DC (and comic books in general) Superheroine and the Magic and Earth portion of DC's trinity (Tech and the Moon being Batman and Meta and the Sun being Superman). She was once made into the LITERAL Goddess of Truth, and Truth is a big part of her character.

I'm not entirely sure how you adapt that in your already established Mare of Steel Universe, unless you create a new character entirely that is, not an OC per say, but that represents Wonder Woman without being from a list of available characters in FiM.

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I hope that helps!

Thanks for all of your suggestion
631549 As it stands, I will be doing something along the line of a ponified Diana, and she was good friends with Cadence when they were younger (this is from the side stories to Mare of Steel). As for Paradise Isle... may keep it the same or call it Paradise Estate to tie in to more pony history

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If we're going to get into full details right here, I can add more. In Wonder Woman: The Circle, there are a group of Amazons, Hippolita's personal guard, who hated Diana, and called her a golem. A golem is a creature originated in Hebrew lore. It was a word used to describe Adam when he was formed from earth and before God breathed life into him and made him fully human. A golem is sub-human, incomplete, soulless. That's not to say that Diana is a golem of corce, that's just the insult those four threw at her, and they were the only ones on the island that hated her. All the other Amazons embraced Diana with love and helped raise her.

The origin of the Amazons is thus, as taken from Linkara's summary: A number of Greek goddesses realize that one day humanity will forget about them, so they decide to create a new race of people who would always spread their ideals and belief system. They take the souls of dead women, particularly those that had been killed by angry or ignorant men, and create the Amazons. The Amazons later make some horrible blunder (not sure what) and they get banished to their island, and are given the classic bracelets as symbols of their past lives. They also have to guard some horrible evil, not sure what.

Diana was also not only given life by a number of Greek goddesses (plus Hermes, for some reason), but each one of them gave Diana a gift, like how Sleeping Beauty was gifted by fairies. Demeter grants Diana strength and power, like that of the earth. Aphrodite gives great beauty and a loving heart. Athena grants her wisdom. Artemis gives the eye of a hunter and unity with animals. Hestia, the goddess of the home and hearth (fireplace), grants her "sisterhood with fire, may it open men's hearts to her", basically saying she will make friends easily. Hermes gives her speed and flight.

The goddess of truth thing was Gail Simone's work I think. And her magic lasso doesn't just make you tell the truth, it sees into your soul and confront the truth of your life. Linkara has said that of the DC Trinity, Superman represents hope, Batman is justice, and Wonder Woman is truth.

Another aspect to focus heavily on is compassion. Linkara points out that another way to look at the three is that while Superman is a powerhouse, and Batman is a mental giant, Wonder Woman is known for the depths of her compassion. This is shown in many mediums. Diana once throws her lasso into the sea in order to save her sister Donna Troy. Donna is shocked, saying "But...that was your magic lasso!"

And Diana tells her, "yes, but it's just a gift, and you are my sister. And all the gifts of the gods wouldn't be worth a strand of your hair."

When Diana has Captain Nazi in her lasso, he is forced to see the truth of his life, in all it's sadness and loneliness, and it makes him break down in tears. And she has compassion even for him, even though his troops are planning to invade her home.

And I think I have to stop here. Does that help?

Comment posted by Lupin deleted Jan 25th, 2013

I glad it did. And here's something else that I didn't have the time to type last time. The Amazons have a long history of honor in combat, and because of that Diana won't give up a fight, ever. This became a plot point in the comic series Justice League: Tower of Babel. That comic was adapted into the animated movie Justice League: Doom.

In that story, Batman, being paranoid, created contingency plans to immobilize each one of the members of the League. Someone stole those plans and used them to target and attempt to murder each of them. In Doom, Diana was targeted by her old enemy, Cheetah.

Cheetah got Diana to start fighting, and then scratched her with her claws. Those claws were coated in something that infected her brain and made her hallucinate. Suddenly, everyone Diana saw was Cheetah. Male, female, young, old, it didn't matter, they all looked like Cheetah, and they sounded like Cheetah (accent, not the words).

And Diana fought all of them. She beat up civilians, then she started beating up the cops that tried to stop her. She wouldn't quit. When Cyborg got there, a cop shouted that she looked like she was having a seizure, and he was right. Cyborg's scanners showed her heart rate, pulse, and blood pressure were through the roof. That was the beauty of the plan. Wonder Woman wouldn't give up a fight, not when she saw all those Cheetahs, and she'd keep fighting until she dropped dead from an aneurism or something.

Also, I think she has a thing for cake. In Gail Simone's WW: The Circle, there's this scene where she's going into work. In the comic she has a civilian identity of Diana Prince, an secret agent for the Department of Metahuman Affairs. She literally locks away her powers into a mortal form so she can try to better grasp the human experience, because she's even more removed from being human than Superman (who was at least raised to be human).

When she goes into her office, her coworkers are there with a banner proclaiming "Happy Birthday" and a big old cake sitting there, and balloons. Her narrations boxes say this:

"I wanted to learn their rituals as more than an uncommitted observer, learn what it meant to live as they do, down from the clouds, for once. In my society, a kindness like this would lead to warm embraces, and perhaps even tears. Which I find is rather frowned upon in a workplace environment, and might even be cause for a reprimand. It's a strange culture that outlaws the hug.

...On the other hand...There is cake, and that excuses much."

And after they give her a piece, the next shot of her shows her cheeks stuffed with food and half the slice already gone.

I hope that helps too, and good luck on your story.

EDIT: Okay, I know this is way late, but I ended up finding something on my own that I thought I might mention here, just in case you wanted to use it. In case you decide to use/mention Donna Troy or Cassandra Sandsmark (Wondergirl), there's something you should know about their abilities.

While all three of them have a "magic lasso", it's not the same thing. Diana has the golden Lasso of Truth. But Donna has the blue (I think it was originally silver, but in any case modern time says it's blue) Lasso of Persuasion. Anyone caught in the Lasso of Persuasion can be made to do anything by the user of the lasso, as long as the user has a stronger will than that of the captor. And as Donna Troy once put it, "I have a WILL OF IRON."

Cassie also has a golden lasso. And since she's the daughter of Zeus (at least pre new 52), her's is the Lasso of Lightning. This allows her to, if you hadn't guessed, channel Zeus's lightning through it. You read that right, a magical electrified lasso.

Just wanted to add that in.

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