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Tell me what you all think about the plot.

The plot is that Lex Luthor thinks he's found away to beat Superman through the law by making a law that forces him to kill any villains he fights even if they aren't a deadly threat (he hopes that this move makes Clark lose his restrains with fighting anyone and ultimately using the public opinion that gave him would make the law possible to make himself look like the worlds' saivor. However, Lex didn't not think it completely through as Clark will realize that during the course of the story). This law, forces Clark to conside re-evulating his reasons for being superman.

That is the main plot from the earth side, (and the secondary reason he is brought to Equestria)

Mean while, the Spectre discovers that a Demon, who is called Tirek, the GOD of EVIL, is going to return to the universe where equestria is (and yes, the Spectre knows who it really is. Clark, the Mane6, the princesses and everypony/one else except the readers would't know which DC villain would be Tirek, though clark would have some susipions of who is). And decides that Clark is the only one who can stop him. This would kick the story off, with Clark wondering how the hell he got where he was.

There would be two villains in the story (with you know who/Tirek being the real villain, though he won't appear till the near the end. Mostly, because he is a major threat, it will be at least 3 chapters of him winning, till the plot device, aka the EOH, gives Clark the ability to cut loose.) The second villain, well let just say the red kryptonite (the "lasts 24 hours" version) would be involved, which would split him in to Superman red and blue (90's version because they're have different powers and the RedOni/BlueOni vibe to them, not because I like them) and also summon illusions of Lord-Superman, Ultraman, and PrimeMinister-Superman(the one from Injustice: Gods among us) making the secondary villain Superman himself in away.

Also I'd thought about a subplot involving Big Mac and FlutterShy learning about superman and his family, leading to an epilog where they find infant unicorn foal(they'd think he's a unicorn, but he would have wings that just that , unless they're cover by cloth or something, are just merged into his body when not in use. they don't know that when they find him) that they realize is there universes' version of clark when they see Supermans' emblem. And I'd end it there.

So what do you guys think? Is the idea good, or does it need work. Also yes, the ending would make Bing Mac and FlutterShy the equestrian Jonathan and Martha kent. I would of had their full names be FlutterShy Martha Posey and Jonathan MacIntosh Apple. The problem I have with it my self is, I doubt I can do the concept, the plot or even the characters justice as a writter. I just want to know, is at least that the concept good enough for a crossover.

Ok, the plot is somewhat sound and does need work.

Let's go for this point by point

First- the opening would suggest that this a pre-new 52 Lex is the pres right? I'm not currently up on the new 52 so I don't know.

Second, the plot sounds good for a Superman story, actually a great one as now there is a law that requires death. Heck, think of the politics behind this, the implications it has on the other members of the JLA like Bruce. How would they agree with this, Heck, what about the public opinion on such a law? the civies, ect.

However the problem comes with getting Superman from point A to point B...Why does Specter give a flip about Equestria? Maybe it might be better if I knew who it was that Tirek is going to be, but as it stands you just said that Tirek is a demon, and that is a lot of territory to cover. If anything, Spectre, being god's angel of vengance, would go himself. Seeing the man of steel as a nusicance rather than a help.

Also, why would the elements give Superman the power to cut loose and not the mane 6. I feel like the mane 6 and all of Equestria is just...there. there needs to be more.

Again, the concept is there, a good one. heck you can even make the law a part of how Superman can beat it. He can see how the ponies are doing what he has always strived for (peace, a light ect) and find a way to prove to the US that you don't need to kill in order to get real justice done. That power is all on you and you alone. He can then show how people can change, that there is always a better way. Killing is easy, making a life is hard. There just needs to be a better reason for Clark to get to Equestria rather than Spectre and Tirek. Now if Tirek were say...a reincarnated/reborn Darkseid and it was Metatron who sent Clark after Clark does a self exile. Also the mane 6 need a little bit more of a role rather than "Go man Go!" That has happened in lesser crossovers, believe me


To add, also make sure that there is a reason for why Mac and Flutters get together, married, not able to have kids, and find this world's kal-el. And why they would find out about Superman's parents.

1580119 Yes, Tirek is darkseid ( which was why said he was the god evil)
Also, the epilogue would be set 3 years after so they won't get together for awhile.

As for which superman, I think I'll keep that open to to the reader (though they're a few things that are different than other conitniuities and are just my superman head-cannon). And I'll have good reason the Spectre is involved ( I hope it will be good)

Ok, I decided to adress some questions about this fic Superman/Clark Kent, the plot and why he is in equestria (clark isn't just there to fight Darkseid/Tirek), as well as the ponies rolls in all this.

First things first:
Lex is still the CEO/Owner of LexCorp, but the reason he is able to introduce the law is because he is a senator (yes, the law is a ploy to discredit superman in around about way. The law has an obivous flaw Lex doesn't see due to being an Egomanical nassicitic sociopath with other issues, as well as an irrational hatred of Superman). He or any other DC characters besides the Spectre, Darkseid, and Clark himself won't appear until Clark returns to earth.

Superman, in this fic, has only been active for 7 years (he's around 32). He is not in exile, him going to equestria is because of the Spectre. Metron doesn't know about Equestria's universe, which is one of a few reasons he doesn't bring Clark there. Also Clark will reveal his given human name to the ponies, most as a sign he trusts them and as a show of good faith. Most of the fic will be slice of life/flashback/world building till the Red/blue arc and then it will switch over action/adventure. It centered around Clark veiws and the mane 6 having different opinions about him at the beginning till the Red/blue arc, which after it concludes, focuses of the coming of Tirek and Clark discovering who Tirek really is (and Clark does suspect it is Darkseid from the beginning, he just can't confirm it for a while).

As fot the the Ponies, Twilight, Celestia, Sweetie Bell, Rarity, AJ and Applebloom FlutterShy and Big Mac will be the least hostile to Clark. They don't believe he is dangerous or anything. and when told what is happening in his world, agree that the law is not a good idea. Luna, Rainbow and Scootaloo, while hostile, will at least only be hostile for petty reasons but not to the point they'd be villains, and Dash would be the one point out the flaw of the law. Pinkie, well she would realize real reason the Spectre brought Clark to Equestria. Clark is not at 100% (physically he is, mentally, not so much). And yes, the mane 6 will not be "go man go". They will all get to deal with Darkseids forces in some way.

If anyone has any question, feel free ask. I will answer them all (I can't answer any till the 31st becase I have some bussiness to deal with, but still ask them anyway).

I actually do like your idea, it sounds very promising. When do you plan to start working on the story?

3555066 Already working on it. In fact, I just published the fifth chapter (excluding the intermission) where Doomsday was defeated. Keep in mind, I've made some changes to the original Idea.

A lot of what I planned has been changed and or altered a bit to try an make it flow better.

For instance, Clark knows he's dealing with Darkseid (whose is still Tirek in this fic. I established he was This fics' Equestrias' version of Tirek long before the season 4 final aired. I also covered my ass by saying it was an alternate universe back when I first published the first chapter).

Also, I'm trying make my own verse from this fic.

In fact I have a Flash fic base in this fics' universe (Based on the Barry Allen Flash. He's a Unicorn if you were wondering). AND a Deadman fic featuring Scootaloo as 'Deadmare' (Don't worry, it has a happy end for her at least. It's only 3 chapters and complete). Feel free to give me your opinion on all of them

PS: I'm trying to find and editor and/or proofreader, So far I've had no luck.

3558244 Very interesting, I look forward to reading very soon. And if you need a proofreader, I'd be glad to help out.

I've been helping out the author of my favorite MLP crossover over the past two years, so if you ever need help, feel free to contact me and send me a private message.

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