DC Fanfics 376 members · 289 stories
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I want to write a good DC Universe fic but I have not been inspired lately. I have good idea for a Superman fic; This Superman is already a pony in my story idea so there is no need for a "Human in Equestria" scenario. I'm trying to rework the plot of Superman II to make it fit for the My Little Pony universe, but that is basically it. I'm brainstorming more Superman ideas and maybe some Batman fics. I'm planning on imitating the Marvel Cinematic Universe and make a series of fics involving other pony versions of DC heroes like Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. that will ultimately lead to them forming the Justice League of Equestria. I just need a little inspiration. If anyone has creative ideas feel free to post here. I'm doing this because the DC Group does not have enough love and I'm trying to fix that.

Actuallly I kinda do. I'm currently starting something a little similar to that.
Here what I've done so far, not much but something Truth, Justice and the Equestrian Way

I just read it and I enjoyed the first chapter. I like it, keep up the good work. It's going to take awhile to write mine however. (I'm brushing up on my Superman history)

Anyway, I'm starting off with a Green Lantern fic, and I'm just trying to figure out how to integrate elements from My Little Pony and the DCU. My initial idea was to have GL be a pegasus. Since Hal Jordan was a member of the Air Force, this GL could be a member of the Wonderbolts or trying out for the Wonderbolts. That's all I have for now, I'm still doing research and picking my brain for ideas.

I have a fusion fic (Superman) called Mare of Steel. Not much right now, but it counts for something

431647 Here's an idea that I threw out of my story and it could probably help you. Originally, I was going for a Wonderbolt who lost feeling in his wings after a freak accident, but is still committed to serving Equestria in anyway he can. His determination and willpower is then sensed by the "Lantern", a mystical object made from magic that predates the Starswirl, the Bearded. The Lantern entrusts him with power he's never witnessed before, through the use of a Green band attached to his limp wing.

I know you're going for a story with Scootaloo becoming GL. Maybe you could incorporate this idea. I'm not using it in "Heroic" so It doesn't really matter to me.

Hi everybody. I just made an account here, and though I don't think I have the time to write a story myself, I had a few ideas to share. I had this idea of mixing Doctor Fate with MLP. Maybe someone can pick this one up.

For those that may not be familiar with the character of Doctor Fate, I'll give a synopsis. He's one of the most powerful magical beings in the DCU. The original character was Kent Nelson. Basically, Fate has several magical artifacts that give him his power, the central of which (which gives the other two) is the Helmet of Fake, aka the Helm of Nabu. The helmet was the home of the spirit of Nabu, a powerful magician later reclassified as a Lord of Order.

Lords of Order are energy beings, like gods, that fight with their counterparts, the Lords of Chaos. How Nabu interacts with the wearer has varied, sometimes giving advice, or, my favorite version, using them as a host body. The YJ cartoon elaborated that Lords of Order and Chaos have difficulty maintaining a presence on the mortal plane, so the helmet was Nabu's way of doing it. Dr. Fate made his home in an invisible tower outside Salem Massachusetts.

Given the concept of the Lords of Order and Chaos, my mind was drawn to a parallel between how Celestia and Luna represent order and Discord is chaos. My idea was that the princesses' mother was a Lady of Order, and Discord was created as a response (the Lords of Chaos are rather stuck in a balancing act, a "anything you can do we can do better" thing)

The Elements of Harmony could be an extension of order magic. Discord could get free and get his hands on an item of chaos magic to enhance his magical power. And I had this idea that he was winning, that he even broke the elements of harmony, and Twilight would put on the Helmet of Fate. This of course would alarm Celestia, since she knows that Nabu doesn't usually let go of a host.

So Fate and Discord would battle, Fate would initially trounce Discord, until Discord draws up way more chaos magic, and Fate would have to bind him and toss him away to buy time fix the elements, because their specific magic was the only way to get rid of him.

Or something like that. What do you guys think? The order/chaos parallel was just too fascinating.

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